• Volume 3,Issue 4,2000 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Quantitative modeling and planning of the product development process in concurrent engineering

      2000, 3(4).

      Abstract (723) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1559) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Since in some proposed quantitative models the detail feature of the mini circulation of design revision in product development process has not been described sufficiently, a new type of quantitative model based on the network of product process design activity pairs is proposed in this paper to describe the product development process in concurrent engineering. And the method of computing the mean duration of the product process design activity pair and the resource occupation rate of product or process design activity is proposed. Based on that,the problem of the planning of the product development proc ess in concurrent engineering is modeled as a resource—constrained project scheduling problem.Different from other resousce—constrained project scheduling problems,in this paper,the number of the resources allocated for the product development project is not pre—determined.but is ohtained along with the optimal product development plan.Therefore,this is an integrated optimization problem of the resource allocation and the planning of the product development process.A new algorithm based on branch—and—hound approach is proposed in this papef for solving the problem and a heuristic rule is introduced to improve the searching efficiency of the algorithm .

    • Incubating new enterprises: dynamical process and distribution of resources

      2000, 3(4).

      Abstract (521) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1657) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Business Incubator is an artificial environment of fostering the innovation system of SMEs. The essential of incubating is controlling and regulating the conditions and environment of incubator to promote the growth of SMEs. This article depicts the incubation cycle and its dynamical processing through reviewing the conceptions, objectives and characters of incubation and incubator. And the problem of distribution on resources is discussed in this paper.

    • Decision problem solution based on case based reasoning

      2000, 3(4).

      Abstract (672) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3345) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Case based reasoning is a new way in AI. In view of the disadvantages existing in the present cased based,this paper elaborates them with new viewpoints, including case representation under complex circumstances,case retrieval,case adjustment and the integration between case based reasoning and other reasoning engine such as rule based reasoning and evidence based reasoning. An algorithm of case based complex reasoning under incomplete information is also put forward. The above study stimulates the application of case_based reasoning and provides it with theoretical suppot.Furthermore,based on the analysis of decision problem solution model,this paper discusses the solution strategy under complicated decision background using case—based reasoning and gives the framework of the system.

    • >研究简报
    • Research on the structure model of IDSS integrating qualitative reasoning

      2000, 3(4).

      Abstract (488) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1242) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper analyses the drawback of IDSS under the high level decision making. It proposes the “Hierarchical Decomposing” integrating method, which derive from qualitative to quantitative methods. It presents the IDSS architecture integrated with the Qualitative Reasoning, which derives from the AI domain. At last, it discusses the process flow of the intelligent problems handling model.

    • >论文
    • The study of the processes and approaches of integrating business strategy planning and information system strategy planning

      2000, 3(4).

      Abstract (452) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2369) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the development of the application of information systems (IS) in business, there is a tendency to integrate business strategy planning (BSP) and information system strategy planning (ISSP) based on the varied market environment. The different processes and approaches of integrating BSP& ISSP such as bottom up approach, top down approach, inside out approach and meddle out approach have been reviewed and analyzed in the paper. Furthermore, to meet the requirement of the revolution time,the overall framework of integrating BSP and ISSP,which considers the alignment from a systematic per— spective,is proposed.Finally,the amended Portfolio Model is discussed and the suitable methods are given in accordance with the different integration approaches.

    • The study of institution reformation in market economy

      2000, 3(4).

      Abstract (337) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1134) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Institution reformation is a main aspect of Chinese reformation of economical system, however, it drop behind other aspects heavily because of the absence of the admission about institution market. By demonstrational investigating Chinese institution reformation, analyzing problems of the reformation, and putting institution in the macro system of market economy, this paper has proved the existence of institution market. The bound and classification is studied for solving the system problem and mechanism problem of institution.According to the principle of public economics t institution is redefined as a kind of nonprofit organization that engages comm onweal service.As a kernel of institution reformation.the property right system reformation of institution is studied.Furthermore,institution is classified via two methods.The concept of fundamental institution that is sponsored by government is specially submitted so that government can play a supporting and directing role in the field of commonweal service.

    • An analysis on the capital formation of China's economy in new stage

      2000, 3(4).

      Abstract (249) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1143) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the background of China's new stage in the building of socialist market economy, the paper set up two models, optimal economy growth under two goals (capital accumulation and consumption) and optimal investment ratio, then analyses the new situations of capital formation in China's economy. Based on the models and analyses, some economic policies are given.

    • The effects and analysis of investment of information technology on market

      2000, 3(4).

      Abstract (710) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1655) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:After sellers investing in the information technology to the market, the buyers' search cost decreases, and the profit of buyer declines. The sellers who invest more in information technology as to make the search cost reduced more can expand the market share and take an advantageous competition. All these are based on the analysis of using Hotelling spatial differentiation model and the equilibrium theory of the game theory, and on the assumption that there is no collusion and monopoly between sellers. The strategy of the sellers is analyzed subsequently.Reducing search cost would increase the buyers’and the social welfare.W e argue that when the buyers search cost reduce to zero,the market would be in the best of equilibrium competition.which can be described as marginal cost equal to market price-buyers appropriate aU the surplus and sellers have zero profit.In the end,the productivity paradox of information technology is analyzed and interpreted with our mode1.

    • An analysis on budget based compensation plan and linear compensation plan

      2000, 3(4).

      Abstract (368) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1511) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Budget based compensation plan and linear compensation plan are investigated under the principal agent framework. By building simplified models and analyzing numerical results to these models, we identify a basic factor that has great influence on firm's compensation plan choice issue. The simulation results help firms on how to design compensation plans according to the quality of their managment performance evaluation systems.

    • Scheduling mixed model assembly lines in JIT production systems

      2000, 3(4).

      Abstract (662) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2897) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Solving the mixed model scheduling problem is the most important goal for Just in time production systems.This paper built the multi level mixed model scheduling model whose objective is the minimization of the variability in parts consumption.Then the genetic algorithm and the simulation annealing are used to solve the problem.The results show that the solution which GA and SA produces is better than the one Toyota's Goal Chasing Algorithm

    • >专论文章
    • SCI, SSCI and journals of management science

      2000, 3(4).

      Abstract (3552) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4393) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It will try to answer several questions for that have different opinions: Whether or not the journals of management science are covered by Science Citation Index (SCI)? Which journals of management science are covered by SCI and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)? What are the useful methods of evaluation for journals of management science? Are there any shortage with SCI? What troubles will be haven by Chinese scientists to publish articles on important international journals? And what measures can we make for these troubles?Finally,the ranking table of journals of management science covered by SCI in 1998 and by SSC1 in 1997 was given in the appendix.

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