• Volume 5,Issue 2,2002 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Research on convergence of expert group thought

      2002, 5(2).

      Abstract (595) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1369) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A comp lex decision p rob lem is discu ssed in th is paper. Expert group decision is a one of the effect ive m ethod to reso lve th is p rob lem. A f ter som e qualitat ive p lan s ach ieved by expert group discu ssion, the con sistency of expert group though t can be ach ieved gradually by group con sistency algo rithm s. Du ring the above p rocedu re, ro les of the chairperson is impo rtan t, w ho conduct the expert group to ob tain con sistency, and enhances eff iciency of group decision. The st rategy of m an2 compu ter com b inat ion are ref lect in w ho le p rocedu re of convergence, du ring w h ich the advan tages of bo th m an and compu ter are fu lly u t ilized to so lve comp lex p rob lem.

    • Repeated game model of conf l icts in organ ization

      2002, 5(2).

      Abstract (321) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2007) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A cco rding to the characterist ics of o rgan izat ion m anagem en t, th is paper tu rned the conf lict s in an o rgan izat ion in to th ree types of gam es. Then, a gam e sim u lat ion model has been bu ilt based on the asp irat ion t igh ten ing level evaluat ion. U nder the case in w h ich individual rat ionality decision ru le is sat isf ied, w e studied the cooperat ive and non2cooperat ive behavio r, and how individual rat ionality and co llect ive rat ionality in teract s in repeated gam es. The resu lt s show that the cooperat ive behavio r m ay appear in repeated gam es bu t depending on the gam e st ructu re type. Fu rthermo re, the th ree po ssib le imp rovem en t app roaches fo r the modelw ere suggested.

    • Knowledge shar ing, Learn ing curve and knowledge advan tage of nation s

      2002, 5(2).

      Abstract (467) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1287) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:How to in sp irit the emp loyees to share the individual know ledge (o r p rivate info rm at ion) is the co re p rob lem of know ledge m anagem en t in en terp rises. A cco rding to an one2w ay know ledge2 sharing model, th is art icle concludes that m arket scale con st rain s the perfo rm ance of know ledge2 sharing schem e in en terp rises. Know ledge advan tage of nat ion s is the ref lect ion of the en terp rise know ledge advan tage, w h ich bases on the en terp rise info rm at izat ion and know ledge2sharing schem e, in the scope of the nat ion. Eff iciency and capab ility of resou rce dist ribu t ion, co st, and the op t ion s of m arket ru les and rou te are th ree f ields that know ledge advan tage of nat ion s m ain ly em bodies in. O bviou sly, the developed coun t ries ho ld nat ional know ledge advan tage. U nder such compet it ive condit ion s, the governm en t s of the develop ing coun t ries have to in tervene en terp rises’ m arket op t ion p roperly, select ively and effect ively. A t least, th is shou ld be done in choo sing the develop ing rou te of info rm at ion indu st ry.

    • Study of collaboration- supply in supply cha in

      2002, 5(2).

      Abstract (816) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1773) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:When the quan tity of requiremen ts by an activ ity in a supply cha in is too large, a sole depot usua lly can not prov ide a ll the requiremen ts, and it ismuch practica l for in troduc ing multiple depo t s to m eet theneeds. A cco rding to the characterist ics of the m aterial requ irem en t of supp ly chain system s, th is paper p resen t s a m u lt i2depo t supp ly model. By in t roducing the def in it ion of feasib le schem e, w e p resen t a theo rem to determ ine w hether there is a feasib le schem e, and the co rresponding m ethod to ob tain a feasib le schem e. How ever a feasib le schem e m ay include so m any depo t s that som et im es it is unp ract ical. F rom the po in t view of reliab ility and co st, a schem e w ith few er depo t s is p referred. A s fo r examp le, in an inven to ry system , the num ber of invo lved depo t sm ay direct ly affect the to tal set up co st. Therefo re, as far as the reliab ility and co st are concerned, th is paper p resen t s a co rresponding heu rist ic m ethod. F inally, in tegrat ing the model in sof tw are system s is b rief ly discu ssed

    • En terpr ise ecology and en terpr ise developmen t

      2002, 5(2).

      Abstract (622) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3836) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:En terp rise in teract s w ith it s eco logy. W ith the discu ssion of the eco logy and en terp rise developm en t, the summ arise of differen t en terp rise eco logy, en terp rise confo rm at ion and en terp rise m anagem en t betw een p re2and po st2indu st rial society, the en terp risem anagerw ill understand differen t en terp rise developm en t and m anagem en t modes f it t ing in differen t en terp rise eco logy and the reason s.

    • Core competency based framework of M&A model

      2002, 5(2).

      Abstract (372) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1457) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Th is paper aim s at help ing f irm s to def ine the reasonab lemo t ivat ion by view of su stainab le developm en t st rategy. O n ly w hen the f irm s imp lem en tM &A by con st ruct ing and cu lt ivat ing their co re competency, can the new o rgan ic bodies in tegrate effect ively. Then, the new bodies can realize the coo rdinate and su stainab le developm en t. By analyzing the relat ion betw eenM &A and con st ruct ion and cu lt ivat ion of co re competency, the paper p resen t s an overall f ram ewo rk of models of M &A based upon the f irm s’ co re competencies. Then, it discu sses the concrete models of M &A , nam ely m anaging2capab ility2based co re competency, m arket ing2capab ility2based co re competency, technovat ion2capab ility2based co re competency, cu ltu re2pow er2based co re competency.

    • New theory and method of dynam ic comprehen sive evaluation

      2002, 5(2).

      Abstract (903) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5827) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:M any dynam ic comp rehen sive evaluat ion p rob lem s are of ten seen in w ith the p rocess of econom ic m anagem en t and decision2m ak ing. The hub of dynam ic comp rehen sive evaluat ion is to determ ine the w eigh t s fo r evaluat ion indexes at differen t t im e. A cco rding to the part icu larity of the comp rehen sive evaluat ion p rob lem s in case of m u lt i2dim en sional t im e series, a new m ethod, nam ed “vert ical2and2ho rizon tal”, scat ter2degree is p ropo sed to determ ine the w eigh t s and an examp le is given. The m ethod p ropo sed in th is paper is simp le2p rincip led and in tu it ive, and the evaluat ion p rocess of it is easy to understand.

    • >综述论文
    • Rev iew of process organ iz ing research of group dec ision making

      2002, 5(2).

      Abstract (1082) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5216) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The research of group decision m ak ing is a fast2develop ing b ranch of decision theo ry, and at t ract ing increasing at ten t ion f rom ab road and hom e. Comp lete theo ry system of group decision m ak ing, how ever, hasn’t com e in to being. O n the basis of ou r p reviou s research wo rk, th is paper review s the developm en t of group decision m ak ing research m ain ly f rom the viewpo in t of p rocess o rgan izing. The inf luence of GDSS on perfo rm ance of group decision m ak ing is discu ssed f rom the viewpo in t of decision p rocess as w ell. A nd th rough the comparison betw een social cho ice theo ry and co llect ive decision m ak ing theo ry, a research f ram e of group decision m ak ing is also exp lo red ten tat ively in th is paper.

    • Survey of option pr ic ing methods

      2002, 5(2).

      Abstract (3732) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (15597) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Th is paper f irst in t roduces the em ergence and developm en t of op t ion p ricing theo ry, then gives a mo re detailed descrip t ion of the theo ret ical and emp irical researches on the m ethod. In part icu lar, w e focu s on the such m ethods as determ in ist ic arb it rage, E2arb it rage and in terval p ricing, w ith app licat ion s to bo th comp lete m arket s and incomp lete m arket s. F inally, condit ion s and characterist ics of the variou s op t ion p ricing m ethods are discu ssed.

    • >应用案例
    • Empir ical study on core competence of China’s en terpr ises

      2002, 5(2).

      Abstract (610) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2623) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:W hat’s the cu rren t state of co re competence of Ch ina’s en terp rises? Is it the sou rce of su stainab le compet it ive advan tage? These are key issues that bo th the academ ics and p ract it ioners pay at ten t ion to. Based on the def in it ion of co re competence, a m easu rem en t system of co re competence is p rovided. Then a quest ionnaire su rvey w as o rgan ized. Fo rty one qualif ied responded quest ionnaires f rom 33 f irm s are received. The stat ist ic analysis based these quest ionnaire show s that co re competence is the sou rce of su stainab le advan tages. P rof itab ility and grow th of a f irm depend on it s co re competence. Ch ina’s en terp rises have experienced the st rategic co re competence and o rgan izat ional co re competence based compet it ion. In the nex t stage, they wou ld compete based on techno logical co re competence.

    • Game analysis between governmen t branches and util ity en terpr ises

      2002, 5(2).

      Abstract (354) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (945) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In th is paper, som e econom ic characterist ics of pub lic u t ility en terp rises are summ ed up , a model of p rincipal2agen t theo ry betw een governm en t b ranches and the en terp rises is p ropo sed. It is p roved th rough the gam e analysis that the governm en t budget po licy is the key reason to arise st im u lat ion feeb le and co st increasing fo r the en terp rises under the p laned econom ic system. The in it ial refo rm , though w ith som e defect s, imp roved the eff iciency of the u t ility en terp rises, and show s that it shou ld be an inevitab le layou t fo r u t ility en terp rises to estab lish modern en terp rises system and to fo rm alize the p rincipal2agen t relat ion sh ip betw een the governm en t b ranches and pub lic en terp rises.

    • >研究简报
    • Information extraction and forecasting of judgmen t matr ix var iation

      2002, 5(2).

      Abstract (393) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1574) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In th is paper, a m ethod of ex t ract ing variat ional info rm at ion f rom judgm en t m at rixes and fo recast ing the variat ion is discu ssed. It is them ain idea that w e can ex t ract variat ional info rm at ion by the m ethod based on the judgm en t m at rixes at differen t t im es, and fo recast the fu tu re judgm en t m at rix at nex t t im e. M eanw ile, the paper b rings fo rw ard a new m ean s to fo recast ing the variat ion by stages and f igu ring variab le judgm en t m at rix. A t the end, the m ethod is exp lained by an examp le.

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