Asking prices as signals of quality under bilateral asymmetric information

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    The issue of the asking price ( AP) before trading has received much attention from economists.Most of the existing literature argues that AP can be used as a signal of the seller’s reservation price or pro_x005fduction cost,which is the private value of the seller.Little attention is paid to the relationship between the AP and the quality of an asset,which is a common value of the seller.We examine the signaling mechanism of the AP under bilateral asymmetric information.We find that,given that the trade opportunity shrinks with increas_x005fing quality,there are two contrasting effects with the change of the AP: the price effect and the trade effect.The marginal rate of substitution between the trade effect and the price effect is higher for the seller with a lower quality asset.This means that the single-crossing condition is satisfied in this bilateral asymmetric information game.Given the boundary condition is satisfied,there is a unique separating equilibrium.A seller with a lower quality has an incentive to signal the quality with a lower AP,and it is reasonable to expect a higher quality from assets with a higher AP.All possible trades will be accomplished in this unique separating equilibrium despite the informational asymmetry.

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  • Online: April 16,2018
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