0-1 sem i- inf in ite programm ing approach for new product developmen t plann ing
Fund Project:
开发新产品, 加速产品更新换代, 是企业持续经营和不断发展的重要手段. 近年来随着 C IM S 技术的不断发展, 生产管理集成化程度的提高, 只对产品作定性的分析已远远不能满足 企业发展的需要. 本文提出一种新产品开发计划的定量分析方法. 该方法将所有产品分为四种 具有不同收益曲线与参数的产品类型. 每种类型产品的曲线参数由其经济特性确定. 在产品量 化描述的基础上, 给出了一种利用021 半无限规划(021 S IP) 制订新产品开发计划的数学模型 方法.
Develop ing new p roduct and accelerat ing the update of p roduct are impo rtan t m ean s fo r en terp rise to con t inuou s operat ion and developm en t. W ith the advance of C IM S techno logy, the t radi2 t ional non2quan t if ied m ethods are no t sat isfacto ry to the m anagers of en terp rises to m ake the decision abou t new p roduct developm en t. Th is paper p ropo ses a quan t if ied app roach fo r new p roduct develop2 m en t p lann ing. It classif ies all p roduct s in to 4 differen t catego riesw ith differen t p rof it cu rves and pa2 ram eters. The cu rve’s param eters of each p roduct can be determ ined by it s econom ic characters. Based upon the quan t if ied p roduct descrip t ion, th is paper p resen t s a 021 sem i2Inf in ite p rogramm ing model to so lve the p rob lem of new p roduct developm en t p lann ing.