Analysis of laten t categor ies of indiv idual investors in Chinese stock markets

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    W ith a self2comp iled quest ionnarie, th is research aim s to discuss the w ay in w h ich investo rs select stock s to invest and to ident ify w hether there are different catego ries of investo rsw ho focus on different aspect s of info rmat ion in select ing stock s. The resu lt s reveal that in select ing stock s, investo rs generally focus on the t rend of the market and the move of the masters, considering o ther info rmat ion as w ell. Then, acco rding to the po ssible facto rs influncing the stock select ion, all the investo rs are catego rized into th ree k inds by cluster analy2 sis: A nalyt ical ones, confo rmable ones and synthet ic ones. A lso, based on the resu lt of classificat ion,w e estab2 lish two funct ions to discrim inate the catego ries of the investo rs.

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