• Volume 4,Issue 4,2001 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Basic decision making network model for GDSS

      2001, 4(4).

      Abstract (436) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2206) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to study the interaction between the task environment and organizational design, an analysis model-decision making network graph is introduced to construct GDSS decision making network, which component structures are tandem one and tree type one with two layers and multi branches. The optimization is formally described by use of probability influence graph. Finally, it is discussed how to classify cooperation works as well as analysis steps for task environment

    • Prediction method and application about chaotic economic timeseries

      2001, 4(4).

      Abstract (253) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1315) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We consider the problem of prediction and system identification for chaotic economic timeseries that arise from the intrinsic nonlinear dynamics of the system .We give a procedure for constructing para me terized maps which evolve points in the phase space into the future. The predictor of future points in the phase space is a combination of operation on past points by the map and its iterates. Thus the map is regarded as a dynamical system and not just a fit to the data. The invariants of the dynamic system is used as constraints on the choice of mapping parameters.The parameter values ale chosen through the improved optimization method.We also discuss the motivation and methods we utilize for ehoosinE the form of ouf parametric maps.W e give detailed examples to testify the algorithm in this paper.We find we are able to select the optimal rank of the modelll that can increase the precision of prediction,and n0nlinear chaotic models can not provide long period superior predictions

    • Optimization model for bi level distribution network design in supply chain management

      2001, 4(4).

      Abstract (757) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2513) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Distribution channel decision is one of the most important decisions in supply chain management (SCM) because it has direct effects on other marketing decisions. In this paper, from the standpoint of integration and coordination of the supply chain, an optimization model for bi level distribution network design in which demand allocation is considered is put forward. Demand for products are allocated to branch plants by their respective production capacity and demands of customer zones, productions are are p lanned to reduce the to tal co st of p roduct ion2dist ribu t ion system. To speed up the solution of the problem , a solution method that hybridizes heuristic algorithm with conventional branch and bound method is presented. According to the problem ’s characteristics, a heuristic algorithm is used to find a near optimal solution, then the near optimal solution is used as the upper bound in branch and bound to find optimal solution. At the end of this paper, a numerical example is given.

    • Study on putable convertible exchangeable bond (PCEB) pricing

      2001, 4(4).

      Abstract (259) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1358) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Issuing putable convertible exchangeable bond (PCEB) is a better way for state owned equity to secede from competitive area according to the real status of China Mainland. On the basis of the theore tical analyses, the simulation arithmetic was presented to price PCEB. An applied example was given for listed companies in China. The results obtained were helpful to explore the state owned equity seceding method.

    • Information integration based air traffic control command monitoring system-ATCCMS

      2001, 4(4).

      Abstract (475) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1842) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:During past ten years, airtraffic in Ch na has experienced a rapid rise. As a result, the work loads of air traffic controllers increased greatly and therefore controllers’ mistakes that threaten fight safety happened more frequently. Although TCAS is a successful technical innovation for pilots to enhance flight safety, it is still lack of anautomatic system for air traffic contro lers, which can monitor real time operations of air traffic control and give an alert to human controllers on probab ly control errors, act ing as an in telligent supervisor. The two main reasons are the complexity of some core technology and lack of participation of system scientists and control engineers. This paper presents the architecture of Air Traffic Control Comm nd Monitoring System (ATCCMS). This system is designed fo rair traffic controllers to reduce wrong commands and to enhance flight safety.The core design idea is as follows: Firstly, ATCCMS in tegrates several kinds of fundamental information, including radar data, flight plan, ground?a irvoice communication,meteoro logical data and en route situation data. Secondly, correlating to radar data and expert know ledge,ATCCMS acquires the content of ground?a irvo ice communication based on up todate speech recognition and natural language processing techno logy. Thirdly,ATCCMS estimates futuret rajectory of aircraft and detect spotential conflicts based on the recognition of human controller’s voice command. Simulation experiments show that ATC safety w ill be effectively improved through information integration approach rather than upgrading individual technology. The proto type of ATCCMS is under developing cooperated with North China Air traffic Management Bureau, CAAC

    • >研究简报
    • Probing on model of enterprises with virtual operation

      2001, 4(4).

      Abstract (449) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2026) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:What is virtual operating mode and how it arises have been described in this paper. Several specific examples have been raised to summarize the current modes of virtual operation. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the features, and essence of virtualization and the characteristics of virtual enterprises in the future world of network. This paper discusses meanings of virtual operation of an organization and its ari sing background.

    • >应用案例
    • Relativity between R&D investment and scale of firms

      2001, 4(4).

      Abstract (533) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1198) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the achievements acquired by scholars worldwide in research on the relativity between R&D investment and firms scale, this paper establishes a distinctive and synthetic index, called "Relative Elasticity of R&D Expenditure". Thereby, this paper analyses deeply the relation between R&D investment intensity and scale of firms in USA, China and Wuhan, compares their similarities and differences of R&D deportment in large and medium sized firms, and then draws strongly explanatory conclusions.

    • Study of reengineering of information structure in large and middle enterprises of China

      2001, 4(4).

      Abstract (244) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1151) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the origin of information structure reengineering problem in enterprises is set forth firstly. Then, the relations that need settlement in the process of information structural reengineering are analyzed. Finally, at the basis of case study of information structural reengineering in our enterprises, the model for information structural reengineering in large and middle enterprises is proposed

    • >论文
    • Study on control method for class of chaotic economic model

      2001, 4(4).

      Abstract (711) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1892) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A chaotic model of many parameters in economic systems is presented, differential dynamical theory is used to study alterable parameter structure methods for feedback control. Chaotic control method for many parameters is used successfully. Wavelet filter method is discussed synchronously, chaotic unstable trajectory is controlled by actual inventory management chaotic model

    • Research on methods of mining quantitative association rules in database

      2001, 4(4).

      Abstract (749) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1958) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Data mining is an important method of building intelligent decision support system, association rule is an important content of data mining. Apriori, the traditional algorithm, can only discovery the qualitative associated relation among data, but the quantitative associated relation is more helpful in decision making. Mapping attribute's value into discrete characters is a key step in mining quantitative association rules, in which the partition granularity of attribute's value is a key factor affecting the quality of the result of data mining— In this paper,by integrating the theory of rough sets.a method of mapping attribute’s value into discrete character with a fine value partition granularity is developed.and then a new algorithm of mining quantitative association rules.Apriori_2,is presented. M any rules which are helpfu1 in decision—making can be mined by Apriori_2

    • >应用案例
    • Empirical investigation of initial returns of Chinas A share IPOs

      2001, 4(4).

      Abstract (593) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3528) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Very high initial returns can be found in China's A share stock market. In this paper, we empirically identify some of the causes of such high initial returns, using data compiled for 472 A share Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) listed between January 1, 1995 and May 30, 1998. We attribute the high initial returns to the disconnection of the pricing mechanisms between A share stock's primary market and its secondary market. We also find some of the factors that have significant influence on the initial returns such as the offerring price—the time of the IPO ,the size of the IPO and so forth.Our empirical results do n0f support thai the IPO underpricing is due to a separating equilibrium or the government commitment,which has been sug ested by some western scholars Neither do we find any significant long term under Drformance within the IPOs we have sludied.In addition.there is a vast oversubscription in almost every IPO,which makes the actual return to the subscribers who have been actual[y allocated some shares of the new issue far less than the nominal initial return.AIl these phenomena described above are associated with hoth the stock market's stage of development and the government’s regularing policies

    • >专论文章
    • The most important thing of Chinese enterprises

      2001, 4(4).

      Abstract (388) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1429) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Too short time accumulated, too much shackles from the history, so which is more important between technological innovation and organizational innovation? Which is more important of technological power and social power? In current China, the common idea is apt to technological innovation. The 'innovation' and 'technological innovation' are used for the same meaning and time. Ignoring the management and organization environment construction, which is caused by the concept partial to technological innovation are used for the same meaning and time.Ignoring the management and organization environment construction, which is caused by the concept partial to technological innovation and adoration for the technique power, is a wrong understanding.The organizational factor, not the technical factor, is crucial for the economy increase. Especially, the efficiency economic organization is the key to the economic increase. For developing the high techindustry, the organization is more important than the technique. A country’s economic strength is depended on the enterprises’. I wonder whether Chinese enterprise is a efficiency economic organization or not? What is the problem ? In my opinion, the problem is also caused by the management. The management is productivity. The benefit, the quality, the efficiency and the competitive power can all be produced by the management. From macroeconomic to microeconomic, a high price have been paid for the shortage of management. In current, the key problem is to enforce the management.

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