• Volume 6,Issue 4,2003 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Facing complexity : Conceptions , principles and framework of He2Xie Management Theory

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (821) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2650) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Beginning with the dilemma in which traditional management is involved , the author explains the necessi2 ty of a new theory —“He2Xie”Management Theory (HXMT) , delineates the conceptions , principles , and frame2 work of HXMT. The author defines the“He2Xie theme”as the core and starting point , optimization and uncertainty2 avoided as epistemology and methodology in HXMT. Finally , the author builds a systemic analysis framework.

    • Research on technology of spatial OLAP

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (299) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2151) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There now appears urgent need for embedding spatial data into decision support system(DSS) which pro2 vides spatial analytical function and visualization to user. This article investigates a decision analytical tool based on spatial data warehouse —On2line analytical processing (OLAP) . We mainly solve the serious problem of slow re2 sponse time in spatial data cube operation by improving materialization view selection method. And then , an analysis example is given to test the efficiency of our work. Furthermore we enrich the spatial OLAP model and its applica2 tion mode to realized more powerful and flexible spatial analytical functions.

    • Approaches for objective function constructing with complementarity in parameters

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (507) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2621) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the analysis of business process value model in business process reengineering , there often have the relationship of complementarity among decision variables in a value model . It has a high value for constructing business process value model through the study on the characters and methods which present the complementarity in objective functions. Based on the complementarity theory and the characters of supermodular functions , we studied the basic characters of supermodular functions which can represent the complementarity in parameters and discuss the existence of compounding supermodular functions. At last it provides the basic approach and step for objective functions constructing in parameters with complementarity. Then it provides a quantitative tool for decision-maker in analysis of value mode

    • QFD system parameters identif ication based on fuzzy program

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (315) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1409) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming to the inherent fuzziness in quality function deployment (QFD) modeling , a new mathematic ap2 proach to identification QFD system parameters is presented using fuzzy optimization theory with symmetric triangular fuzzy number coefficients. By normalizing values of engineering characteristics , introducing new concepts of total de2 velopment cost function , and improving cost function and cost coefficient of engineering characteristic , a program model for QFD is proposed. Simulation results shows that the model can help a design team to determine the relation functions between customer requirements and engineering characteristics , and correlation functions among engineer2 ing characteristics. It can also reconcile tradeoffs among the various customer satisfaction levels and identifies engi2 neering characteristic target values for the new/ improved product that meets a budget constraint and matches or ex2 ceeds the customer satisfaction of all competitors in the target market

    • Impact of defective items on ( Q , r , L) inventory model involving controllable setup cost

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (315) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1755) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In a recent paper , Ouyang , et al . proposed a ( Q , r , L) inventory model with defective items in an ar2 rival lot . The purpose of this study is to generalize Ouyang , et al’s model by allowing setup cost as a decision vari2 able in conjunction with order quantity , reorder point and lead time. In this study , we first assume that the lead time demand follows a normal distribution. Then , an algorithm procedure of finding the optimal solution is devel2 oped.

    • Selecting structure patterns of strategic alliance based on resource and risk

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (591) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2170) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the basis of comprehensive considering each specific character of the resource , and from the dimen2 sions of the basis and the fundamental factors that risk comes from are resource input by the enterprises participated the strategic alliance , it is pointed out in this article that integrating the resource and the risk together is reasonable to consider the selections of the structure patterns of the strategic alliance. Through clarifying the resource , risk and structure patterns of the strategic alliances , the concept model and corresponding judgment hypothesizes reflecting the relationships among the resource , risk and structure patterns are established. By using of the factor analysis and structure equation model method , the proposed hypothesizes are test and verified. The research conclusions for this paper are that there are close relationships among resource ,risk and the structure patterns of the strategic alliances. The preferences of the executives in the alliance companies for the structure patterns will be affected by their subject evaluation for the future risk suffered in a strategic alliance. And the resources input in a strategic alliance by the company is a very important factor that affects their subjective evaluating for the risk.

    • Empirical study on strategic alignment of business planning and information sys2 tems planning

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (809) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5255) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Strategic alignment of Business Planning (BP) and Information Systems Planning ( ISP) becomes the key factor integrating business resource during strategic information systems era. This empirical study measured the rela2 tionships among the strategic alignment of BP2ISP , strategic orientation of enterprise , the inner and outer environ2 ment of enterprise , strategic status of ISP and IT contribution to business performance through strategic alignment model and business active model . Moreover , analyses of data gathered in a mail survey of Chinese enterprises indi2 cated that the intention of higher managers’strategic planning and the capability that they integrate the business re2 source by IT are the important factors which company obtain the competitive advantage.

    • Econometric analysis of international trade between Japan and China

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (510) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1829) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on econometric vector auto2regression model , this paper mainly investigated the long2run and short- run as well as causal relationships of international trade between China and Japan. We apply the Wald test ap2 proach of one-way effect causal measures presented by Yao and Hosoya (2000) to analyzing seven selected macroe2 conomic data of China and Japan over the span of the recent twenty years. We showed how the Wald test is put into the analysis of macroeconomic activities and how to interpret empirical evidence in view of the causal measures. Based on the observed one-way effect causal measures in cointegrated vector time series , the characterizations of causal structure among the selected economic indices are revealed. It was showed that Japanese interest rates in gen2 eral cause the other variables but not the other way around. The external trade causes monetary economy but not in the other direction. Even so , the monetary economy causes the imports from China. As for the effects of external trades to Japanese economic growth , the cause is mainly from exports but it is not long- run. The imports from China do not affect Japanese economic growth. The empirical results support the common understanding that the economic development of Japan and that of China are cooperative in the period we dealt with , at least in the meaning of inter2 national trade. We can see the Wald test of one-way effect causal measure provides an efficient approach to analyz2 ing complex economic system

    • Estimating volatility of Chinese stock market by stochastic volatility model

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (995) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5369) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The volatility of Chinese stock market is investigated using the dynamic version of stochastic volatility model , and Bayesian analysis based on MCMC is introduced to improve the parameters estimation in stochastic volatility model . Empirical results on Chinese stock market indicate that stochastic volatility model outperforms the ARCH model in capturing the heteroskedasticity and serial correlation of volatility of the stock market returns

    • Portfolio selection method under investor’s fuzzy stochastic risk preference

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (355) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1524) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under the assumption that the investor’s risk preference is stochastic and even fuzzy and utility function is of linear additivity , this paper establishes the method for determining the investment portfolio based on fuzzy stochastic risk preference. The method is very simple and concise when the utility function is of the form provided by Fabio Mercurio , because it only needs to solve inequalities and calculate integrals with one variable. It worth men2 tioning that the method established here is different from the classical ones because it is based on the main idea of SMAA (stochastic multi2objective acceptability analysis) proposed by Risto Lahdelma , et al .

    • Analysis on option contracts of investment hold- up

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (518) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1226) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper analyze the hold2up model of Hart &Moore under the assumption that the courts can verify delivery of the deal by the seller. The result of analysis indicate that through a simple option contract , we needn’t rely on further renegotiation in order to get the best solution of the investment incentive

    • >综述论文
    • Review on studies of top management teams

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (1219) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (8076) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Since Hambrick and Mason came up with the upper echelons theory in 1984 , studies on top management team have surged. This paper reviews the studies on the studies of the top management team , especially on the de2 mographic characteristics , team process and cultural background of the team. An analytical framework to study the building of the top management teams is also presented giving the limitations of the existing studies and future re2 search trend of top management team.

    • >研究简报
    • Business management in new economy : Present situation , challenges , and thoughts

      2003, 6(4).

      Abstract (394) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1585) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper introduces the organization process of The Fourth International Symposium on Multinational Business Management and comprehensively reviews the research results presented by the key-note speeches of the eight well-known Chinese and international scholars as well as business leaders. It indicates that the international2 ization process of Chinese enterprises has been quickened along with entering into new century and the trend of world economic globalization , especially after the China’s entry into WTO. It is a key topic for us to do research on this issue in order to seize the development opportunity under the new economy , to study the theories , strategies and methods of the multinational business management in the new economy , and to meet the challenges of the economic globalization

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