This paper assumes transparent traders are ambiguous about the standard deviation ( variance,or investment risk) of the returns of the extra investment opportunities. This ambiguity restraints transparent trad-ers’investment decisions,and may lead to a higher equity premium and a loss of social welfare. Due to ambi-guity aversion,transparent traders make decisions by adopting smooth ambiguity aversion model. Their de-mand function manifests continuous and smooth features. While,opaque traders having information advantage after paying information acquisition cost are standard risk averse investors. From the Rational Expectation E-quilibrium ( REE) ,our analysis shows that: opaque traders appear to generate strictly positive excess returns if only their net wealth is strictly positive; increasing information acquisition cost is not a good policy since it decreases the fraction of sophisticated traders,increases equity premium,and decreases welfare; regulation policy aiming to reduce ambiguity by improving the market transparency always increases the welfare.