• Volume 7,Issue 5,2004 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • MMKN model of structure in organizations

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (307) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1625) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Computational &mathematical organization theory based on modeling and simulation is a new branch of organiziation theory studies in recent 10 years. The precondition of simulation is that the organizational structure model , which should be highly general and easily operated , must be established. Proposed in this paper is the mul2 tiplex multi2kernel network (MMKN) model used to characterize organizational structure. This model abstracted highly the complexity such as the diversity of relationships and elements , dynamical character and hierarchical struc2 ture , and the feature of different nature and differentiation of actors in networks. A rough framework of MMKN de2 scribed by graph theory was outlined in terms of the diversity of relationships and elements , and some suggestions for future simulation and programming was presented. Finally the advantage of MMKN in macroscopical processing of organizational behavior was demonstrated through a case of network research in an academic group consisted of doc2 toral mentor and his graduates.

    • Group negotiation model based on believable threat and the applications

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (358) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1670) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The traditional decision2making problem of enterprises is expanded to non2cooperation game with profit conflict condition , then to group negotiation problem. It is how to cooperate with each other while their non2coopera2 tion profit not being cut down. The Pareto goal function is proposed. For the sake of coalition’s stability , this paper give the concept of believable threat and the measuring method. Based on the believable threat , the alliance dis2 burses the Pareto value. Finally a three2company group negotiation case is given and the efficiency of the proposed model is shown.

    • Game analysis on formation choices of horizontal industrial group

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (422) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1356) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper , a game model that studies the formation choices of horizontal industrial group is devel2 oped. In the model , there are three firms ; two of them produce a homogeneous product , and the other produces an interrelated product . There are two periods. In period one , the firms that produce a homogeneous product select a strategy : to form a group or not . In period two , three firms play Cournot2Nash competition. Cournot2Nash equilibri2 um outcomes is reached when no group is formed and the effects of substitutability coefficient on optimal outputs is studied.Different Cournot2Nash equilibriumoutcomes can be got when a group is formed. The paper also studied the formation choices of horizontal industrial group , and a numberical sample is given.

    • Channel coordination under midlife returns and end-of-life returns in price in2 creasing environment

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (395) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1989) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper examined the channel policies that midlife returns (M) and end2of2life returns (E) are used in price increasing environments. Midlife returns allow retailer to return units partway through the life cycle at some rebate. Our results display that , if the wholesale prices and the return rebates are set properly , then EM combining policies can achieve channel coordination. Furthermore , such policies are sufficient to guarantee both coordination and a win2win outcome. These results enlarge the Terry’s about the price decreasing environment

    • Response- time optimization of supply chain with multi- stage based on bi-level programming

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (422) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1137) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Optimizing and shortening multi2stage response-time. As one of supply chain management goals , is an effective approach to supply chain to respond rapidly the demand in market and to reduce lead time. Firstly , the concept of supply chain multi2stage response time was illustrated. Supposed the core firm is a coordinating center , this paper constructed a decision2making mechanism , and developed a bi2level programming approach to model the supply chain multi2stage response-time. Then , the model was tested and verified by analyzing a practical case. The results shows that the model can coordinate the whole supply chain’s benefit , local node firm’s benefit , allocate production time and logistics time rationally , and is an effective decision2making aided tool for supply chain to opti2 mize and shorten multi2stage response time

    • Effect of demand uncertainty on supply chain cooperation for single- period product

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (430) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1867) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cooperation is an approach to improve the competitive advantages of a supply chain , and it is also a means of business risk avoiding for the enterprises in the supply chain. A two-echelon supply chain consists of a manufacturer and a retailer is studied , and the demand uncertainty is described by variance coefficient for single2pe2 riod product . It is proved that the cooperative game equilibriumonly exists under the condition that the variance co2 efficient doesn’t exceed certain value. By numerical analysis of influence of demand uncertainty on cooperative game equilibrium and cooperation effects , and by comparing the cooperative with the non2cooperative under given retailing price , cooperation is found to improve the ability of supply chain to deal with market demand uncertainty and busi2 ness risk.

    • Benchmark selection for supply chain assessment based on clustering mining technology

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (579) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2368) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Benchmarking , which is one of the methods for supply chain assessment , has important application value ,while how to select appropriate benchmark is the bottleneck of this method. Aiming at this problem , this paper dis2 cusses how to collect and analyze the characteristics of supply chains with density-based clustering mining technolo2 gy , so that it can provide decision support to compare and improve supply chain performance with benchmarking. In the approach , firstly , the index values of supply chain performance are standardized. Then , they are classified by density-based clustering technology (improved K-average clustering method) . After the analysis of each cluster , the problemof benchmark selection is solved. Finally , a numerical example is given to illustrate the proposed approach

    • Application of option approach in patent development

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (285) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1218) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper , the properties of patent is analyzed and the concept of patent option is introduced. Subse2 quently , method of stochastic differential process is used to discuss three options of patent based on the previous studies : research option , patent applying option , developing option. Concluded in the paper is that patent develop2 ment timing , the initial investment , the probability of competition entry are the most important factors that influence each phase of patent development

    • Comparison of VaR based on GARCHand SV models

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (475) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (6107) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper reviews the concept and the calculating method of Value at Risk( VaR) and points out the im2 portance of predicting the volatility of market factor for calculating VaR. Compared with GARCH models , SV model is superior to describe the characters of financial market . A SV model is used to define the volatility which is needed to estimate VaR. The experimental research manifest that the SV model predicts the volatility of market return per2 fectly and the following VaR reflect the risk level of Chinese stock market properly.

    • Fractal analysis of China stock markets

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (609) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3623) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on fractal market hypothesis , some typical characteristics such as the long memory , term structure and non2periodic cycle of volatility , and non2Gaussian distribution of return are discovered by R/ S analysis and BDS test in China stock markets. It is proved that the fractal market hypothesis can interpret better the nonlinearity inhere in China stock markets than efficient market hypothesis

    • >综述论文
    • Revenue management :State-of- the2art and future prospects

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (515) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3797) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a rapidly growing field of management science ,revenue management is an effective technique to man2 age perishable products in service industries.While it has advanced in both theory and practice worldwide ,it is yet to be boosted in China. This article surveys the research works in three major components of revenue management —dy2 namic pricing ,capacity control ,and overbooking. It also reviews the development of revenue management in China , which is much needed in promoting the business strategy in the nation’s service sector in its post WTO economy

    • >应用案例
    • Customer value as the most powerful antecedent of competitive advantage : An empirical study

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (347) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3069) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Lacking of competitive advantage (CA) becomes increasingly serious in 21 century. Researchers and practitioners pay great attention to exploring the resource of competitive advantage. Both Michael Porter and Woodruff have presented that customer value is the resource of competitive advantage in theory. But there is no em2 pirical resuts is rare in literature. The paper deals with this issue with two stages. Firstly , it is shown that customer loyalty is antecedent of competitive advantage based on the existing empirical study. Then , customer value is intro2 duced into the antecedent of behavior intention by reviewing the existing researches on antecedents of behavioral in2 tention. It is tested in this paper , by using the data of diesel motor in China , that customer value is the most impor2 tant antecedent of behavioral intention. Further , it is confirmed that customer value is the most important factor for any company to remain competitive advantage

    • >研究简报
    • Orientation2service- stimulation model of knowledge- based f irm

      2004, 7(5).

      Abstract (313) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1376) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The study of this paper is to focus on the management model for knowledge2based firm , an important or2 ganization form in the knowledge economy. First , this paper analyzes the basic difference between knowledge2base firm and non2konwledge2based firm;second , it is concluded that the command2and2control model can’t applied to the knowledge2based firm based on the analysis of the management requirements of knowledge2based firm. Third , this paper puts forward an orientation2service2stimulation model to the knowledge2based firm , and briefly explaining the meaning of orientation、stimulation and service. Finally , a dynamic rhombus organization structure is putted for2 ward to support the orientation2service2stimulation model .

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