• Volume 7,Issue 2,2004 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Optimal order policies with quantity discounts based on difference

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (515) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2646) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Both the suppliers and purchasers can increase their profits through suitable price discounts. In this pa2 per , a bi-level model representing the decision problemof price discounts and order policies with cooperation of both the supplier and purchaser in supply chain is proposed , and the algorithm based on the difference is used to solve the model . At last , a simple example illustrates that the bi-level model can express the relationship of supply and demand properly and can minimize the total cost of both the suppliers and the purchasers at the equilibrium state.

    • Control strategy to technology standard of f irm based on network externality

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (387) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1359) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper analyzes how the dominant producer , to control its technology standard which is mainstream in the market which the network externality exists. The results show that the intensity of network externality and scale of the installed base have great influence on the decision of the dominant producer when the dominant producer faces the threat of the cooperative behavior of the fringes. Only if network externality is small and the scale of installed base of the dominant producer is large , the dominant producer should monopolize its standard. And when the net2 work externality is large or the scale of installed base of the dominant producer is small , the dominant producer should fully or targetedly open its standard. When the government orders the dominant producer shouldn’t open tar2 getedly its standard , the social welfare might be impaired.

    • Two boundaries of f irm and its explanation based on cooperative game

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (366) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1645) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Firstly , this paper describes that the firm have two boundaries , one is contract boundary , the other is le2 gal boundary. Secondly , based on the core of cooperative game , this paper argues about the functions of the asset specificity and the ratio of trade in confirming the boundaries

    • Construction of frontier production function with genetic algorithm and its application

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (601) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1768) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Efficiency measurement is an important index to evaluate firms , the solving of it is connected with the construction of the frontier. Based on genetic algorithm , the frontier model with parameter character is constructed in this paper. The theory proved to be correct and useful with the empirical efficiency measurement of electric power industry and the comparison with non2parametric approach. It is the hope that this paper will be of interest to the decision2makers of electric power industry and the researchers of this field

    • Job Shop scheduling with uncertain processing time and distinct due windows

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (434) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1658) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Job Shop scheduling problem with distinct due windows is discussed. Uncertain processing time is also considered , which is denoted by triangular fuzzy number , and two fuzzy operators are introduced also. Fuzzy programming model is established for the scheduling problem. Based on the algorithmof maximizing the membership function of middle value , the fuzzy programming model is transformed into deterministic programming model and an effective genetic algorithm is presented also. A great deal of simulation results are given to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed model and the scheduling algorithm.

    • On analysis of chaotic synchronization in advertising competition model

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (449) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1156) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presented a two2dimensional discrete dynamic competitive model in advertising based on the classic V2W model , namely the sales2advertising response model . In the duopoly market , goods produced by two companies are exchangeable , and so in order to increase sales they have to lend advertising to attract customers. Since advertising expenditures were used as control variable in this paper , the model could be regarded as a linear feedback control system. By means of mathematic analyzing and numerical computing , it can be obtained that two state variables is chaotic synchronization under certain parameters regions. Furthermore , the stability of the chaotic synchronization was also analyzed.

    • Empirical analysis on uncertainty and real option in process of f irm2level investment decision

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (592) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2511) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper focuses on how irreversibility influences the effect of uncertainty on firm2level investment deci2 sion with theory of real option pricing. In empirical study , panel data on Sichuan and Chongqing 227 firms in period of 1998 —1999 is used to test predictions from models of irreversible investment under uncertainty. Survey informa2 tion on the entrepreneur’s subjective probability distribution over future demand for the firm’s products is used to construct the expected variance of demand , which is used as a measure of uncertainty. Empirical results support higher uncertainty raises the hurdle level that triggers investment . Moreover , the results have not sufficient evi2 dences to prove the prediction that firms wait to invest until the marginal revenue product of capital reaches a firm2 specific hurdle level , and some reasons for explaining this phenomenon are given.

    • Senior debt and incentive effects of junior debt

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (344) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1219) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A model of incentive effects of senior debt and junior debt is developed in the paper , in which both the rate of inflation and the rate of dividend yield are incorporated. Using the method of the game theory analysis of op2 tions , the analytic valuation formulas of the senior debt , junior debt , equity and firm , respectively , is presented in the paper. The paper discuss that the effect of the rate of inflation and the rate of dividend yield on the firm’s bankruptcy decision , the firm’s decision to issue junior claims and this wealth transfer between the debt holders and the equity holder , respectively. In order to demonstrate that the rate of inflation and the rate of dividend yield can2 not be neglected in borrow2lend contracts.

    • Research of model selection Agent

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (349) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1278) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Firstly , the paper give the definition of model selection Agent . Based on the definition , the paper dis2 cusses the structure and the functions of the component . Next , the paper makes a research on the method how to re2 alize model selection Agent . During the process of realizing model seletion Agent , the corpus approach in linguistics is used. By building the corpus based on model selection case , the paper bring forward a new method of knowledge representation of model selection. On the basis of this new method , it gives a main algoristhm of the Agent mission processor.

    • Role2based multi-agent workflow systems

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (527) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2223) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract::Many workflow2modeling tools have been developed , but most of them describe business process in terms of activity , product , goal or decision2making. Little attention is paid to roles and interactions among them. Howev2 er , the success of an enterprise depends on its people and their accountabilities in the final analysis. In this paper , role2oriented workflow modeling is analyzed from the perspective of roles and their interactions. Then how to repre2 sent the role2oriented workflow models is discussed , which provide a new method for workflow management . Fur2 thermore , with reference to the architecture of WFMC , role2driven approach to workflow management systems de2 scribed by multi2agent systems (MAS) is proposed based on the analysis of the relationship between agents and roles , between MAS and workflow systems. A prototype is realized based on the approach

    • Dynamic stability decision-making of talents system by robust control theory method

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (593) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1683) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The issue of dynamic stability decision-making of senior talents system is studied by using modern robust control theory and linear matrix inequality approach. A class of linear uncertain time-varying dynamic model of tal2 ents is established , some existing basis are also discussed. Some criteria of robust stability and robust decision2mak2 ing of senior talents systems are put forward. Its significance in particular conditions are presented. Finally , an ex2 ample is given to illustrate the validity of our results.

    • >综述论文
    • Classif ication &research advancement of comprehensive evaluation methods

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (1847) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (18767) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper first summarizes and classifies the comprehensive evaluation (CE) methods in different fields , and analyses the principles , virtues , shortages and their application fields of each method. It explores the newly re2 search development of CE methods. There are three major problems in existing methods : The first is the non-consis2 tency about the evaluation conclusion when using different CE methods ; the second is the lacking of special treat2 ment in practice ; the third is the disjoint between theory researches and practical applications. Based on this , the paper puts forward the new idea that the combined evaluation based on methods integration is to set up an I3DSS that supports the consistent evaluations

    • >研究简报
    • Effective dialogue model of the interactions among experts based on learning organization in HWME

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (252) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1513) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The hall for workshop of metasynthetic engineering (HWME) combines the experience &intelligence of all the generalized experts and the high capability of computer in the global level . Thus it is a knowledge system to solve the complex problem by the collective wisdom emerging from the network of HWME resulted from the interac2 tions among and between the generalized experts. HWME based on internet includes the experts , computer , internet and intranet . Because there is open dynamic complex in the group of experts , a rule of melting learning organization and merit of seminar into effective interaction is needed in HWME. This paper applies the information technology and artificial intelligence to implement the rule. With the addition of social thought technology such as system think2 ing and dialogue in depth to the dialogue theory and model in AI , a new , operable , embedded in human2computer interface , effective and applicable dialogue model is established , and a roomfor effective interaction is chosen to be intranet . This provides an effective path for the application research of social thought

    • Research on multifaceted model system of complicated decision2making problem

      2004, 7(2).

      Abstract (527) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1951) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Because of the characteristics of complicated decision2making problems , it is very difficult to describe and solve complicated decision2making problems only by the means of quantitative models. From the viewpoint of Metasynthetic Engineering , the paper holds the opinion that the solving process of complicated decision2making problems requires the support of multifaceted model . According to the cognition levels of complicated decision2mak2 ing problems , the paper puts forward that the multifaceted model systemof complicated decision2making problems is composed of concept model , structure model and mathematics model and then elaborates the three kinds of models

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