Abstract:By explicitly considering the dynamic nature of capital structure,this paper re-examines the rela-tionship between leverage and cross-section expected returns in both China and the U. S. . Specifically,the paper decomposes leverage into target and relative components and finds that relative leverage better explains expected returns than observed leverage. Fama-MacBeth regression results show that relative leverage is posi-tively and significantly related to equity returns in both these two markets,however,the effect mechanism of relative leverage differs. Specifically,compared with the U. S. ,over-leverage tends to affect equity returns more significantly than under-leverage and relative book leverage has a weaker influence in China. Further-more,the portofolio tests using joint iterated GMM procedure show that different asset pricing models with rela-tive leverage factors dominate FF model in China and the U. S. respectively. These findings provide a new perspective to the relationship between financial leverage and equity returns under different institutional envi-ronments.