• Volume 14,Issue 6,2011 Table of Contents
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    • Study on combinational disruption management for vehicle routing problem with fuzzy time windows

      2011, 14(6):2-15.

      Abstract (251) HTML (0) PDF 639.12 K (2065) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:One-class combinational disruption management model for vehicle routing problem with fuzzy time windows and its hybrid genetic algorithm were studied. After developing the fuzzy processing of time windows and describing customers’satisfaction level by a fuzzy membership function,the paper analyzed the combinational disruptions for vehicle routing problem,and presented methods of disruptions identification and measurement which considered synthetically distribution paths,distribution costs and customer satisfaction levels according to disruption management thoughts,and put forward a disruption recovery model for combinational disruptions. The heuristic insertion rule and genetic algorithm were combined to solve the proposed multi-objective model and a fuzzy optimization procedure was embedded to deal with fuzzy features of the problem. Computational experiments were carried out to examine the model and the algorithm.

    • Modeling and solution to integrated production and logistics planning of steel making and hot rolling

      2011, 14(6):16-23.

      Abstract (292) HTML (0) PDF 348.05 K (2303) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Reasonable inventories of steel slabs and hot-rolled coils,shortening production cycles,reducing energy consumption and improving customer’s satisfaction by delivering goods on contracts are requirements in operations management in iron and steel industry. To reduce the production and logistics costs,considering different capacities and conflicting constraints,this paper present an integrated production and logistics planning model based on the characters of production and connection between steel making and hot rolling. We analyzed the extreme points of the uncapacitated hot rolling lot size polytope with backlogging and developed an equivalent mixed-integer programming formulation by applying combination of Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition and set partitioning to the original problem. The lower bound is obtained by column generation processing. Furthermore,we developed a heuristic algorithm to find initial solutions and improve them by branch and bound. Computational experiments presented randomly were tested and compared. The result shows that the satisfied solutions could be obtained by the proposed algorithm. Meanwhile,analysis of cost structures shows it is necessary to improve the hot slab charge rate and balance the production and logistics components.

    • A self-adaptive genetic algorithm for the transshipment problem through crossdocks

      2011, 14(6):24-34+95.

      Abstract (240) HTML (0) PDF 420.08 K (1449) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper we study a kind of transshipment problem,in which the flows through the crossdock are constrained by fixed transportation schedules with single release and single delivery,cargos can be delayed in crossdocks but any delay at the last time point of time horizon will incur inventory penalty cost,and the objective is to find a transshipment scheme with minimum cost. The problem is proved to be NP-hard in the strong sense in this paper. We therefore focus on developing efficient heuristics. Based on the problem structure, we propose a self-adaptive genetic algorithm with neighborhood search ( AGA with NS) to solve the problem efficiently. Computational experiments under different scenarios show that AGA with NS outperforms CPLEX solver,meanwhile,in order to further test the effectiveness of the adaptive scheme and neighborhood search,we also conduct computational experiments by different algorithms such as AGA without NS,GA with NS and PACO,and GA with NS and PUCO. Finally the results show that AGA with NS is the best one among these algorithms for this problem.

    • Coordination in assembly systems under multiple payment contracts

      2011, 14(6):35-46.

      Abstract (252) HTML (0) PDF 726.57 K (1336) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to the uncertainty in assembly system,manufacturer always likes to implement a delay payment on his suppliers in purpose of mitigating the risk of late delivery caused by any supplier. However,suppliers prefer the on-time payment. Both two payments contracts are well used in practical applications whereas rarely emerged in academic research. And in this paper,we investigate how these two payment contracts affect sup-pliers’and manufacturer’s decisions,as well as the overall performance of supply chain when the production lead time of suppliers are assumed to be stochastic. By analyzing a decentralized system with two suppliers and one manufacturer when both suppliers have a particular stochastic component’s production time,we not only find out the optimal production reserve time for suppliers and optimal buffer time for manufacturer under two payment contracts,respectively. More important,the proper choices of payment contract for manufacturer and supplier under a certain condition are presented. Also,by comparing the supply chain performances between centralized and decentralized system,we also got the conditions under which coordination is achieved while participation constraints meet.

    • Integrating option procurement with advance selling under demand uncertainty

      2011, 14(6):47-56.

      Abstract (190) HTML (0) PDF 422.10 K (1568) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Market variation is a serious problem which almost every firm will encounter in her operations. Especially for the retail industries which the lead time is relatively longer than the sales season,or for the firms which sell new products,the shortage and overstock induced by market dynamic is a great challenge. For this reason,how to decrease the risks which induced by market dynamic has become a hot topic in operations man-agement area. Recently,there are two research streams on this topic. One is that increase the procurement flexibility,the other one is“lock”a part of demand in advance. This paper integrates both streams together by considering option procurement and advance selling simultaneously. By developing profit maximization model, the paper analyzes the optimal quantities of firm products and options and the optimal discount rate for advance selling. And concluding that the expectation profit function is a joint concave function of procurement quanti-ties of firm products and options,and there exist the unique optimal discount rate of advance selling under nor-mal distribution demand. Finally,the paper designs a binary search algorithm to compute the optimal discount rate. The numerical examples give the comparing for different results.

    • The retailer’s optimal ordering and pricing policies with supply chain financing

      2011, 14(6):57-67.

      Abstract (277) HTML (0) PDF 860.82 K (2184) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper studies the retailer’s optimal ordering and pricing under the condition of the initial cap-ital constrained. In such a setting,we discuss the optimal ordering and pricing under the no financial service, external financial service in which a third party financial institution( e. g. ,bank) offers a commercial loan to the retailer,internal financial services in which the manufacturer offers trade credit contract to the retailer. We give out the optimal ordering polices under the retailer’s differential initial capital. In the end,a numerical a-nalysis is employed,our results shows that the ordering polices can be severely affected by the lack of capital and the retailer’s order quantities can be improved. The financial services can create value for the retailer who faces capital constrained. In additional,the trade credit policy given by the upper manufacture mostly is better off the third financial service. These results can be used for the reference of the retailer’s managers when they make decisions.

    • A CVaR model of supply chain emergency assistance

      2011, 14(6):68-75.

      Abstract (268) HTML (0) PDF 426.09 K (1542) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It’s a common strategy to deal with disruptions through emergency assistance between enterprises in supply chain emergency management,the goal of which is to prevent disruptions damage getting out of control. This paper introduces CVaR to depict the enterprise’s emergency goal under disruption,and then establishes the decision model of supply chain emergency assistance. We analyze the emergency assistance conditions of supplier and retailer under disruption,and provide the optimal assistance strategy under certain confidence control level. Research shows that the CVaR method can describe the assistance behavior of supply chain felicitously,and the assistance collaboration can maintain the supply chain operations continuity effectively.

    • A game model for green supply chain management based on government sub- sidies

      2011, 14(6):86-95.

      Abstract (588) HTML (0) PDF 378.36 K (2656) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper establishes a three-stage game model by considering products’green degree and govern-ment subsidies. The first stage is that the government determines the subsidies coefficient; the second stage is that manufacturers with various green strategies in supply chains determine their own products’green degree; The third stage is that manufacturers in supply chains determine their own products’prices. Further,a nu-merical case is presented to test the effects of the variation of different factors. The results provide insights into the decision-making of governments and companies.

    • Behavioral inventory management: Research overview and prospects

      2011, 14(6):96-108.

      Abstract (687) HTML (0) PDF 654.96 K (5737) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Inventory management has been extensively studied in operation management. As the fast develop-ment of behavioral operations management,this article examines the inventory management in context of bahavioral operations management. This article first introduces the underlying behavioral theories of behavioral operations and the development of behavioral economics. By developing a universal behavioral operations re-search framework based on the purpose of behavioral operations,the existing literature on behavioral inventory management is surveyed in this article; And some directions for future research are proposed.

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