Abstract:Considering multiple potential suppliers with supply risk and private cost information,this paper studies the optimal design of dual-sourcing auctions where the suppliers bid the wholesale prices. Firstly, under a general buyer revenue function,the optimal allocation rule and suppliers’bidding equilibrium are de-rived,and the results are compared with the single-sourcing case and the symmetric information case,respec-tively. Comparisons show that both the buyer and suppliers gain more expected profits than under the optimal single-sourcing mechanism,and information asymmetry benefits suppliers but hurts the buyer and the entire supply chain. Then,in a newsvendor setting and a monopoly setting,the paper further analyzes the diversifica-tion degree of quantity allocation,the effects of information asymmetry,and the value of the dual-sourcing op-tion. Results show that the diversification degree of quantity allocation increases with the supply risk and the homogeneity level of winners’profit-margin contributions to the buyer. The higher-cost winner charges a higher per unit information rent than the lower-cost winner does,which results in a lower diversification degree as compared with the symmetric information case. Moreover,when the supply risk or the number of bidders in-creases,the value of the dual-sourcing option increases.