Abstract:This research investigates the relationship between organizational psychological contract violation and managers' EVLN among 512 managers from a wide variety of research sites. The results suggest that: 1. The psychological contract between organizations and their managers are consist of transactional psychological contract, relational psychological special relationship contract and managerial psychological contract between organizations and their managers. 2 Managerial psychological contract indicates a Managerial psychological contract is positively related to manager's exit and neglect, negatively related to manager's voice and loyalty; Transactional psychological contract is positively related to manager's exit and negatively related to manager's voice; Relational psychological contract is positively related to manager's neglect. 3. Managers pay more attention to managerial psychological contract and transactional psychological contract than relational psychological contract. Orgariizational psychological contract violation on the two aspects will cause managers increasing destructive behavior and decreasing constructive behavior