Abstract:How to m ake the b id st rategy is an impo rtan t p rob lem in virtual en terp rise under the global compet it ion m arket. The feasib le scope of b id p rice is go t ten th rough the stat ic gam ing model. The p rof it facto r is wo rked ou t by u sing the fuzzy comp rehen sive evaluat ion. Th is paper p resen t s a dual comp rison sequencing m ethod to calcu late the w eigh t of each characterist ic du ring the evaluat ion p rocess. P ro ject s can be described by u sing som e key characterist ics. Th is paper p resen t s a fuzzy comp rehen sive evaluat ion m ethod to get the expert’s individual fuzzy p referred o rder to p ro ject s. A cco rding to the requ isit ion of sat isfacto ry degree and the ru le of the cheapest co st, the paper gives ou t the op t im um b id t im e. A nd also som e key ru les, w h ich impact b id p rocess great ly, are listed. The b id st rategy of th is paper gives a new w ay to increase the po ssib ility of w inn ing b id.