Abstract:Focu sing on value m anagem en t, th is art icle analyses the p rob lem s of m anagem en t know l2 edge system based on the funct ion m anagem en t, and these p rob lem includes the lack of innovat ion, the inco rrect p ropo sit ion abou t the f irm u t ility, the non2 rat ional understanding of info rm at ion func2 t ion and neglect of m anagem en t in tegrat ion. Choo sing the value m anagem en t as co re concep t, analyz2 ing the key facto rs affect ing the fo rm at ion, increasing and dist ribu t ion of value, au tho rs bu ild the st ructu re of the 6 I’s m anagem en t pat tern and discu ss the relat ion sh ip betw een the facto rs.