• Volume 5,Issue 3,2002 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Research of hal l for workshop of metasynthetic engineer ing

      2002, 5(3).

      Abstract (654) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3603) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The app roach of metasynthesis from qualitative to quantitative, p roposed by Ch inese scientists from the point view of systematology, is amethod for solving comp lex giant system s like econom ic system s and their decision mak ing. The hall for work shop of metasynthetic engineering inherited from the above methodology is p roposed in 1992, w h ich statement is definitely declared. Due to the development of Inter2 net and Information Technology, the lim itation of attendees are broadened from expert’ s individual and group to the public in th is paper. The public’ s ideas are also paid attention and collected in the hall. The hall for work shop of metasynthetic engineering can be established based on Internet network and Internet technologies, w h ich is distributed th roughout theworld. Some key points ofmetasynthetic engineering are discussed in th is paper, such as human2computer cooperation, from quantitative to qualitative, discussion p rocesses, etc. W e argue that the hall forwork shop ofmetasynthetic engineering can be an informational, scientific, and democratic decision support system.

    • Bi- level dec ision in supply contractmanagement

      2002, 5(3).

      Abstract (604) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1759) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:F rom behaviormotive and quality conflict betw een purchasing and supp ly, the paper sets up a NA SH model and analyzes contract parameter’ s effect to quality of p roduct in p roducing period. Further more, it even makes a bi2level decision model, and discusses contract parameter’ s effect to quality control in supp ly chain, and comes up w ith a negotiating strategy in contract management asw ell

    • Expected util ity model based on fuzzy pr ior probabil ity

      2002, 5(3).

      Abstract (774) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3006) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In th is paper, some new hypotheses about decision2mak ing under uncertainty have been p ro2 vided. W ith these hypotheses, and w ith respect to the degree of event’ s uncertainty asw ell as peop le’ s risk aversion, a credible p rior p robability functien of decision2maker has been defined. It exp lains themulti2p ri2 or p robabilities ofMM EU by fuzzy p robability, and expands the connotation of themulti2p rior p robability. Then a expected utility model based on fuzzy p rior p robability has been developed. Th ismodel can be used in the decision2mak ing under uncertainty. F inally, the model has been used to resolve A llais paradox and Ellsberg paradox, and the solutions turn up trump s.

    • Pr ior ity method for a kind of mul ti-attr ibute dec ision-making problems

      2002, 5(3).

      Abstract (478) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1832) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Th is paper studies a k ind of uncertain multi2attribute decision2mak ing p roblem s, in w h ich the information about the attributew eigh ts is unknow n comp letely and the attribute values are in the form s of interval numbers. Some formulas for normalizing the decision matrix w ith interval numbers are given. Fur2 thermore, a simp le formula of maxim izing deviations, based on deviation degree, for obtaining the attribute w eigh ts is given, and a p riority method, based on possibility degree, for the uncertain multi2attribute deci2 sion2mak ing p roblem is also p roposed. F inally, a numerical examp le is given to show the feasibility and ef2 fectiveness of the method.

    • Al locating S&T resources in national systems of innovation

      2002, 5(3).

      Abstract (720) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3765) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The S&T resources, e. g. funds and human resources are“The p rimary resource”. Therefore, the key p roblem of p romoting the core competency leaders concern is how to distribute S&T resources in a op timalw ay. In th is paper, an idea is p roposed to allocate S&T resourcesw ith in the national system s of in2 novation. Th is idea is verified by Ch ina’s p ractices including turning R&D institutes into enterp rises, building up the know ledge innovation p rogram in the Ch inese A cademy of Sciences and develop ing the in2 termediary organizations of S&T.

    • Merger effects and product range strategy

      2002, 5(3).

      Abstract (418) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (964) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The existing literature conclude thatmergers are often unp rofitable under Cournot competition if there is no merger synergy. W e analyze merger incentives and merger effects caused by p roduct range adjustments. W e develop a model of endogenous mergers in an oligopoly industry, w here firm s compete firstly in p roduct portfolio and then secondly in market share. It is show ed that mergersmay be p rofitable even w ithout any synergy under Cournot competition because of p roduct differentiation, and are often not p rofitablew hen non2participating firm s respond by introducing new p roducts. W e also analyze the so2called “Paradox ofM erger”. It is suggested that a moderate control policy to mergers is necessary

    • Two- stage hor izontal differentiation model with discr im inatory pr ic ing

      2002, 5(3).

      Abstract (498) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1988) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:traditional m icroeconom ics theory, only monopoly can adop t discrim inatory p ricing w hen there is not arbitrage betw een consumers. In horizontal differentiation p roduct industries, the firm s have market pow ers in their ow n p roducts, and consumers have different tastes on different p roducts. So firm s can choose discrim inatory p ricing successfully. In most two2stage horizontal differentiation Hotelling mod2 els, the locations of firm s alw ays deviate from the social op timum. Th is paper analyzes a two2stage loca2 tion2p ricemodelw ith discrim inatory p ricing of duopoly, on the basis of different consumer’ s gross surp lus. Two firm s choose locations in the first stage and p rices in the second. The subgame perfect N ash equilibri2 um show s that the firm s’ locations are social op tima.

    • Combination estimates of customer satisfaction and threshold on marketing research

      2002, 5(3).

      Abstract (448) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1565) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:One of the objectives of customer satisfactory researche ismodeling the relationsh ip among the function of p roduct attributes, the th reshold of satisfaction and the survey samp les. Both the satisfaction and th reshold are simultaneously estimated on the basis of a stochastic discrete choice model developed in the paper. A Bayesian app roaches emp loying the Gibbs samp ling method is built up th rough a scheme of M arkov chain. A Monte Carlo algorithm is p roposed for calculating the parameters of function and th resh2 olds. A p ractical examp le is emp loyed to illustrate its app lication

    • Activity-attr ibute f low chart and process algebra based approach for business process expression

      2002, 5(3).

      Abstract (328) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1929) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In th is paper, a new business p rocess exp ression app roach forBPR has been p roposed. F irstly, the activity2attribute flow chart is used to describe p rocess. Secondly, the flow chart is analyzed by graph2 matrix analysis. Th irdly, a p rocess algebraic formula is draw n out from the matrixes. F inally, the perfor2 mance of business p rocess is evaluated th rough the analysis of p rocess algebraic formula. The evaluation of a p rocess is based on the performance p robability, the performance time of some p rocess routines, the ex2 pectative performance time of the activities in a p rocess, and the total expected performance time of the flow.

    • Study of reconstruction of chaotic ecomom ic time sevies and its appl ications

      2002, 5(3).

      Abstract (261) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1128) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the related results of existing literature, a state space about a k ind of chaotic econom2 ic time series is reconstructed using themethod of L egendre coordinate in th is paper. Several different scal2 ing regimes for lag time S are identified. The influence for state space reconstruction for th is econom ic chaotic dynam ics of lag time S is discussed . The results show us that th is app roach is a good p ractical method for state space reconstruction.

    • Portfol io choice model based on mean absolute deviation and it’ s simulated anneal ing algor ithm

      2002, 5(3).

      Abstract (485) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2144) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:M arkow itz’ smean2variancemodel describes the risk of asset by variance, but variancemay not exist because of fat2tailedness of asset returns. A s ameasure of risk, mean absolute deviation is better than variance in a sense. In th is paper, a portfolio choice model is p roposed based on mean absolute deviation. The solution of the model is obtained by a simulated annealing algorithm. In order to compare the new modelsw ithM arkow itz one, a risk elasticity is defined. The emp irical result show s that the absolute values of risk elasticity are more than 1 under various returns and it also indicates that the p roposed model based on mean absolute deviation is better than mean2variance model based on variance both in theory and in p ractice. Two2fund separation is found in mean absolute deviation portfolio choice model

    • >研究简报
    • Pre-warm ing systems of enterpr ise f inanc ial cr isis based on fuzzy selection and artif ic ial neural networks

      2002, 5(3).

      Abstract (567) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1868) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In th is paper, a model to p redict the financial crisis of enterp rises based on fuzzy selection and artificial neural network is put forth. It integrates p reventive measures of financial crisis w ith dynam ic learning of inference know ledge by neural network and forecasting of the targets of financial crisis. A s a new w ay of dynam ic p re2w arm ing of financial crisis, th ismodel is p roven effective and feasible.

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