• Volume 4,Issue 6,2001 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Meta-model of enterprise modeling in dynamic alignment

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (371) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1596) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Virtue enterprise (VE) is of two major characters that are virtue work environment and outsourcing, which requires the support of information technology/information systems(IT/IS). It is worthy to make a research on the whole information systems architecture when construct the enterprise model of the dynamic alignment. The paper presents the meta model of strategic dependence model/strategic rationale model, which embody the idea of the GO(goal oriented)method seen as the complementary of OO(object—oriented)OD the early stages of enterprise modeling.Furthermore,it analyzes the meta—model of dynamic alignment based on the infrastructure in VE.Finally,the example is given and discussed

    • Study of scaling and application in stock market fluctuation

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (411) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1569) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Scaling is found in a wide range of systems from nature to society, of economy and finance, is the power law behavior of a particular observable. Financial complexity is promulgated. On the bases of scaling of stock fluctuation and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) the application is researched, empirical scaling exponent of stock market is calculated.(Ⅰ)spread DFA into dynamic recursion algorithm; (Ⅱ) calculate the scaling exponent of the prices of some interior stocks. The conclusion shows that, compared with DFA and R/S(rescaled range analysis)recursion DFA computes faster,has smaller internal storage and it can meet with the real demand of stock fluctuation analysis more wel1.The scaling analysis of interior stock fluctuation shows that Shanghai stock market and Shenzhen stock market have a lasting characteristic. The influence of big financial event to these two stock markets is lasting

    • Organizing way of committee decision-making based on relationship of emotion

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (258) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1169) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:During the committee decision making, decision makers are always influenced by emotion and behave irrationally. This gives rise to decline of efficiency of decision making and consumes unnecessary time. Furthermore, not reach conclusion. In this paper by analysis, get a result of making a committee progress smoothly with the odd decision makers, stable emotion and majority rules.

    • Future hedge decision support system based on neural network

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (395) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1983) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper analyses total logic of the future hedge decision support system based on the characteristics of hedge operation. Artificial neural network expert system is adopted to forecast the tendency of future market. The ANN model is set and its structure is carefully designed. In the ANN model as prediction of future price, parameters of the model are dynamically changed in order to search preferable effect of prediction. This model has been applied to the real cases of forecasting of future, and the analysis of application of prediction result is given. At the same time,the structure and function of the DSS are given,which have stated significance for supporting decision of hedger

    • Combination forecasting based on Stein-rule estimation and error correction

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (306) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1842) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Combination forecasting pioneered by Granger is an efficient way to diversify forecasting risk and thus to deal with model uncertainty. However, the empirical evidences have shown that the simple combining forecasts usually outperform the complex models due to the uncertainty and instability of the relationship between single forecasts. In this paper, the combination forecasting methods and model specification based on Stein rule shrinkage estimation and error correction mechanism are studied. The empirical results show that the perform ance of combining forecasts can be improved by adopting Stein rule estimators to combine non—sample information and sample information.Furthermore,the error correction models of combining forecasts are more accurate than other model forms. The error correction models proposed in this paper are more efficiency than previous models in"utilizing the co—integration relationship between non—stationary series and their forecasts,and therefore even better and more applicable.

    • Optimal consumption and investment strategy based on worst-case

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (278) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1201) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under the hypothesis that security returns have bounded uncertainty,considering transaction costs,based on the theory of differential game,a optimal consumption and investment decision problem in financial market is studied.First,the differential game model for optimal consumption and investment decision problem was established.Secondly,the differential game proved to have a unique value function,and a partial differential equation is obtained for the value function.Third,The worst case optimal consumption and investment strategies are given.Finally,the.solution of IB partial differential equation in financial investment is made to explore the properties of the solution roughly,

    • Resolutions and effects of technological innovations on energy efficiency of industrial groups

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (286) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1120) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper studies effects of technological innovations on energy efficiency of industrial groups by introducing the evolutionary views on the optimal ways in which animals search for food originally,coming up with their resolutions. First of all,the paper describes the basic model of energy efficiency of a class of industrial groups,giving an assumption about relations between technology and market demand,also giving an assumption about energy efficiency of firm A and B. Secondly, the paper studies the effect of technological innovation on energy efficiency of the horizontal industrial groups and shows the theorem which gives the sufficient conditions improving energy efficiency of the core firm after the model has been set up,coming up with a resolution for the core firm .and then it studies the vertical industrial groups in which the core firm is a downstream firm and obtains a simihr result after the model has been set up Finally,it prorides an example that illustrates its idea telling the cove firm how to make a decision according to energy efficiency.In short,we take growth of an industrial group as evolution of an animal group and try to apply the evolutionary ideas to economic research.

    • Analysis and measuring model of voting individuals' power on weighted majority rules

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (670) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3983) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under the weighted majority rule, when voting individuals make a decision to choice one of two alternatives (or candidates), the individuals' power can be measured by two methods which are Shapley Shubik's power index and Banzhaf's power index. But these two methods can't measure the individuals' power when the individuals make decision to choice one of alternatives (or candidates) between three or more alternatives (or candidates). But by establishing a measuring model to calculate the difference of the the two group preferences and transforming this measure into the calculation of the shortest way on the nondirective graph,a method to measure the voting individuals’power under the weighted majority rule is proposed wbe ther the indiv[duals make a decision to choice one of two alternatives(or candidates)or to choice one of alternatives(or candidates)between three or more alternatives(or candidates).And then an analysis example is given.

    • Study on product innovation-oriented integrated management and BPR

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (460) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1754) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper reveals that by bringing human creative thinking into play and establishing a competitive and co operative mechanism of the survival of the fittest and complementary advantages, integrated management can optimally group various productive elements and promote communion and harmony of the basic activities in product innovation process.Applying to the basic ideas of integrated management, it constructs a framework consisting of the three levels. What is more, it analyzes and summarizes the basic principles on integrated management in product innovation process. These principles include conformity,concurrent,communication,open,quality management,information technology application,ere.Finally,the available ways to implement integrated management is presented by discussing successful practies on product innovation in YJ company.

    • E-commerce oriented NSS

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (371) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1358) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the basis of analysis and evaluation for the structure, function and principle of the current negotiation support systems (NSS), this article advances that the NSS is a convincingly tool for solving the non structured negotiation problems. As negotiations are considered as a key component of electronic commerce, the technologies that can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the web based negotiation are becoming necessary. Now, much of the NSS research literature has been concerned with describing paticular systems devised to support one or another aspect of negotiation.And the developed NSS are usually used for negotiation teaching and training.Aiming at the current problems,this article discuses the model principle and system structure for this new kind NSS called electronic commerce—oriented negotiation support system.It will support remote negotiations over simple or complex problems in EC situations.Furthermore, rhe article advances a model called multi objects bargaining.which eo3fl keep away from the dependency of the utility function for the traditional multi—object decision model and bargaining theory mode1.On the basis of the model analysis,this article discusses the system construction and the key technologies for the new NSS.In the end,the article points Out that the EC—oriented NSS is the tendency for NSS development

    • >研究简报
    • Compare analysis of forward and spot models for valuing interest-rate options

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (301) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1706) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The object of this article is to investigate the question of which interest rate options valuation models are better suited to support the management of interest rate risk. We test seven spot rate and forward rate models with one and two factor forward rate model for interest rate warrants for the period from 1990 to 1993 and identify a one factor forward rate model and two spot rate models with two factors that are not significantly outperformed by any of the other four models

    • >论文
    • Study on investment arrangement of business groups

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (282) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1139) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, supposed that only one member enterprise apply investment, static game model and dynamic game model are established respectively to analyze the investment arrangement in Business Groups; In the circumstance of dynamic game, two cases that holding company takes action first while member enterprises follow as well as member enterprises act first and holding company follows are studied, then the results are discussed, and suggestions on investment arrangement in business groups are put forward Supposed that more than one mem ber enterprise apply for investmerit,the mechanism that can in duce better investment decision is designed,and the effectiveness of the mechanism is proved.

    • Fuzzy inference based optimization method for multiobjective decision making

      2001, 4(6).

      Abstract (484) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1846) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the current research development of multiobjective decision making, a fuzzy inference based approach to aggregate the objectives is proposed. It based directly on the decision makers preferences and overcomes the limitation of traditional aggregation method that a certain function formulation must be specified. In fact, the fuzzy inference approach correspondes to a series of weighted arithmetic operator that the weights change continuously. And it can embody the preference structure that the ordinary aggregation method can not describes because its general approximate propert

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