Abstract:In th is paper, f rom the idea of common t rend, w e pu t fo rw ard the def in it ion of co2persis2 tence in vo lat ility of vecto r SV model, and estab lish the equ ivalen t relat ion sh ip betw een common per2 sistence in vo lat ility and co in tegrat ion. M eanw h ile, w e give two rep resen tat ion s of common persisten t facto rs under the Stock2Wo t son and Gonzalo2Granger facto r decompo sit ion s, and verify the ex istence of co in tegrat ion betw een these two rep resen tat ion s. Mo reover, under the unob served variab les to be VAR (1) , the rep resen tat ion of co2persistence facto rs is p resen ted, and necessary condit ion s of ex ist2 ing co2persistence facto rs are also studied.