在总体网络布局规划完成的前提下分析网络各边的构建时间和先后顺序.在给定的规划网络 G(V,A,G)中,有 r 对 O-D 用户流,在总的网络建设费用、维护费用及用户流成本最小的目标下分析各阶段投资方案的选择问题.模型以各种费用的现值为基础讨论了模型的变化情况,并给出了基于贪婪的启发式算法.最后以巩义市道路网的建设规划为例进行了分析,实例显示,该模型和算法为巩义市的道路网规划节约了数千万元的社会成本,增加了近亿元的直接社会经济效益.
This paper discusses the construction time table and the sequence of each arc of network based on the condition that the network layout planning has been finished.Given a planning network G(V,A,C)with r known origin-destination pairs of customer flows,the options of investment schemes in each period is evaluated with the goal of minimizing the total construction cost,maintenance cost and customer flow cost of the whole network.How the model changes when the present value of all kinds of costs ch...