Abstract:Cu stom er relat ion sh ip m anagem en t (CRM ) is a focu s of m anagem en t research today. M uch advanced wo rk is done ab road, and som e of it s imp lem en tat ion are carried ou t also. How ever, the co rresponding research wo rk on CRM in Ch ina is delayed to the special developm en t of Ch ina’s e2 conom y. Based on the discu ssion of CRM ’s def in it ion and advan tage, the au tho rs analyze the impo r2 tance and em ergency fo r Ch ina to com e up w ith the in ternat ional imp lem en tat ion of CRM. A lso, sev2 eral fu tu re CRM research direct ion s fo r Ch ina are pu t fo rw ard.