• Volume 6,Issue 5,2003 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Risk analysis , appraisement and control on knowledge management

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (837) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2223) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A research on knowledge management (KM) from the viewpoint of risk management is developed in this paper. Firstly , several kinds of factors affecting KMprojects are analyzed and summarized. These factors are organi2 zation goals , culture , technology , knowledge asset , organization structure , incentive mechanism , finance , etc. Then an appraising model to measure risk of KMprojects , based on deviation degree , is established. An actual ex2 ample is given to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of this method. Finally , some tactics are given to control risk during the process of KM projects

    • Method for group decision making based on two- tuple linguistic information processing

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (712) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2959) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new method is proposed to solve multiple attribute group decision making problems with linguistic as2 sessment information. In the method , the two-tuple linguistic representation developed in recent years is used to ag2 gregate the linguistic assessment information. According to the traditional ideas of TOPSIS , the optimal alternative (s) is determined by calculating the linguistic distance of every alternative and positive2ideal solution and negative2 ideal solution. It is based on the concept that the optimal alternative should have the shortest distance from positive2 ideal solution and the farthest from the negative2ideal solution. The method has exact characteristic in linguistic in2 formation processing. It avoided information distortion and losing which occur formerly in the linguistic information processing. Finally , a numerical example is used to illustrate the use of the proposed method.

    • On cooperation structure of multi-agent

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (328) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1295) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper begins with an introduction of the current status of research on the multi-agent cooperation , then sixteen cooperation structures are provided according to the three dimensions , the completely of cooperation ob2 jective exchanging of both sides exists , and the number of both sides. Furthermore , a set of communication primi2 tives is designed for multi-agent cooperation. Finally , algorithms of realizing the cooperation structures that present2 ed in this paper and a typical example on multi-agent cooperation was described.

    • Combination theory and method for interrelated evidences based optimal adjust2 ment coeff icient

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (469) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2962) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper summarized theories and methods for the combination of interrelated evidences , discussed the scourge of current combination methods , and presented a new combination method for interrelated evidences through analysis of focal element of interrelated evidences. The method focuses on the adjustment of basic probability num2 bers of interrelated focal element . It improves current adjustment methods that adjust all focal elements , makes the adjustment object more reasonable. The adjustment coefficient can be obtained through learning based optimal meth2 ods. This method can be used to combine interrelated evidences while the basic probability numbers of interrelated evidences are unavailable. An experimental computing shows the results is satisfactory.

    • Chaotic search algorithm for winner determination in combinatorial auctions

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (3275) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2541) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Combinatorial auctions , i . e. , auction where bidders can bid on combination of items , is a very impor2 tant application area in the electronic commerce nowadays. It tends to lead to more efficient allocations than tradi2 tional auctions in multi-item auctions , while keeping risks for bidders low. However , the winner determination prob2 lem in combinatorial auctions is NP2hard. By the description of the problem and analysis of its characteristics , this paper proposes a Fitting2First heuristic embedded chaotic search algorithm. Comparing to the traditional algorithms , it is easy to operate and can get better results. The outcome indicates the efficiency and the wide application promise of the heuristic algorithm for solving this problem.

    • Study on control region of economic and management chaotic model

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (545) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1929) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It usually takes a long time to obtain a target orbit by controlling chaos. But a chaotic system sometimes cannot be effectively controlled , which is shown in the feedback control based on forecasting. Among the reasons , one is that chaotic models may have many fixed points , the other is the density of orbits. In order to know when to control , an equivalence relation is introduced in this paper. The characteristic exponent based on a probabilistic dy2 namical system is calculated , which provides some useful information on unstable periodic orbits of the chaotic eco2 nomic dynamical system. An effective controlling parameter is chosen by discussing the sign of the characteristic ex2 ponent . Furthermore , the control regions of the parameter variable are proposed. Therefore the controllable domain of chaos in the chaotic economic model can be obtained.

    • Comparison of group- buying auction and f ixed- pricing mechanism

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (337) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1457) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper studies a new kind of dynamic pricing mechanisms on the internet2group2buying auction. With the IPV model , this paper analyzes the seller’s profit when the economies of scale are considered , based on which we compare group2buying auction and the fixed2pricing mechanism. With numerical studies , we conclude the condi2 tions in which group2buying auction will outmatch the fixed2pricing mechanism.

    • Empirical study of nonlinear mean2reversion characteristic of stock2index futures

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (561) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2827) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper apply ESTAR model on the empirical study of the Hong Kong Hengseng stock-index 933 , 9312 , 943 and S&P 500 stock-index 933 , 9312 , 943 , and the study result is that the price of Hong Kong Hengseng stock-index 933 , 9312 appear the nonlinear characteristic , but others appear the linear characteristic. Accordingly , we can get such conclusion : the absence of stock short system makes the arbitrage cost bigger and restrains the de2 velopment of the arbitrage. Under such market , the price of the stock-index appears the nonlinear characteristics. However , the chance of unilateral arbitrage under such market is more than that in the developed market

    • Study on credit risk assessing and forecasting model in commercial bank

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (701) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (7451) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For a long time credit risk assessment has been regarded as one kind of classification issue of pattern i2 dentification , which could not fully meet the requirements of credit risk decision2making. In view of the connotation of credit risk , it is put forward that the probability that credit capital becomes bad debt and the relativity of credit risk should be taken into consideration to assess credit risk. By taking credit risk degree as system output , credit risk assessing and forecasting model based on artificial neural network is established so as to transform assessing mode in effect and provide credit decision2making with more efficient tools and support .

    • Strategy of f irm’s entry , research and development

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (313) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1230) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In existing real option literatures , the focus is mainly on the wait2option of investing on projects. Actual2 ly , once the firm launches the project , the firm immediately obtains additional real option , e. g. , the right to con2 duct further R&D. Based on a new established model , this paper analyzes those options , not only resulting in the valuations of those options , and also concluding the optimal timing of firm’s entry and R&D. Furthermore , it is found that the optimal timing of firm’s entry is irrelevant to the R&D option , but the value of waiting2investment op2 tion is positively correlated with the R&D option.

    • Analysis of supply chain optimization planning and scheduling in mass customization

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (781) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2687) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The supply chain scheduling in mass customization is a typical stochastic demand and stochastic resource2 constrained multi2objective dynamic optimization problem. Based on the detailed description of its characteristics and the systematic , in2depth analysis of its core idea , this paper presents a complete , stochastic , multi2objective and dynamic optimization mathematics model . The paper also analyzes that this optimization objective is mature and the model is feasible based on a simple case. Finally , the paper points out the more important realization of this dy2 namic optimization scheduling and makes a practice test and verification.

    • Method to determine importance of customers’requirements in QFD

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (304) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2903) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:During the product planning phase in QFD (quality function deployment) , the customers’requirements are very important for determining the importance of technical characteristics and even for optimizing the whole HoQ (House of Quality) . In this paper , the shortcomings of the traditional methods are analyzed , then fuzzy quality function deployment is discussed. The situation of multi-granularity and multi- semantic in linguistic statement in an2 alyzing and integrating the customers’requirements is considered ; the concept of entropy is introduced to determine the sale point in the process , thus the importance of customers’requirements is determined with more objectivity and reasonability.

    • Experimental research on determinants of customer loyalty

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (788) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4884) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A synthesized theory model which describes the relationships between customer loyalty and its determin2 ing factors is put forward by integrating current related research result . Based on Chinese IT distribution industry , with the help of a professional survey company , a sample data of 367 actual customers is collected. Then , the cus2 tomer loyalty model is tested by means of the statistical analysis method of structure equation modeling(SEM) . The result shows that customer perceived value , customer satisfaction , customer trust and customer switching cost are the four determinants of customer loyalty , and among them the customer perceived value has the most important affection to customer loyalty. The guidance significance of experimental research conclusions to CRM is discussed.

    • >综述论文
    • Manufacturing strategy research : Current efforts , problems and trends

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (555) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2621) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Manufacturing strategy views the manufacturing function from the strategic perspective and regards manufac2 turing competitive capability as a strong competitive weapon. This paper summarizes the concept and research fields of manufacturing strategy ; analyzes problems existing in the research and practice of manufacturing strategy. It combines strategic management research trends and new competition characteristics to explore new issues in manufacturing strate2 gy research.

    • Survey of market microstructure theory

      2003, 6(5).

      Abstract (1184) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (7740) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the past twenty years , market microstructure has grown so dramatically that it is now a recognized sub2 field within finance. Market microstructure research is valuable for illuminating the behavior of price and markets. This has immediate application in the regulation and design of new trading mechanisms. This paper systematically review the existent research on microstructure domestic and aboard. Then in term of market microstructure theory , we analyze the microstructure of the Chinese stock market , and bring forward some instructive proposals concerning the development of the Chinese stock market

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