• Volume 9,Issue 1,2006 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Equilibrium bus riding behavior in rush hours and system configuration for providing bus services

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (313) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1988) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Focusing on the ignorance of co—impacts of network extemality and flexible decision on market-entry,this paper derives the demand curve from consumers’utilities in the market with network externality,and then,under Coumot competition,examines the sole impacts of network externality or flexible decision and their co—impacts on market.entry decision.Based on these,this paper also studies the efects of network externality on the value of a flexible market—entry opportunity.1he results show that under the assumption of geometric Brown motion market and ex post Coumot competition,network externality advances market.entry and raises the value of a flexible market.en. ny opportunity while market-entry flexibility puts off such an entry,rI1I1is implies that an observed entry is the out— eolc/le of the balan cing between the force of network extenudity and that of flexibility to a market—entry decision

    • Study of competitive a ;I1 approach based on restriction of Nash equilibrium

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (355) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1900) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:Based on a multiple criteria decision making(MCDM)model,this paper investigates how the set of cri. teria weights(or weight-set thereafter)is determined to compete for alternatives’maximmn advantages according to its own characteristic of alternatives based on the restriction of Nash equilibrium.Each alternative is called a deci. sion making unit(DMU).We introduce the restriction of Nash equilibrium and present tl1e model of competitive as. sessment based on the restriction of Nash equilibrium in multi.criteria decision making(CANEM).Each DMUs wi11 get its optimum weight—set according to CANEM and be ranked by the result calculated by optimum weight—set finally. At the sflllle time tl1e advantages’equilibrium of al1 DMUs ll be achieved.This paper presents a new metl10d to get objective weight—set based on advantages’equilibrium of all DMUs

    • Real option approach to optimal switching of flexible product—mix

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (506) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1870) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Abstract:This paper analyzes the optimal switching of flexible product—mix using similar real option approach which is applied to study combined entry and exit strategies in project investment.The key assumptions are that one prod— uct—mix Can be perpetually produced while two product—mixes exist perpetually,the cash flow follows geometric Brownian motion,there exists switching cost,and only relative profitability of product.mix is considered in the opti— real decision making.By solving nonlinear set of equations,the effects of volatility,switching cost and correlation of product—mix Oil the optimal switching are analyzed via a numerical example. It shows that the triggering level of rela. tive profitability is increasing with the increases of volatility and switching cost,which is similar to other results in real option theoretical applications.Furthermore,the analysis of the effect of product.mix’S correlation on the opti— real switching demonstrates that all increase in the correlation decreases the trigering level of relative profitability.

    • Roles of learning capacities and commitments in establishment of co-opetition relationships

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (321) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1563) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper studies an interfirm relationship characterized by the coexistence of cooperation and competition, that is, a relationship through which firms cooperate and compote simultaneously to appropriate the largest share of the resources created jointly. Our results show that firms' learning capacities can reflect and determine the levels of their commitments which may act as governance mechanism in the co-opetition relationship if the firms have the opportunities to access the resources undamaged to their partner's competences when learning from each other through the relationship. By the governance mechanism, firms can determine the levels of inputs of their resources individually and resolve the conflict resulting from the appropriation concerns, and thereby an interfirm co-opetition relationship can be established finally

    • Critical path for an interval project network

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (303) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1656) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the characteristics of interval plan network, this paper introduces the concept of interval critical path (DBICP). By proposing some relevant theorems, we give an algorithm for DBICP, which extends the researches on interval critical path by Stefan Chanas and Pawel Zielinski

    • Analysis of the queuing model of dynamic vehicle routing problem

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (584) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3442) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this thesis, a dynamic model of the vehicle routing problem is developed and analyzed. In this model, an vehicle with adequate volume travels at a constant velocity in a botmded Euclidean plane to provide services to demands, whose locations are independent and uniformly distributed over this region. The dynamic demands arrive according to a Poisson process in time and their on-site service times are generally distributed, independent of their locations. A median strategy for the dynamic model is proposed to reduce system time of the natural First Come First Served one, with the improvement of performance verified by simulation results

    • Research on inventory decision-making of one-to-one supply chain based on time-varying demand

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (311) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1908) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Along with increasingly fierce competition, demand change becomes faster and demand is apparently time-varying. This paper, based on time-varying demand, probes into optimization of shortage times under equal-cycle reorder and optimization of shortage times and reorder times under non-equal-cycle reorder, especially, the paper studies decision-making models of local optimization and global optimization, and finds that non-equal-cycle reorder and global optimization of reorder times can effectively decrease inventory cost. Meanwhile, this paper analyses relationship between performance of reorder time optimization and both the parties' reorder frequency and demand time-varying

    • Comparatives of incentive efficiency of conunon agency and exclusive dealing

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (617) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1874) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to compare the incentive efficiency of common agency and exclusive dealing, and to examine the influence of the correlations of two tasks on the choice of the two typical agency modes. By establishing a model with two principals and one agent, this paper solved the agents' efforts to different tasks, and calculated the principals' residuals under common agency and exclusive dealings. The main findings of this paper show that the incentive of the easier task is more efficient, and the principal whose task is easier is more inclined to "common agency", but the inclination of the other principal is decided by the compliment degree of the two tasks. These findings were aoolied to the compensation system of the faculty in Research-oriented University

    • Positivistic research on the usage of game theory in split-share structure reform

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (346) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1685) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The biggest obstacle in China's stock market is the problem of its split-share structure. The process of split-share structure reform is a ‘game' between tradable share's holders and non-tradable share's holders. In the game, the two kinds of shareholders bargain on the consideration that non-tradable shareholders should pay to tradable shareholders. In this article, we firstly explained : what kind of game the reform is, the gains and strategies of the opponents in the game and their influence on average consideration. Secondly, we dug into the negotiation scheme between different kinds of shareholders in split-share structure reform based on game theory and then we did some positivistic research on the effectiveness of the game between different kinds of shareholders. Finally, we analyzed some problems under the network voting system and made our suggestions

    • Risk measurement of Chinese stocks with VaR

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (475) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2131) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the fundamental concept of Value-at-Risk(VaR)and considering the characteristics of Chinese stock market, a model to measure price risk and liquidity risk together is set up in this paper. Then, with this model and sample data of Chinese stock market used, price risk and liquidity risk of some individual stocks are measured. The results show volatility and liquidity of most Chinese stocks are similar and unstable. There does not exist any blue chip stocks in Chinese stock market

    • >应用案例
    • Founding of indices for a model of global marketing strategy with empirical support

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (363) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1658) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By inheriting and developing the theoretie model of integrated global marketing strategy advanced by foreign scholars, the authors innovatively develop a system of indices for the model's evaluation and then empirically utilize these indices to appraise the marketing strategies taken by some "Fortune Global 500 Companies" operating in Chinese market from three major angles——namely, internal and external drivers, strategic representation and finn performance, then draw a conclusion on the underlying pattern and the operating characteristics of those conlpanies. Correspondingly, the authors put forward some helpful suggestions for Chinese enterprises to develop transnational marketing strategies and be competitive in global marketplace

    • >研究简报
    • Ba for collaboration and knowledge creation

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (617) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1775) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the 21st century, knowledge sharing and creation has become the primary productivity to promote organization development. During the period of group activities, excellent collaboration technique is necessary to ensure knowledge creation. In this paper, based on system methodology of Meta-synthesis, whose essential idea can be simplified as "confident hypothesizing, rigorous validating" proposed by Chinese system scientist Qian Xuesen (Tsien HsueShen). We develop a computer-based tool: group argumentation environment (GAE), which supports group activities, such as group argumentation, group knowledge creation, divergent and convergent thinking process. It can be viewed as a ‘ba' for collaboration and knowledge creation

    • Establishing of the frame of entrepreneurship research based on new business creation and development process

      2006, 9(1).

      Abstract (689) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2545) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Entrepreneurship research is interesting topic both in foreign and domestic academic research, and has great significance to the reform of state-owned enterprises and the developmenl of non-state-owned economy in China. But there are always disagreements in the frame of entrepreneurship research. Through analyzing the 1042 papers in FER (Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research) of Babson College and 400 papers in CNKI (China National Knowledge hffrastructure), the paper reviewed the status quo of entrepreneurship research and established the frame of entreprneurship research based on the new business creation and development process. Through establishing this frame of entrepreneurship research, we can find the shortage of current entrepreneurship research and point out the future research direction

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