• Volume 7,Issue 1,2004 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Theory of variable bandwidth estimation for non2parametric simultaneous equation econometric models

      2004, 7(1).

      Abstract (337) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (6038) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents an estimation method for non2parametric simultaneous equations econometric model . A local linear estimator with variable bandwidth was used with instrumental variables , when all variables were ran2 dom. A local linear estimation method for non2parametric regression models was combined with the traditional instru2 mental variable method for linear and nonlinear simultaneous equation model . The properties under large sample size were studied in interior points by using laws of large numbers and central limit theorem in probability. The results show that this method has consistency and asymptotic normality in interior points , and its rates of convergence are equal to optimal convergence rate of the non2parametric model estimation

    • >专论文章
    • Bullwhip effect and validity of production2smoothing model

      2004, 7(1).

      Abstract (381) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4147) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This article reviews the main progress in studying the bullwhip effect in supply chains and the argument about the validity of the production2smoothing model . Some of our very recent achievements in these two areas are also introduced. Our work integrates a general ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) demand process into a multi2stage supply chain , and by the integrated model studies systematically the propagation rules of the de2 mand information flow. The findings of these propagation rules revoke some classical conclusions on the bullwhip ef2 fect , reveal some important and novel phenomena and provide a reasonable explain on the validity of the production2 smoothing model . Three questions are also asked for further investigations in the field.

    • >论文
    • Strategic expansion and choice of f inancing

      2004, 7(1).

      Abstract (536) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1847) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A model is constructed to analysis the corporate strategic expansion which influences financial contract in which the agent cost and moral hazard were included. The conclusion is that the earnings of lateral integration is positive relative to the ratio of debt ; but if the shareholder want to get more earnings from vertical integration , they must decrease the ratio of debt and increase the level of relationship2specific investment . Secondly , we discussed the principle2agent and moral hazard of financial contract , in which disclose that cash flow is important for corporate financing. The emperical evidences in this paper coincide with the above theoretical conclusion. At last , we give some advice about strategic expansion and financing decision.

    • Ecosystem Pricing : A dynamic analysis to ecosystems

      2004, 7(1).

      Abstract (276) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1041) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper a method is developed to derive prices for natural goods from information about material and energy flows within ecosystems. The derivation is based on an analogy between ecological and economic systems : both systems are characterized by flows of material and energy. To derive ecosystem prices the mathematical struc2 ture of Koopman’s economic linear production model is applied. The ecological interpretation of these prices is dis2 cussed and the uniqueness of the price system is investigated. An algorithmfor price calculation is derived and dem2 onstrated with a numerical example.

    • Multivariate long memory SV model and its application to Shanghai and Shenz2 hen stock markets

      2004, 7(1).

      Abstract (298) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2352) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper constructs a multivariate long memory stochastic volatility (MLMSV) model and provides its spectrum likelihood estimation method , as well as the testing procedures for fractional cointegration under MLMSV frame. We also test the model and method with data of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets to show its effective2 ness.

    • Two2dimensions model frame for agile organizational learning based on knowledge management

      2004, 7(1).

      Abstract (603) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2418) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the knowledge management idea , how to promote organizational learning by using information technology is one of main problems met by enterprise management . In this paper , a two2dimensions model frame for agile organizational learning based on knowledge management is proposed based on analysis of the two typical organi2 zation learning process models. In the model frame , some core contents of organization learning are richly considered and the organization learning processes are constructed by the relations of interaction between learning entities and learning tools. Not only the processes for constructing the model frame and factors , principles and methods of prac2 tice have been described in detail , but a case is used to illustrate the practical meanings and application for a practi2 cal project of enterprise

    • Study on method of evaluating customer prof itability based on data mining

      2004, 7(1).

      Abstract (624) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3872) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper discusses the customer profitability in CRM. It uses the data mining technique in order to supplement the lack of the operational method in evaluation of customer profitability. Then the process of the evalu2 ation and the decision2tree model of classification are proposed

    • Analysis of method for enterprise to search partners base on data mining

      2004, 7(1).

      Abstract (367) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1304) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is very important for an enterprise to construct its business alliance with its business partners. In this case , selection of optimal partners is crucial to the success of the alliance. This article describes a technology of da2 ta mining , i . e. support vector machines , then constructs an optimal partner searching model based on SVMs(sup2 port vector machines) . Practical effectiveness of SVMs for searching optimal partner in huge enterprise database is proven in the paper.

    • New concept hierarchy optimization method in attribute-oriented induction

      2004, 7(1).

      Abstract (549) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1419) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Attribute2oriented induction (AOI) approach is becoming one of the main techniques in data mining. In this paper , the basic AOI algorithm is described and its shortage is given. Then a new concept hierarchy optimiza2 tion method is presented. The rule2based concept graph is covered into concept tree ; the unbalanced tree ; is then covered into a balanced tree if concept tree is an unbalanced one ; the induction path of each node in the concept tree is recorded as node aggregate. The learning results are evaluated with support , confidence and LS sufficient fac2 tor. The algorithm is applied to Irish Educational Transitions Data , and results show that it is more effective and more suitable

    • Bargaining model based on phase prof it in M&As

      2004, 7(1).

      Abstract (316) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2238) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on review on negotiation and bargaining theory , this paper sets up a bargaining model in corporate mergers and acquisitions , and solve the model with the aid of game theory instrument . Furthermore , according to the practice that some merger negotiations need long time to complete , the paper does a primary probe on the bar2 gaining model with the target’s incumbent benefit in M&As.

    • >综述论文
    • Theoretical and empirical study on EVA: Review and prospect

      2004, 7(1).

      Abstract (952) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3998) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper gives a general reviewof the theoretical and empirical study on economic value added (EVA) . EVA is a managerial performance measure based upon the residual income concept and has been widely used in cor2 porate managerial practice. In this paper , the definition of EVA was introduced , and the goal congruence that EVA aims to achieve as a performance measure was discussed theoretically. Then we commented on the validity of EVA derived from the results of the empirical researches , and finally gave a prospect on the further study in this field.

    • Survey of real option approach to analyze strategic investments of technology innovations

      2004, 7(1).

      Abstract (399) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4457) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The real options approach is more suitable to analyze the problems of investment decisions under uncer2 tainty than the traditional discounted cash flow approach (DCF) does. However , the firms’strategic investments under the imperfect competition can’t be analyzed and evaluated accurately only by the real option approach. Ac2 cording to whether considering the strategic interactions among firms’decisions under the imperfect competition , this paper divides the real option approach into the general real option approach and the strategic real option approach. Mainly focusing the strategic real option approach , this paper surveys the existent real options theoretical models and approaches to analyze the firms’investments of technology innovations. Finally , recommendations are given for fur2 ther research.

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