• Volume 9,Issue 4,2006 Table of Contents
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    • Research on mechanism and for capacity of regional technological innovation

      2006, 9(4):0-0.

      Abstract (709) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1277) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As an aspect of the regional innovation system, the capacity of regional technical innovation reflects the degree of the regional innovation system operation. After studing related papers, we defined the formation mechanism of the ability of regional technical innovation. Based on the analysis on the meaning and structure of the ability of regional technical innovation, we discussed the model of its forming condition and mechanism, found concrete indices to reflect the corresponding factors, and did empirical analysis with the Fuzzy Mathematics. The conclusion reflected that the defined structure and model could explain the circumstance of the ability of regional technical innovation of China

    • Endogenous model with exhaustible energy, pollution abatement spending and sustainable growth induced

      2006, 9(4):0-0.

      Abstract (659) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1098) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the R&D model, this paper presents a model with exhaustible energy, environment threshold and abatement spending input. The method of optimal control is employed to obtain the balance growth solutions. Further, the characteristics of the prerequisites to sustainable development are discussed according to these solutions, that is, what dynamic relations must be satisfied between economic growth and the rate of energy exhausting, the proportion of investment in abatement. These relations supply an altemative theoretical criterion when assessing the effects of various energy policies

    • Study on managemental model of transboundary water pollution dissensions of blocked river basin

      2006, 9(4):0-0.

      Abstract (529) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (337) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Several basic assumptions have been supposed combining the Chinese blocked river basin's character, including that every region of the river basin is assumed to be a decision-maker, pollutant discharge and distribution of a river basin is highly controlled by man, and pollutant of upstream region only influences middlestream region' environmental quality directly, but does not influence downstream region' s, etc. The model of description of transboundary water pollution is also brought forward on the basis of the above assumptions. Advantage and disadvantage of model of appointed quota of pollution reduction have been analyzed, which is now adopted by the administration of the river basin, such as the State Environmental Protection Agency of China (SEPAC). Model of cooperation and reallocation, model of macroscopical regulation by means of tax, and model of macroscopical regulation by means of emissions trading are brought forward in order to solve the Chinese serious transboundary water pollution dissensions among the regions in one river basin. Efficiency of four managemental models has been analyzed through application to Huaihe River Basin. The final conclusion is that the right choice of management model should match with actual circumstances of river basin by comparing the four management models in the end

    • Multiple linear regression modeling method based on the compositional data

      2006, 9(4):0-0.

      Abstract (1187) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4502) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Compositional data consist of vectors of nonnegative values summing to a unit. In this paper the PLS path modeling is applied to the compositional data after logratio transformation and a method of multiple linear regression modeling is put forward when the dependent and independent variables are all correlated compositional data. For compositional data this modeling method can satisfy the unit-sum constraint and eliminate the harms that derive from the complete multicollinearity. By the case of a regression model built on Beijing' s three industries structure data of investment, GDP and employment, it is proved that the modeling can clarity the property that contained in the compositional data effectively

    • Model and approach for determining the compromise weight of multi-attribute group decision-making problem

      2006, 9(4):0-0.

      Abstract (550) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (635) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In multi-attribute group decision-making problem with incomplete weight information, after different participants provide the possible conflict preference such relations. This problem can be defined as i relations on alternatives, it is necessary to judge the consistency of dentifying a set of weights to achieve a compromise of the conflict on different preference. The paper first gives the definition of 'significance degree' on order relation, then constructs a ({0, 1 } mixed integer linear programming model. This model can not only judge the existence of compromise weight, but also identify some ' the least important preference orders' that result in the nonexistence of compromise weight. Furthermore, we prove that compromise weights can be achieved by participants' adjustments on these order relations. At last, an example is given to demonstrate the validity and rationality of this model

    • Dynasearch algorithms for single machine scheduling problem with total weighted satisfaction

      2006, 9(4):0-0.

      Abstract (633) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2387) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper extends the dynasearch algorithm to single machine scheduling problem to maximize the total weighted satisfaction level (SMTWSL). It gives an analysis and proof about the character of optimal solution based on which we propose a dominance rule for the problem. For this problem, it presents a new iterated local search algorithm based on dynasearch neighborhood with the following characters: 1 ) While traditional local search algorithms make a single move at each iteration, dynasearch allows a series of independent moves to be performed. 2) A dynasearch move, composed of several optimal independent moves, is obtained by dynamic programming in the expanded neighborhood. 3) A local optimal solution, obtained from an initial one by ILS algorithm, is disturbed by a random kick tactic and then is searched again by dynasearch algorithm. While dynasearch algorithm was applied to the SMTWSL problem, three pieces of work has been done: Two dynasearch algorithms are carried out. Combination of dominance rule with the algorithm speeding up the dynasearch algorithm. An error limit that restricts the difference between the local optimal solution and the solution after perturbation, also speeds up the dynasearch algorithm. The conclusions are: The combination of ILS dyasearch algorithm and dominance rule is superior to the ILS dynasearch algorithm alone. The dynasearch swap algorithm is superior to that of the dyansearch insert algorithm. Both of the swap and insert dynasearch algorithms are better than the multi-start improving algorithm based on swap

    • Study on efficiency of serial supply chains with remanufacture

      2006, 9(4):0-0.

      Abstract (805) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (901) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the awareness of environment protection and sustainable development, the reverse logistics management is increasingly being concerned. The efficiency lose of the serial supply chain with remanufacture based on five different decision structures is discussed in this paper. Results indicate that the values of used products are the motive factors of tack-back activities, the efficiency lose of the serial supply chains with remanufacture is endogenous tween the producer and the retailer

    • Heterogeneous beliefs, short-selling constraints and the asset prices

      2006, 9(4):0-0.

      Abstract (864) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2970) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We analyze the factors that affect the formation of investors' beliefs, then put forward the assumption that investors' beliefs are subject to the normal distribution. Based on such assumption, a heterogeneous belief-based equilibrium model is presented with short-selling constraints assumption. Our model proves that not only the factors that affect the future cash flows of a company will have influence on the price of the company' s stock , but the dispersion of investors' opinions on the company's stock will also matter. Furthermore our model provides a consistent interpretative frame for some popularly reported anomalies

    • Price-volume relationship of Chinese stock market: A simple model

      2006, 9(4):0-0.

      Abstract (596) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (588) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The article constructs a simple model to analyze the price-volume relationship of Chinese stock market. In the model, there are two kinds of investors, many uninformed traders and a manipulator. The inventory and expectation adjustments of the uninformed traders can both influence the price-volume relationship. And the uninformed traders will watch on the trades to infer the private information of the manipulator. To backup the model, empirical work is done thereafter with some significant and interesting results. The article also sheds some light on the analysis of liquidity of individual Chinese stocks. Investments on large stocks will encounter less transaction cost than those on small stocks

    • Interday return volatility of China stock market: An empirical analysis

      2006, 9(4):0-0.

      Abstract (506) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (674) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:we study the interday retum(IR) behavior by using Shanghai stock index 5-min HF data. We conclude that opening trading mechanism mainly change the peak's position of IR volatility after comparing the previous results. A hump-shape pattem of IR volatility is found in the aftemoon trading section as in Hong Kong. We consider that is caused by continuous opening trading mechanism, and give some explanations about the IR variance from the view of correlations between different intervals. Furthermore, we document a negative linear relationship between IR variance and the first-order autocovariance, which we explain by using Black(1986) 's model

    • Forecasting for employee turnover behavior in cooperation based on qualitative simulation method

      2006, 9(4):0-0.

      Abstract (486) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1067) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Employees are the most vital resource of enterprises. Employee's voluntary turnover always causes unnecessary damage to enterprise. This paper reviews the studies about employee turnover, then give a process model of employee turnover behavior. The value of qualitative simulation and Kuipers' s QSIM is absorbed. Simulation rules are devised by common knowledge and expert knowledge. A program is devised with VB, simulating results accord with the reality. This indicates the method can be used as a virtual experiment tool for the study of employee turnover

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