Abstract:Team is an impo rtan t fo rm to o rgan ize the bo t tom 2t ier emp loyees’p roduct ion in en ter2 p rise. Based on the info rm at ion p roducing and p rocessing du ring the en terp rises’p roduct ion, a m ath2 em at icalmodel regarding the bo t tom 2t ier emp loyees as single team is pu t fo rw ard. The model show s that ou tpu t of single team increases as team size grow ing, bu t the m arginal retu rn is decreasing. The single team ou tpu t has an upper lim it that can be increased by enhancing info rm at ion techno logy ( IT ) app licat ion s in the team. W hen emp loyees are num erou s, the team m em bersm ay be satu rated w ith in2 fo rm at ion. Thu s, team sp lit t ing is necessary. The team sp lit t ing model is p resen ted based on fo rm al single team model, and IT ’s impact s on op t im al size of team subgroup are also analyzed.