• Volume 6,Issue 3,2003 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Learning evaluation system based on knowledge and fuzzy neural networks

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (445) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1741) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper , a method of building an evaluation system with learning ability is presented. The evalua2 tion system is realized based on the decision2makers’knowledge and the fuzzy neural networks , and suitable for the problems in which most variables are linguistic variables. Samples used in the developed system are mined from de2 cision2makers’, and the corresponding membership functions are obtained by concerning with the preferences of the decision2makers’. The developed evaluation system is capable of using the previous decision experience and extract2 ing the knowledge from real decision examples. By training the fuzzy neural networks , the same evaluating results as the decision2makers’can be obtained.

    • A kind of decision-making method through coordination between functional de2 partments based on dynamic information interaction

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (409) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2098) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Enhancing the coordination between functional departments of a firm is an effective method to overcome the difficulties brought by information autonomy , and can improve the effectiveness of decision making. Therefore this paper puts forward a new decision2making method , called“decision2making method through coordination be2 tween functional departments based on dynamic information interaction”. In the method , all functional departments of a firm is divided into one dominating department and other non-dominating departments ,and every department has the opportunity to become a dominating department or non2dominating department , and general decision-making models are put forward to these two conditions respectively. The information exchanged in the process of coordinating is well-defined , and the process of decision-making through coordinating is also described step by step. All above make up a theory basis for constructing a decision support system based on coordination between functional depart2 ments

    • Study on identif ication method of business process based on CIMOSA

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (343) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2213) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Business processes reengineering is a hotspot problem on management domain currently , how to identify enterprise processes in anfractuous enterprise system is chiefly precondition of implementing BPR. This paper ana2 lyzes the importance of enterprise processes identification on the base of studying business processes reengineering. Enterprise processes are made up of activities , and the interaction and interrelation between activies form enterprise processes system. Therefore , this paper put forward the method of enterprise avtivities identification based on CIMOSA firstly. Subsequently , the processes identification arithmetic and how to make certain the relationship of processes are provided. At last , a case to validate the arithmetic is provided.

    • Return of scale and product differentiation with network externality

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (448) HTML (1) PDF 0.00 Byte (2930) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In a vertical product differentiation model , firms first simultaneously choose their qualities , and then choose output . We discuss and compare the equilibrium degree of quality differentiation , quantity and return under the assumption of increasing and decreasing return of scale with network externality. The study shows that the prod2 uct quality under decreasing returns is lower than that under increasing returns without network externality ; but with network externality the quality of high-quality product under decreasing returns is higher than the one with increasing returns. The market demand under decreasing returns is lower than that under increasing returns , that is indepen2 dent of the network externality.

    • Empirical study of asymmetry and volatility in effectiveness of monetary policy

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (679) HTML (1) PDF 0.00 Byte (2388) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Monetary policy has different impacts on economic activities in business cycle. This is noted by the asymmetry of monetary policy. By detrending the time series and using the GARCH model with asymmetry , we find out in China that tight monetary policy slow the economy in the boom more than easy monetary policy accelerates the economy in the recession. Therefore , in the recession period of business cycle , we should take the robust monetary policy to avoid the financial risk and prevent the inflation , take the active fiscal po

    • Study on relationships between manager’s behavior and managerial performance

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (355) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1358) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the literatures on the principal2agent problem , this paper proposes that the mechanism by which manager’s behavior determines managerial performance maybe is ignored by the trade. The study builds a model to describe manager’s dynamic behavior under the condition where the principal2agent contract has been linear between manager and stockholders , and where there is the lagging effects of manager’s endeavors on managerial perfor2 mance. Furthermore , this paper presents the optimal condition under which can contract manager’s behavior with managerial performance. The relationship between manager’s behavior and managerial performance is studied final2 ly.

    • Customer satisfaction model for optimal product design

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (324) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1352) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A customer satisfaction model is proposed for optimal product design , combining design budget , some technical requirement and imprecision. New concepts of actual achieved degree of attainment and planned degree of attainment of DAs are introduced in this paper. A parametric programming technique is developed to solve this mod2 el . With this model , more than one solution can be obtained for design engineer under different possibility levels for satisfying the design budget . An illustrated example is also presented in this paper.

    • Optimization of product conf iguration based on customers’needs under mass customization

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (335) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2021) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper primarily deals with the optimization method of product configuration in an enterprise with mass customization strategy based on customers’needs. Firstly , the paper introduced some concept of mass cus2 tomization , the meaning and idea of the optimization of product configuration. Secondly , the paper introduced the relevant concept and method of QFD , which is an important tool of analyzing the customers’needs , and mend it in some field. According to QFD analysis result , the paper finally expound the process of optimizing the product con2 figuration by using the TOPSIS method.

    • Research on optimal number of suppliers based on co2opetition

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (376) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2511) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper ,on a basis of total acquisition cost , establishes a model for deciding the optimal number of suppliers when a buyer purchases a component in a co2opetition environment . The model comprehensively describes factors that influence the total acquisition cost of the component . These factors include market environment , compo2 nent characteristics , price stability , profit margin , relative bargaining power between the buyer and its suppliers , the degree of co2opetition and coordination costs , etc. By using numeral examples ,we illustrate how these factors af2 fect the optimal number of suppliers

    • Bi-level optimization model for distribution system of supply chain

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (788) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2698) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Distribution channel decision is one of the most important decision in supply chain management , because it has direct effect on other marketing decisions. From the point of integration of the supply chain , a bi2level pro2 gramming model is proposed to describe the two2echelon distribution network design problem , which considers the benefits both the network design departments and the customers. It also develops a new heuristic algorithm to solve the model , and at the same time a numerical example is given to illustrate the application of the model and its algo2 rithm.

    • System analysis for coordination modes between urban traff ic control and vehicle route guidance

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (395) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2349) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Traffic signal control and route guidance are the two main ways of on2line administration for urban traffic. Upon the basic principle of traffic control and guidance , the necessity and requirement of coordination between con2 trol and guidance are analyzed based on their spatio2temporal quality , systems goal , function , input and output . The possible coordination modes between them are proposed after the relationship in difference levels is discussed , and the factors that impact on the mode choice are given at last .

    • Empirical analysis of performance for investment fund through Sharpe ratio and decay rate

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (556) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3789) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper discusses the performance of China’s investment funds through the Sharpe ratio which is the most widely used measure. Concerning about the Sharpe ratio inadequacies , this empirical analysis is conducted by employing the decay rate firstly put forward by Stutzer(2000) . With the decay rate and the Sharpe ratio , the perfor2 mance is the same when the returns are normally distributed , the performance is rectified by skewness and kurtosis when the returns are not normally distributed. Furthermore , the ranking of the performance based on the decay rate parameters θis proven to be effective.

    • >综述论文
    • Study on bullwhip effect in supply chain

      2003, 6(3).

      Abstract (1616) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (8614) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The bullwhip effect badly affects the enterprises even whole country. It has been being noted and studied for many years , and have not been cognized more clearly until the recent year. This paper argues its phenomenon , causes and countermeasures of elimination or mitigation based on some literatures , and points out the future research directions on the effect

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