• Volume 10,Issue 2,2007 Table of Contents
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    • Contract coordination of supply chain system based on multi retailers

      2007, 10(2).

      Abstract (848) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2649) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Because of the vertical and horizontal competitions, a decentralized supply chain system can not usually reach the efficiency of the integrated supply chain. Therefore, the linear transfer payment contract is introduced in this paper. It shows that the supply chain can be coordinated by selecting a proper reward and punishment factor and the least sales scale being restricted within a certain interval. Under this contract system, the efficiency of decentralized supply chain equals that of integrated supply chain. In the end, an algorithm is presented to illustrate our conclusion

    • Chance-constrained programming model for network expansion

      2007, 10(2).

      Abstract (668) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1792) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper we consider how to increase the capacities of the elements in a set E efficiently so that the total cost for the increment of capacity can be decreased to the maximum extent while the final expansion capacity of a given family F of subsets of E is within a given limit bound. We suppose that cost is a stochastic variable which conforms to normal distribution. Network bottleneck capacity expansion problem with stochastic cost is originally formulated as Chance-constrained programming model according to some criteria. In order to solve the stochastic model efficiently, network bottleneck capacity algorithm, stochastic simulation and genetic algorithm are integrated to produce a hybrid intelligent algorithm. Finally, some numerical example are presented

    • Temporal Bayesian network and probability inference

      2007, 10(2).

      Abstract (1561) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (6512) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at the feedback and dynamic problem encountered in Bayesian network application, we exploit temporal extension to Bayesian network. We presented the definition of temporal Bayesian network, exploited the existence rationality of directed cycle in temporal Bayesian network, and put forward a single node' s belief updating algorithm in acyclic temporal Bayesian network based on model simplifying, and a probability inference algorithm to general Bayesian network. Illustration examples were given to show algorithms' application

    • Stochastic user equilibrium model for parking and route choice under advanced travel information system

      2007, 10(2).

      Abstract (595) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1591) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, two classes of drivers are considered: the drivers with ATIS and the drivers without ATIS. Both types of drivers choose the car parks and routes simultaneously in a stochastic manner but with different perception variances. A multi-class probit-based SUE model is formulated to describe the combined parking and route choice problem at any given market penetration that is defined as the percentage of the drivers equipped with ATIS. Also an iterative solution algorithm for solving this combined parking and route choices problem is presented with a numerical example

    • Study on impact of differentiation on subunit-level performance after information system implementation

      2007, 10(2).

      Abstract (500) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2537) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study is based on organizational information processing theory(OIPY). Differed from the former research that focused on the organizational level, this research goes deep into subunit level. It introduces the intermediate benefits, and brings forward a theoretical model on the perspective of subunits in order to discover how differentiation among subunits affects overall information system benefits. It collects data from 22 manufacturing enterprises in China in the form of questionnaires, and analyzes them with the methods of structural equation models. The results tell us why the information system benefits are different in various enterprises, and provide a theoretical basis to improve organizational performance through maximizing the function of information system

    • Uncertainty effect of customer satisfaction on service quality evaluation

      2007, 10(2).

      Abstract (787) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3089) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For customer-centered firms, the evaluation of service quality should depend on customer satisfaction, which is typically described as a distribution in customer surveys due to the variation of service delivery and different customers. This paper investigates the uncertainty effect of customer satisfaction on the evaluation of service quality based on two surveys from managers. We find that there is a "reflection effect" in the evaluation of service quality. When service quality is in the positive domain of customer satisfaction, managers are averse to uncertainty and try to maintain consistency and stability in service delivery; but when service quality is in the negative domain, they prefer uncertainty and look for possibilities and opportunities for making a change. There is also an asymmetric impact of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction on service quality, and managers basically show loss aversion in our survey data. We further propose a model that captures these empirical findings in the evaluation of service quality

    • Kind of CRM modeling and its sales strategy analysis

      2007, 10(2).

      Abstract (448) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (1684) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Beginning from the analysis of the lack in CRM's (customer relationship management), the importance that selling should operate based on the analysis of customer himself is emphasized, and the simplified state guide line is given. A CRM model is set based on this thought, the index, Pfeifer and Carraway' s model and Markov chain, then the corresponding computing result and their analysis are given for the case of one period and more periods selling in finite horizon, also the case in infinite horizon. Considering the practice, the model's result is discussed, based on the different selling policies. The result shows decreasing those sales with smaller success probabi lities will help the enterprise to get more profit

    • Model study of the effects of brand, price and promotion on market share

      2007, 10(2).

      Abstract (844) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (6654) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the Attraction Market Share Theory as the foundation and the Multiplicative Competitive Interaction (MCI) Model as the method, this article studies the effects of brand, price and sales promotions on market share of women's sanitary towel, and calculates the brand value, price elasticity and promotion elasticity as well. The study results show that brand has the strongest effect, followed by promotion, and the effect of price is relatively small. Although promotion has been carried out frequently, none of the promotion plans for any of the brands is optimal; the low-effect promotions have been used more broadly and frequently, but high-effect promotions have been used less frequently, ff the firm could optimize the allocation of promotion resources, the return on promotion would be increased to certain extent, even though there would be no increase of investments on promotion

    • Ultimate control rights, cash flow rights and firm value-Empirical research of Chinese publicly listed companies based on recessive ultimate control rights

      2007, 10(2).

      Abstract (498) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4940) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on the search of ownership to find who is the controlling shareholders of finns, we analyze the influence on the value of corporation because of controlling shareholders' control rights deviating from cash flow rights, then we examine the evidence on expropriation of the recessive ultimate controlling shareholders to the minority shareholders. The empirical study finds that recessive controlling shareholders exist in a lot of listed companies, and they typically have power over finns significantly in excess of their cash flow rights through the use of pyramids. The deviation degree of the controlling shareholders' control rights and cash flow rights and the value of publicly listed companies is negatively related, and there are significant differences among three styles

    • Empirical analysis of short interest rate models with half-year interest rate in the Shanghai Stock Exchange

      2007, 10(2).

      Abstract (619) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4381) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to weekly data of half-year interest rate derived from the trading prices of Government bonds in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and by the SNP approach, conditional density of the half-year interest rate is estimated, to find that the density shows obvious heteroskedasity and no-normality. By the EMM approach, continuoustime interest rate models are estimated and tested. The single-factor models include the Vasieek model, the CIR model, and the CKLS model, eet. The two-factor models include the stochastic volatility model proposed by Gallant and Tanehen, and the stochastic mean model proposed by Balduzzi et al. The results show that all the single-factor models cannot match dynamic change of the short interest rate, and the CKLS model does the best among them. The stochastic mean model cannot catch dynamic change of the short interest rate eirther. Only the stochastic volatility model can fit the dynamic statistical behavior of the change in short interest rate

    • Analysis on formation mechanisms of security price under market maker system

      2007, 10(2).

      Abstract (525) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2353) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The formation of security price is both conditioned by trading mechanisms and affected by choice of risk preference and beliefs of the investors and the degree to which information is grasped. The paper combines these factors and introduces information asymmetry into the model to analyze the security price formation mechanism using Game Theory under market maker environment. Results show that on the one hand, investors do business to maximize their expected utility on the basis of their own risk preference, beliefs and acquired information, meanwhile the issue and implementation of trading order send out the information about liquidation value and then market maker provides liquidity for the market through bidirectional quoted price made on the observation of directive information; and that on the other hand, the orderly operation of security market is not only relevant to trading mechanisms, but also under influenced by investors' risk preferences, beliefs and differences in personal grasped information which are key factors to security price determination

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