• Volume 7,Issue 4,2004 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Research on model of supply chain inventory coordination and optimization

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (1224) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (50) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The traditional inventory management dominantly pays attention to the internal inventory control of busi2 ness , and is neglectful on supply chain coordination and partnering. The local optimization management mode results in impeded logistics , cost increase , lack of business and supply chain competitiveness. Supply chain coordination and partnering become significant means to improvement of supply chain performance , enhancement of business competitiveness. This paper makes some beneficial approaches to the inventory coordination and its value of the twostage supply chain under indeterminate supply and demand through model research. Under period review replenish2 ment , the paper introduces concept of effective inventory level , which represents upstream shortage’s influence on downstream inventory , models the inventory of suppler and buyer , and globally optimizes safety factor to reduce sup2 ply chain inventory cost . Meanwhile , authors present the realization mechanism of safety factor’s global optimiza2 tion , and make sensitivity analyses on value of global optimization.

    • Collaboration based optimal model on a supply chain

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (572) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (16) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Collaboration based supply is a common problem of supply chain systems. In recent time , there was an article proposing a multi-depot cooperate supply mathematical model . Furthermore , that article gave the solution of the model , and the corresponding algorithm was regarded as a heuristic method. This paper , however , gives a proof that the algorithm is actually optimal , not heuristic. Our conclusion consummates prophase researches , and this pa2 per also gives a theoretical base on the application of the algorithm.

    • Return policies in supply chain system with quick response strategy

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (347) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (6) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With long lead-time , the wide impact of order decision is very inaccurate. Quick response strategy con2 sists of dealing with this problem and enables orders to be placed closed to the start of the selling season. Retailers can adjust their order quality after gathered more and better demand information. But quick response strategy may not always make both manufacturers and retailer’s benefits better. Ref 1. showed that under low service levels QR improves both retailer and manufacturer profits , but we would not observe such lower service levels in practice. The original purpose of this paper is to investigate the return polices in the supply chain system with QR strategy. Under some conditions , return policies will make QR system Pareto improving. In this paper , the author also consider changing of the expected quantity sold and the expected quantity shortage and the expected quantity left over

    • Supply chain coordination with contracts under twice producing and ordering mode

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (565) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (10) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We examine the problem of supply chain coordination with contracts under twice producing and ordering mode when considering supply chain members’cost of handling returned products and comparative liquidation ad2 vantage , and determine conditions under which either return contracts or markdown allowance contracts will be more desirable. Efficient return contracts and efficient markdown allowance contracts are designed to coordinate the retail2 er to order the same quantities as in central control mode. Using means of numerical study , we find that as return price or markdown allowance increases , the retailer’s expected profit and overall order quantity increase and the re2 tailer tends to order more in period 1 , order less in period 2 ; the manufacturer’s producing quantity in period 1 in2 creases according to the retailer’s order and his producing quantity in period 2 doesn’t vary much ; the manufac2 ture’s performance decreases with increasing return price ; increasing markdown allowance in certain range can im2 prove the manufacturer’s performance , then after a threshold his expected profit decreases

    • Research of product inventory under impact load

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (260) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A product inventory optimal policy under impact load is established in this paper. The properties of the policy are that every production period is partitioned into multiphase in which time duration is different , the produc2 tivity can be less than demand rate in every product phase(the maximum productivity is lower than the maximum de2 mand rate) , and preproduction are permitted. Given the bounded productivity , we obtain a product2inventory opti2 mal policy which supplies a theoretic base for management and decision2making of inventory system by using a one2 dimensional search method

    • Analyzing GA- hardness for real encoding in genetic algorithms

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (443) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (7) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper firstly analyzes the significance of testing GA-hardness in the study of genetic algorithms. Be2 cause the study in this aspect nowfocuses on binary encoding , we analyze how to test GA-hardness for real encoding in genetic algorithms. After discussing the method of FDC(fitness distance correlation) and the method of correlation functions based on the randomwalk model , we propose the best one-order function approximation method to test GAhardness with real encoding. At last , a lot of experiments are done , and these methods are compared and evaluated according to the experimental results

    • Effect of commission on auctions

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (317) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the symmetry independent private value and affiliated value model which induced commission , this pa2 per considers the bidding strategy in the first2price and second2price auctions. We find that the commission rate has effects on the bidders’biding strategy , on the expected profits of the seller and the auctioneer. The bigger the com2 mission rate is , the more passively the bidder bids , and the fewer expected profit the seller makes , but the more ex2 pected profit the auctioneer has. To our surprised , the bidder’s expected profit is not dependent on the commission rate. In the SIPV model , the revenue2equivalence theorem is also correct . These conclusions give some advices : the buyer need not worry about the high commission rate.

    • Optimal railway passenger- ticket pricing and train speeding- up

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (332) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (16) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the analysis of the effect of railway passenger2ticket pricing and train speeding2up on the benefit of railway transportation department , a bi2level programming model is proposed to describe the optimal railway pas2 senger2ticket pricing and train speeding2up under the condition of multi2modal transportation. The model is to deter2 mine passenger2ticket price and trains speed to maximize the revenue of railway management departments while con2 sidering passenger’s mode2choice behavior. A heuristic sensitivity2based solution algorithm is developed to solve the proposed bi2level problem and a numerical example given to illustrate the applications of the proposed model and so2 lution algorithm.

    • Characteristics of organizational structure of learning organization and some case studies

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (831) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (19) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:How to design and build suitable organizational structure is very important for developing learning organi2 zation. Firstly , the previous researches on this area have been reviewed and analyzed. Then , five functional charac2 teristics (namely information/ intelligence function , innovation function , learning/ training function , knowledge man2 agement function , and change/ crisis management function) and four form characteristics (namely team2based/ net2 worked , flat , market/ customer oriented , elastic/ reconfigurable ) have been put forward based on Integrated Process Model (6P-1B model) of learning organization. Some cases have been studied to analyze and explain each of the above nine organizational structure characteristics. Future research direction has been discussed finally.

    • Research on corporate culture system model and its construction

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (615) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (18) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Study on employee behaviors from individual layer is based on psychological contract ,while corporate culture focuses on organizational and individual behaviors from organizational layer. At present there are more and more studies about organizational behavior based on psychological contract . On basic of comparative research be2 tween psychological contract and corporate culture , this paper further produces corporate cultural definition. Theory of Corporate Culture is researched in systemic method based on psychological contract , and corporate cultural system model is constructed , and its dimensions are analyzed in the viewpoint of its construction. Under the incentive mechanism of performance rewards , the way of constructing the strong culture is pointed out . Finally , a case is used to illustrate the use of the proposed approach.

    • >综述论文
    • Groupthink theory : Model development and empirical research review

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (680) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (12) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper reviews the development of groupthink theory and summarizes its empirical research. Group2 think research from 1971 , including case analysis and laboratory test , is reviewed. Results from these two research areas are briefly compared. It is concluded that groupthink research is still a live theory that need further study. Fu2 ture research issues and relative recommendations are provided finally.

    • >研究简报
    • Virtual enterprise’s supply chain optimizing adjustment based on assignment game

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (389) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (13) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper discusses the supply chain structure optimizing adjustment problem of virtual enterprise. Based on extension from three2sided assignment game to multi2sided , we propose a mathematical model , by which virtual enterprise’s supply chain structure optimum adjusting scheme can be obtained. The study shows that , core enterprises in alliance can maximize the virtual enterprise’s outcome by arranging the collaborations among suppliers properly under their willingness2payment constrain

    • Empirical analysis of relationship between liquidity constraints and consumer behaviors

      2004, 7(4).

      Abstract (675) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The existence of liquidity constraints could increase the saving level , and induce the current consump2 tion. By using the optimal consumption model with three periods , we prove that there are liquidity constraints in the smooth consumption path. We find that about 83. 46 percent of consumers are influenced by the liquidity constraints in China. Therefore , enforcing the liquidity in the credit market is important to stimulus the aggregate demand in current conditions

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