• Volume 5,Issue 4,2002 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Game analyses on R&D and econom ic growth of vertically in tegrated company groups

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (565) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1335) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Th is paper develop s a vert ical indu st rial group model in w h ich vert ical innovat ion s affect econom ic grow th and give a reso lu t ion s on it. The model is a syn thesized endogenou s grow th model that inco rpo rates two catego ry models in the new grow th theo ry that are cap ital2based models and idea2based models. In the model, group 2co rpo rat ion A is an up st ream f irm that takes on R&D act ivi2 t ies and u ses it s techno logy to p roduce in term ediate goods. The quality imp rovem en t of in term ediate goods raises the p roduct ivity of f inal good p roduct ion. Sub sidiary2co rpo rat ion B is a dow n st ream f irm that p roduces f inal goods u sing in term ediate goods and cap ital as inpu t. Bo th the co rpo rat ion A and B p lay signaling gam es w ith m arket s in the Cou rno t m arket.

    • L inear and non l inear Granger causal ity test of stock pr ice-volume relation: Ev idences from Chinese markets

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (405) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3015) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Th is paper emp irically test the linear and non linear Granger cau sality relat ion betw een p rice and vo lum e of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock m arket. It is show ed that there ex it s linear Granger cau sality f rom stock retu rn to t rading vo lum e and b i2direct ional non linear Granger cau sality betw een these t im e series. Bu t af ter f iltering w eekend and GARCH effect s, the non linear Granger cau sality re2 lat ion disappears.

    • In tell igen t operation s research and real- time optimal con trol for dynam ic systems

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (809) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3096) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A cco rding to the w eakness of OR in dealing w ith dynam ic op t im al p rob lem s, the ou t line of a new idea to create a new discip line, in telligen t operat ion s research ( IOR ) , has been pu t fo rw ard in th is paper by com b in ing and ino scu lat ing operat ion s research w ith art if icial in telligence (A I) asw ell as know ledge engineering (KE). The p rincip les and new m ethod to deal w ith dynam ic op t im al p rob2 lem s fo r IOR have been stated. The system st ructu re and it s f ram ewo rk ofm u lt i2agen t system to han2 dle real2t im e op t im al con t ro l in a dynam ic system have been p resen ted. The issues of theo ry and p rac2 t ice in IOR, such as know ledge rep resen tat ion fo r real p rob lem s, know ledge rep resen tat ion fo r mod2 els, modeling m ethod of case2based learn ing, modeling suppo rt system , have been studied mo re deep ly. Th is research has p romo ted the in teract ion and ino scu lat ion among OR, A I and KE, etc. , and creates a w ay fo r OR theo ry to so lve op t im al dynam ic p rob lem s

    • 0-1 sem i- inf in ite programm ing approach for new product developmen t plann ing

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (341) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1215) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Develop ing new p roduct and accelerat ing the update of p roduct are impo rtan t m ean s fo r en terp rise to con t inuou s operat ion and developm en t. W ith the advance of C IM S techno logy, the t radi2 t ional non2quan t if ied m ethods are no t sat isfacto ry to the m anagers of en terp rises to m ake the decision abou t new p roduct developm en t. Th is paper p ropo ses a quan t if ied app roach fo r new p roduct develop2 m en t p lann ing. It classif ies all p roduct s in to 4 differen t catego riesw ith differen t p rof it cu rves and pa2 ram eters. The cu rve’s param eters of each p roduct can be determ ined by it s econom ic characters. Based upon the quan t if ied p roduct descrip t ion, th is paper p resen t s a 021 sem i2Inf in ite p rogramm ing model to so lve the p rob lem of new p roduct developm en t p lann ing.

    • Competition analysis between en terpr ises in allocation of production and advertising investmen t

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (563) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1776) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In th is paper, a generalmodel abou t two en terp rises to allocate p roduct ion and advert ising investm en t is set up. The model and it s part icu lar fo rm s are studied by u sing gam e theo ry. The ex is2 tence and mono tone of Cou rno t equ ilib rium abou t the model are p roven theo ret ically. O ne m ethod to f ind ou t the equ ilib rium so lu t ion is given. F inally, the resu lt s are tested and verif ied by analyzing a simp le p rob lem.

    • 6 I’s managemen t pattern based on value managemen t: Formation and structure

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (526) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1331) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Focu sing on value m anagem en t, th is art icle analyses the p rob lem s of m anagem en t know l2 edge system based on the funct ion m anagem en t, and these p rob lem includes the lack of innovat ion, the inco rrect p ropo sit ion abou t the f irm u t ility, the non2 rat ional understanding of info rm at ion func2 t ion and neglect of m anagem en t in tegrat ion. Choo sing the value m anagem en t as co re concep t, analyz2 ing the key facto rs affect ing the fo rm at ion, increasing and dist ribu t ion of value, au tho rs bu ild the st ructu re of the 6 I’s m anagem en t pat tern and discu ss the relat ion sh ip betw een the facto rs.

    • Information technology, team production and organ izational design of bottom- tier employees

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (479) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1201) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Team is an impo rtan t fo rm to o rgan ize the bo t tom 2t ier emp loyees’p roduct ion in en ter2 p rise. Based on the info rm at ion p roducing and p rocessing du ring the en terp rises’p roduct ion, a m ath2 em at icalmodel regarding the bo t tom 2t ier emp loyees as single team is pu t fo rw ard. The model show s that ou tpu t of single team increases as team size grow ing, bu t the m arginal retu rn is decreasing. The single team ou tpu t has an upper lim it that can be increased by enhancing info rm at ion techno logy ( IT ) app licat ion s in the team. W hen emp loyees are num erou s, the team m em bersm ay be satu rated w ith in2 fo rm at ion. Thu s, team sp lit t ing is necessary. The team sp lit t ing model is p resen ted based on fo rm al single team model, and IT ’s impact s on op t im al size of team subgroup are also analyzed.

    • >应用案例
    • Studies on “learn ing en tity”in learn ing organ ization: Types and case studies

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (451) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3001) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the case studies in the famou s endu ring in ternat ional learn ing o rgan izat ion such asMo to ro la, Hew let t Packard, and General Elect ric, w e found that emp loyee is the real learn ing en t i2 ty (L E). Two dim en sion s have been pu t fo rw ard to classify differen t types of L E. O ne is“vo lun tary o r requ ired”, the o ther is“individual o r team ”. A cco rding to the dim en sion s, fou r differen t types of L Es have been ob tained such as I2V , T 2V , I2R , T 2R. A lso, som e facto rs w h ich cou ld inf luence the cho ice of differen t types of L Es have also been pu t fo rw ard.

    • Studies on “learn ing en tity”in learn ing organ ization: Types and case studies

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (704) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4134) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the case studies in the famou s endu ring in ternat ional learn ing o rgan izat ion such asMo to ro la, Hew let t Packard, and General Elect ric, w e found that emp loyee is the real learn ing en t i2 ty (L E). Two dim en sion s have been pu t fo rw ard to classify differen t types of L E. O ne is“vo lun tary o r requ ired”, the o ther is“individual o r team ”. A cco rding to the dim en sion s, fou r differen t types of L Es have been ob tained such as I2V , T 2V , I2R , T 2R. A lso, som e facto rs w h ich cou ld inf luence the cho ice of differen t types of L Es have also been pu t fo rw ard.

    • Study on r ipple effect and perturbation effect of indirect economy effect

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (539) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1531) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bo th the variance of direct econom y effect and the variance of the t ran sm ission facto r of e2 conom y effect can cau se the variance of the gro ss indirect econom y effect of nat ional econom y. The fo rm er is called as ripp le effect; the lat ter is called as pertu rbat ion effect. The parper discu ssed and studied the two effect s. A cco rding to the data of the Sichuan p rovince inpu t2ou tpu t f rom 1987 to 1997, the ripp le effect s and pertu rbat ion effect s are studied. A t the sam e t im e, a new w ay called as locat ion chart by w h ich w e can catego ry the ripp le effect s of individual division s is pu t fo rw ard. A f ter studying, w e can cam e to a conclu sion: in the differen t phases of the ten years, the m ain facto rs that st im u lated the grow th of gro ss nat ional econom y effect are differen t. In the p rophase, them ain facto r is pertu rbat ion effect; in the m etaphase, is ripp le effect; in the anaphase, is the ou tcom e of the ripp le effect and pertu rbat ion effect.

    • >研究简报
    • Study on r ipple effect and perturbation effect of indirect economy effect

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (408) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3641) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Bo th the variance of direct econom y effect and the variance of the t ran sm ission facto r of e2 conom y effect can cau se the variance of the gro ss indirect econom y effect of nat ional econom y. The fo rm er is called as ripp le effect; the lat ter is called as pertu rbat ion effect. The parper discu ssed and studied the two effect s. A cco rding to the data of the Sichuan p rovince inpu t2ou tpu t f rom 1987 to 1997, the ripp le effect s and pertu rbat ion effect s are studied. A t the sam e t im e, a new w ay called as locat ion chart by w h ich w e can catego ry the ripp le effect s of individual division s is pu t fo rw ard. A f ter studying, w e can cam e to a conclu sion: in the differen t phases of the ten years, the m ain facto rs that st im u lated the grow th of gro ss nat ional econom y effect are differen t. In the p rophase, them ain facto r is pertu rbat ion effect; in the m etaphase, is ripp le effect; in the anaphase, is the ou tcom e of the ripp le effect and pertu rbat ion effect.

    • p reference rank o rder; gam e theo ry; N ash equ ilib rium; Pareto equ ilib rium; Stackelberg equ ilib rium

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (344) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1490) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In m any social o r po lit ical science p rob lem s, the personal sub ject ive p reference info rm a2 t ion can be the resu lt f rom qualitat ive analysis, w h ich is diff icu lt to be exp ressed in the u t ility fo rm , bu t can be exp ressed in o rdinal fo rm. Based upon o rdinal p reference info rm at ion the decision2m akers exp ressed, in stead of the payoff funct ion o r u t ility level, th is paper developed a rank2o rdering based gam e theo ry o r model, p ropo sed som e concep t s of rank2o rdering equ ilib rium , and gave som e num eri2 cal demon st rat ion s. Th is new gam e theo ry cou ld be con sidered as the necessary and valuab le general2 izat ion and supp lem en t to the t radit ional u t ility o r payoff based gam e theo ry.

    • Emergency and direction s for CRM in China

      2002, 5(4).

      Abstract (601) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1954) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cu stom er relat ion sh ip m anagem en t (CRM ) is a focu s of m anagem en t research today. M uch advanced wo rk is done ab road, and som e of it s imp lem en tat ion are carried ou t also. How ever, the co rresponding research wo rk on CRM in Ch ina is delayed to the special developm en t of Ch ina’s e2 conom y. Based on the discu ssion of CRM ’s def in it ion and advan tage, the au tho rs analyze the impo r2 tance and em ergency fo r Ch ina to com e up w ith the in ternat ional imp lem en tat ion of CRM. A lso, sev2 eral fu tu re CRM research direct ion s fo r Ch ina are pu t fo rw ard.

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