• Volume 4,Issue 1,2001 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • A further study on the second degree price discrimination

      2001, 4(1).

      Abstract (670) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3078) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, we study systematically the problem of maximizing monopoly revenue and monopoly profit under the condition of the second degree price discrimination, and some new results of both theoretical and practical importance are obtained. The relevant formulas for computing maximum revenue and maximum profit are presented here. The computing formulas given in this paper are simple and easy to carry out.

    • A primary study on disequilibrium transportation planning

      2001, 4(1).

      Abstract (490) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1373) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The traditional transportation planning takes the microeconomics Walras equilibrium principle as its theoretical base. Transportation planning is revealed at the point of market equilibrium, and doesn't consider the market disequilibrium cases. Actually, an equilibrium state is a special disequilibrium. Under some market conditions, an equilibrium case can be realized. However, these conditions are very rigorous, we scarcely obtain them. Even if an equilibrium state is carried out, it is still temporary,and can’t represent the real market. Transportation market is usually in disequilibrium state.Based OI1 the macroeonomics disequilibrium theory and pertinent research achievements,the idea of disequilibrium transportationplanning is proposed in this paper.In order to establish a basic theoretical framework,the existence of market disequilibrium is shown by analyzing the price and quantity regulation mechanism.The unified model of market equilibrium and disequilibrium is introd uced by virtue of variational inequality.In this paper,the concept of disequilibrium degree is also posed.and the method for disequilibrium traffic demand forecasting is proposed by incorporating the disequilibrium degree.Finally,the price—quantity regulation printiple of macroeeonomics disequilibrium theory is introduced into the user’S route choice behavior,a more general behavior principle is proposed as a result.

    • The evolution and lock in of technology

      2001, 4(1).

      Abstract (321) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1200) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper focuses on the competition between technologies with increasing and decreasing returns to adoption. We present a dynamic stochastic model to explore the properties of the evolution of technology. These long run outcomes of the evolutionary process, we show, correspond to the stable fixed points of a decision function, and can easily be identified. The evolution of technology under increasing returns to adoption (the probability of adoption rises with the share of the market) could show multiple equilibrium and may drive the adopter market to a single dominant technologies and cause lock—in,with small events early on “selecting”the technology that takes over.However.there is no guarantee that the” fittest”technology(in the long—run sense)will be the one that survives.Under diminishing returns,static analysis is sufficient:the outcome is unique,insensitive to the order in which choices are made.and insensitive to small events that occur during the formation of the market.The reasonable govern ment policy was suggested for the technology—based parts where increasing returns dominate Policies that are appropriate to success in high—tech production and international trade would encourage industries to be aggressive in seeking Out prod uct and process improvements

    • Study on DSS modeling knowledge representation

      2001, 4(1).

      Abstract (358) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1590) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A knowledge based modeling support system is issued in this paper.Its knowledge consists of three parts:modeling rule knowledge,variable type knowledge and data mapping knowledge.The modeling rule knowledge represents the decision maker's modeling process.The variable type knowledge defines data types for all variables in the modling rule knowledge.The data mapping knowledge defines sources of the data required during solving.After the decision maker inputs a problem,the modeling support system will solve it according to the modeling knowledge automatically and at last commit the result to the decision—maker.M eanwhile,machine learning is adopted to acquire knowledge during problem solving,

    • >应用案例
    • Integrating MRPII with ISO9000 based on processes similarity

      2001, 4(1).

      Abstract (428) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1435) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:MRPII and ISO9000 are currently the most popular management approaches in many China's firms, but usually they were implemented separately. We argue that it is possible and necessary to integrate MRPII with ISO9000, process similarity and functional interaction lay a good foundation for this integration. By analyzing some major processes of MRPII and ISO9000, a frame of Integrating MRPII with ISO9000 was proposed.

    • >论文
    • Analysis and development of the method and model of option game theory

      2001, 4(1).

      Abstract (3838) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5848) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Because of the potential problems in traditional theory about project evaluation, this paper presents an in depth review of the research on the newly developed framework of the evaluation option game Theory, which is derived from OPT and Game Theory. On the basis of thorough analysis, a general framework is provided to outline the analysis and research; secondly, we embodied the present Option Game models in the framework to make a better understanding of them. In the last section, further research direction of option—game theory and its applications are indicated.

    • The interval searching approach for solving portfolio frontier with no short selling

      2001, 4(1).

      Abstract (248) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1376) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper investigates the structure and the property of the portfolio frontier with no short selling, on this basis an interval searching approach for solving portfolio frontier problem with no short selling is put foreword. Portfolio frontier with no short selling together with all of its composing parabolas can be conveniently and rapidly determined. The approach is of important theoretical meaning and practical value for solving portfolio optimization problem with large scale covariance matrix and also useful for putting po rtfolio theory and its associate methods into practical use.

    • Portfolio analysis to Shanghai stock market: a trade off between mean and absolute deviation

      2001, 4(1).

      Abstract (309) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2452) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Large scale portfolio analysis to stock markets in China has not been much discussed in the lite rature. In this paper, based on the approach of a trade off between mean and absolute deviation, we investigate the portfolio performances of 169 A stocks in Shanghai stock market. Some useful conclusions are derived, which are helpful to understand the investment in Shanghai stock market both for the investors and the market supervisors. This paper indicates that the software QuanzPortfolio utilized is efficient to cope with the large scale portfolio data,and helpful to analyze the portfolio investment in secuity markets for investors(in particular+the fund company)

    • >应用案例
    • The size distribution of high tech innovation firms in China

      2001, 4(1).

      Abstract (307) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1916) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In recent years, a number of studies about firm size and innovation find that small firms introduce more innovations than their larger counterparts. This has been widely interpreted as indicating that small firms are more innovative than large ones, or that small firms are more efficient innovators than large ones. In China, however, the relationship between innovation and firm size in high tech firms still remains undiscovered, so this paper is completed to serve this purpose. We hope that the conclusions we made in this paper can test those accepted viewpoints,and especially that some interesting conclusions can be found to explain the special situations in Chinese high—tech firms.In study.survey data from 960 high tech firms are used to analnyze the relationship between the firm size and innovation capability.According to the generally used classification standard by firm’s employees.the paper also analyses the distribution pattern of innovation expenditure.R&D expenditure.sale scale and innovation ratio of different firm size Ievels.After comparing our analyzing results with foreign scholars and general industrial firms,we find three special trends as follows.Firstly,R&D intensity decreases with the increasing of employes’number.Secondly innovation intensity generally presents a convex U distribution trend.Finally,innovation efficiency of considerably small high—tech firms is low.

    • >论文
    • Credit risk assessment in commercial banks under less samples

      2001, 4(1).

      Abstract (732) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3675) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a new method, cross validation, is presented to deal with credit risk assessment in commercial banks because of less samples of the financial data in our country. The method reduces the predictive bias based on sample reuse techniques. Empirical results indicate that the new technique is more accurate than traditional discriminant analysis method in dealing with the problem of credit risk assessment with less samples.

    • Scientometrical measurement and evaluation on international collaboration of basic research in China

      2001, 4(1).

      Abstract (625) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2694) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the basis of Science Citation Index, we have established the data base and its statistics system about international co authored articles between China and 33 countries. Adopting the normative scientometrics indicators of international scientific collaboration, we have systemically measured and evaluated the current situation of international collaboration of Chinese basic research from six aspects. It is that international co authored articles increase and their disciplines distribution, comparison internationalization degree among the disciplines’output,country’s distribution of important international coHaboration partners.disciplines distribution of cooperation study between China and some representative countries,Chinese important institutions participating in international cooperation study.This study’s conclusion has been applied in constituting the five years plan of international collaboration of Chinese bask research.

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