• Volume 9,Issue 3,2006 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Global complexity of a RD dynamic competition model

      2006, 9(3).

      Abstract (551) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1579) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A RD dynamic competition model with spillover effects is established in the rent-seeking framework. The local stability analysis is firstly conducted, evolutionary properties of the system restricted to two axes, which are the basic boundaries of feasible sets, are then analyzed and the whole boundary of feasible sets is determined. Global properties of systems with symmetrical and nonsymmetrical structure are studied. Under some conditions, several attractors may coexist, even chaos attractor and periodic attractor may coexist. The multi-stability makes the system's dynamic behavior sensitive to initial conditions, that is to say, different initial conditions may lead the dynamic pro- cess to basin of different attractors. At last, the competing states are analyzed under different parameter conditions

    • Competitive upgrade pricing of PC software

      2006, 9(3).

      Abstract (407) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1902) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We studied the PC software upgrade competition with Hotelling model. It shows that the upgrade pricing is affected by network externality, switch cost, and the quality of upgrade product. Many conclusions were drawn: (1) if users have rational expectations, the firm with larger net scale always prefers incompatibility, the finn with smaller net scale always prefers full compatibility; (2) the relevant factors are analyzed which affect version upgrade price, competitive price and full price; (3) the relationship between switch cost and competitive upgrade is explained; (4) the conditions are analyzed in which a firm can attract the rival's customers and analyze the strategies by which a firm can attract new customers. This paper is of theoretical importance for firms to make decision on competitive upgrade pricing

    • Retailer's procurement decisions for supply chain with options contracts

      2006, 9(3).

      Abstract (532) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1529) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We consider two independent retailers facing stochastic demand. Because of long lead-time and short selling season, retailers obtain goods from a supplier via option contracts. At the beginning of the selling season, retailers can adjust their positions by trading options with one another according to market demand. We focus on deriving how the possibility of such option trading between two independent retailers affects each retailer's optimal order and optimal trading profit. We show that there exists a unique Nash equilibrium, and retailers' optimal orders with option are all increasing in option's trading price. The retailer's optimal profit with option trading is higher without option trading. When the retailers face identical market structure, there exists a unique optimal option trading price and the retailer's optimal order with option trading is higher than without option trading. When retailers face identical Normal demand distribution, retailers' optimal option order and optimal expected profit are deceasing in the demand correlation coefficient

    • Rent contribution analyzing and appraising study of supply chain competitive advantage

      2006, 9(3).

      Abstract (469) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1724) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using the research work of The Resource-Based View (RBV) theory, combining our former study, this paper pus forward the rent contribution analyzing and appraising method of supply chain competition advantage source. First, this paper sums up the main achievements in the RBV in competition advantage explaining, our study of supply chain model in RBV and the transfer relationship between trade price and variable cost among chain partners. Then this paper brings forward the definition and formula of partner rent contribution and presents the supply chain competition in this way. Based on these, this paper considers that the supply chain competitive advantage is composed of partners' rent contributions, and it is not the simply parallel summation of those contributions, but rather the transferring of those contributions one partner after another and gathering to the final partners that form the supply chain competitive advantage. Finally, this paper provides the rent contribution method and gives a simulation to appraise and explain the usage of this method in supply chain competition analyzing, supply chain construction, partner selection and evaluation

    • Study on bidding strategies in online auctions

      2006, 9(3).

      Abstract (430) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2409) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the rise of e-commerce, more and more firms are experimenting with online auctions, among which eBay. corn has achieved the great success. Based on eBay, this paper studies an online English auction with proxy bidding where customers arrive one after another and the seller can either set a reserve price or not. After describing the process of the online auction, it is shown that the truthful and early bidding is dominant strategy for bidders if their valuations on the item are independent and private. Then, we compare this strategy with the last-minute bid- ding strategy presented in the literature for the case of interdependent valuations, and we interpret some bidding behavior in practice

    • Real option valuation of R&D project with patent

      2006, 9(3).

      Abstract (344) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1464) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The investment model of R&D project with patent is developed in the paper. The R&D investment process divides into two stages by the characteristics of R&D investment process. The research stage is considered as an European option. The development stage is considered as an American perpetual option. Therefore the investment opportunity in R&D can be thought of as a compound option. The analytic valuation formula for the R&D option and optimal investment policy are derived. It is discussed that the effect of the patent breadth on the R&D option value and R&D investment policy, and presents the condition to apply for a patent

    • Multitask principal-agent model and study on SOE managers' incentive issues

      2006, 9(3).

      Abstract (905) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3181) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using the muhi-task principal-agent model, this study analyzes the SOE(state owned enterprise) manager's incentive contracts in two aspects: the tasks are inter-independent and inter-dependent. We find that, when the tasks are inter-dependent, the incentive contract with a SOE manager is not only multi-tasked, but also threshed. That is, the incentive for a SOE manager is positive only when both the SOE manager's political performanee and preference performance satisfy the threshed incentive conditions simultaneously; otherwise, it is negative. The threshed incentive conditions are thereby presented in this article

    • Algorithm based on adjacent lattice for finding frequent itemsets

      2006, 9(3).

      Abstract (2542) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1758) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is well known that the task of finding frequent itemsets in large database is the bottleneck problem in the research of association rules mining. A new algorithm for mining frequent itemsets is proposed in this paper. Based on the graph theory, the algorithm converts the origin transaction database to an itemsets adjacent lattice in the preprocessing, where each itemset vertex has a label to save its support. The algorithm changes the complicated task of mining frequent itessets in the database to a simpler one of searching vertex in the lattice, which can speed up greatly the mining process. Furthermore, to compute the support of each itemset, the algorithm uses a vertical tid-list database format, where each itemset is associated with a list of transactions in which it occurs. At the end, we carried out the algorithm, and analyzed the result of the experiment

    • Numerical method for optimal porffofio selection in stock market with frictions

      2006, 9(3).

      Abstract (444) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1486) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There are frictions in real stock market such as transaction costs and taxes, etc. The optimal portfolio selection should be affected by market frictions definitely. In this paper, we took the maximum utility of the investor as the objective function and we presented an infeasible interior point algorithm for quadratic programming to solve the proposed model. The optimal solution and the steps of applied algorithm were presented also

    • >应用案例
    • Simulation of the contribution rate of occupational pensions in China

      2006, 9(3).

      Abstract (469) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1907) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The occupational pensions are playing a more and more important role in the system of multi-pillar pension security system. Aiming at individual account, the paper establishes an actuarial equivalent model for Chinese occupational pensions. Based on the actuarial equivalent model, we analyze the contribution rate of occupational pensions using the simulation method. According to the result, the paper further discusses the contribution rate stated in the Testing Method of Occupational Pensions, which was implemented on May 1, 2005. The conclusions can contribute to the development of the Chinese occupational pensions and establishment of policy

    • >研究简报
    • Review on enterprise technological capability study during industry conversion——Referring the reforging route of technological capability

      2006, 9(3).

      Abstract (500) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1631) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the basis of analyzing the study on enterprise's conversion and technological capability, two cultivation models of primary technology mining and technology learning of enterprises technological capability on a back ground of industry conversion axe put forward, and the key factors affecting the model choice axe analyzed. The technic-knowledge integration platform and technological capability integration model axe constructed to explore the reforging route and internal disciplinarian of enterprises' technological capability during industry conversion

    • Systemic study on organizational knowledge transfer and learning capability

      2006, 9(3).

      Abstract (700) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2597) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Knowledge transfer can provide an organization with comparative competitive edge, and organizational learning may enhance its adaptive ability to environments. Their mutual efforts support organizational sustainable competitive advantages, This paper reviews the literatures of overlapping knowledge, knowledge transfer, and learning capacity, and analyzes the characteristic relationships between overlapping knowledge and knowledge transfer, and organization learning. The model of these relationships is made up of knowledge ecological perspective, and further we demonstrate the proposition that overlapping knowledge is an adjustor of the optimization of the efficiency of knowledge transfer and learning ability. Lastly, the management implications are concluded

    • >管理科学论坛
    • Complex problem solving: Brain model of HeXie Coupling

      2006, 9(3):0-0.

      Abstract (394) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1959) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In terms of HeXie Management Theory and the research findings of brain science, this paper compares and analyzes the principle of brain function and HeXie Coupling mechanism. The basic model of HeXie Management on complexity problem solving is presented, and the "mechanism-order" model of HeXie Coupling on the level of rule system is discussed. The model points out that HeXie Coupling is a dynamic and evolving process, during which He Principle and Xie Principle under HeXie Theme adjust to each other at different levels of the organizational network. And it is HeXie Coupling that helps inducement evolution and rational design to realize the coherence of organization as a whole

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