• Volume 10,Issue 1,2007 Table of Contents
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    • >论文
    • Neo-schumpeterian evolutionary model of industrial dynmnics based on NW model

      2007, 10(1).

      Abstract (412) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2117) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An evolutionary model of industrial dynamics (EMID) based on NW model is proposed in this paper. By EMID, the competing dynamics in the industry, which allows new firms' continuous and random entry, is analyzed. The paper studies the evolution of industry structure and the interaction between firms' investment decision-making, R&D strategies, technique transformation as well as other aspects of industry characteristics. The evolution of industry structure is simulated by computer experiment, and simulation result shows that EMID can represent stylized facts of industry evolution and that EMID is a simple and relative general model of industry evolution

    • 具有网络外部性的扩展Hotelling模型

      2007, 10(1).

      Abstract (835) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4454) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Hotelling model with network externality and linear transportation cost functions is analyzed. Two firms, providing network products, play a two-stage dynamic game with perfect information. Firstly, they simultaneously choose their location, then they compete in price. The conditions for equilibrium price are obtained. One customer' s utility is dependent on the others' products choice because of network externality. Customer choice determines the market share of network products. Meanwhile the market share reversely influences customer choice. By using of transportation flow distribution and infinite dimensional variational inequality method, the market share model of network products, i. e. infinite dimensional variational inequality, is set up. Its existence and uniqueness is studied. Finally, the influence of network externality character and unit transportation cost on the firms' competition equilibrium is analyzed under the assumption that two firms choose the location at the two ends

    • Complex theory based dynamic core competence of corporation

      2007, 10(1).

      Abstract (462) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2815) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:First, this paper discusses the definition of DCCC, analyzes its intrinsic structure, and uses fitness landscape to analyze interactions between elements of DCCC and relationships between elements and whole of DCCC in detail. Then this paper explores the increasing mechanism of DCCC. A theoretical framework is presented to explain the increasing mechanism of DCCC. Finally, a model of competence substitution in the evolution of DCCC is provided. The major contributions of this paper are : ( 1 ) DCCC is a complex adaptive system which is constituted of such actors as humans in firms and such elements as strategic competence, organizational competence, marketing competence, and technological competence. (2) The fitness landscape shows DCCC has a characteristic of "part is all". (3) The conflict between shadow system and legitimate system drives a firm into creating space. The harmony of shadow system and legitimate system drives the realization of archetype, and results in knowledge creating, which in turn drives the evolution of DCCC. (4) The model of competence substitution in the evolution of DCCC--Conditioned emergence model could be used in management of competence substitution process. It includes three stages: conditions for competence substitution, creating conditions states far from existing equilibrium, and managing feedback

    • Decision model based on competence for enterprises' entering into networks

      2007, 10(1).

      Abstract (644) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1735) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This article analyzes how the core knowledge and competence and their complementarities influence enterprises' competitive advantage. We build a model to decide whether and when an enterprise enter into some cooper-ating network. In the conclusion, we argue two points of view. Firstly, enterprises that rely on inheriting the tradition and learning from other organizations as the dominant status to gain the knowledge are apt to enter networks. Otherwise, those enterprises which focus on self-innovation are more inclined to establish the core competence by themselves. Secondly, elastic network organizations will evolve dynamically because of the conflict between learning and innovation faced by enterprises inside networks

    • On choice of strategic alliance forms under different co-competition modes

      2007, 10(1).

      Abstract (408) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1815) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The problem of choice of strategic alhance forms under different co-competition modes is explored using an approach of more-stage game in this paper. We show that only cooperation in the R&D stage is enterprise' s choice from the view of maximum output of industry. According to minimization of R&D expenditure, noncooperation at both R&D stage and product & marketing stage is reasonable choice for enterprises. From the aspect of maximum industry profits, if the profit of cooperation at both stages is more than that of only cooperation at the R&D stage, the forms of cooperation in both stages will be feasible for enterprises, whereas, the only cooperation form at the R&D stage is feasible for enterprises. In terms of maximum enterprises' profits and minimum R&D expenditure, after selecting cooperation at the R&D stage, the enterprises may select leading cooperation strategy with other firms at the product & marketing stage

    • Effect and coordination of lead-time compression in two-echelon supply chain

      2007, 10(1).

      Abstract (838) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2194) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Lead time has long been recognised as an important metric for assessing the performance of a business process;the core of time-based competition supply chain management strategy is lead time compression, and lead time compression becomes the source of the strategic advantage of supply chain. This paper applies logic approving and numerical analysis to study the effect of lead time compression on profit of supply actors and how to achieve supply chain channel coordination on the assumption that the market demand forecast accuracy vary with lead time. The result shows that lead-time compression can achieve the Pareto improvement of the supply chain actor's profit when the service level of the supply chain is less than 0.5 ; when the service level of the supply chain is more than or equal to 0.5, after linear transfer payment compensating mechanism is introduced, Pareto improvement of the supply chain actor's profit is achieved, and supply chain channel coordination is attained

    • Multi-dimension metric assessments of structural and technological complexity for enterprise working shop systems

      2007, 10(1).

      Abstract (410) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2097) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This article puts forward the concepts, definitions, basic theorems and mathematic models of the information force, energy and the information measure of the structural complexity; establishes new metrics for assessing the production systems structural complexity; and proposes theorems of simplification and complexity decrease for production systems of enterprises. A case study of structural complexity assessment for excavation working face of mine has been illustrated

    • Incentive mechanism for building trust in online market

      2007, 10(1).

      Abstract (3182) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2061) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Trade honestly is very important since fraud has been on rise recently and it prevents people from partici-paring in online electronic markets. Since simple feedback mechanism cannot promote honest trade, this paper proposes a new incentive mechanism, named Register Deposit and Trade Security Deposit Mechanism, which helps to manage online markets. It not only rebuilds the aggregation of trust signal--reputation index but also uses trade security deposit to avoid participant fraud and force people to trade honestly. By the behavior analysis between buyers and sellers with the Register Deposit and Trade Security Deposit Mechanism, we proved that the strategy of honest trade is not only the Nash Equilibrium in single-stage game, but also the Sub-game Perfect Nash Equilibrium in repeated game. Finally, we make simulation experiment on the mechanism with random trade data from eBay online market, and verify the validity of the mechanism

    • Research on Beta characteristics and the relationship between Beta and stock returns in different market states

      2007, 10(1).

      Abstract (450) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1353) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper analyses the characteristics of Beta in different industries under different market states and tests the relationship between returns and Beta using the data of Chinese stock market. When market states are introduced, the explanation power of conditional CAPM improved significantly. The conditional CAPM predicts a positive [negative]relation between Beta and returns when the market state is bull [bear]. Beta is still an important measure of risk

    • >综述
    • Term structure of interest rate: Selected literature review

      2007, 10(1).

      Abstract (642) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5159) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper did a research review of interest rate term structure from five aspects. These aspects are: hypothesis on formation of term structure; static estimation of term structure, microanalysis on the shape of term structure, dynamic models of term structure, and the empirical tests of dynamic models. Based on these review, this paper discussed some future research for the term structure of interest rate

    • >研究简报
    • Modeling and analysis of multistage bilateral bargaining process

      2007, 10(1).

      Abstract (2900) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2729) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to solve the bargaining problems of centralized procurement in the environment of e-commerce, we propose the concept of Bargaining Track Chart. The track chart can be used to record the historical bargaining data. These data can provide a useful tool for the analysis of psychological characters of buyers and support current negotiation. Based on the bargaining track chart, the multi-point combination method and the linear extension method for evaluation of the final price are suggested. These methods can provide valuable online information to the negotiators in the bargaining process via intemet. Thus, they can keep away from negotiation trap and achieve better revenue from price bargaining. The bargaining track chart had been applied to the e-commerce system of a centralized procurement center of a big enterprise group in China. The application results are satisfactory

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