Abstract:Th is paper studies the effect of p roduct s value st ructu re and t im e co st of cap ital on the cho ices of supp ly chain po stponem en t st rategy. A t f irst, the def in it ion of t im e co st of cap ital and the type of po stponem en t st rategy are given, and the types of p roduct s, acco rding to the p roduct value st ructu re, are differen t iated. O n the basis of differen t type of po stponem en t st rategy, the p roduct co st models w ith the facto r of t im e co st and w ithou t are p ropo sed. Based on these models, the effect of t im e co st on the cho ices of po stponem en t st rategy is analyzed, and the co rresponding p roper po st2 ponem en t st rategy is cho sen. By the conclu sion s of th is paper, the co rpo rat ion can exp lo it po stpone2 m en t st rategy to reduce the co st and st rengthen the compet it ivenessmo re eff icien t and effect ive.