• Volume 14,Issue 7,2011 Table of Contents
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    • Cumulative prospect theory-based user equilibrium model for stochastic net- work

      2011, 14(7):1-8.

      Abstract (255) HTML (0) PDF 341.00 K (2136) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The assumption about travelers’choice behavior has a major influence on traffic assignment. Cumulative prospect theory ( CPT) proposes an alternative framework to the traditional risk-taking modeling in route choice behavior,which might be more complicated but more scientific. Based on the choice framework of CPT,this paper establishes a link between the network stochasticity and traveler’s route choice behavior by calculating CPT-based commute utility. Moreover,we establish the CPT-based user equilibrium ( UE) model as well as its equivalent variational inequality ( VI) expression. Accordingly,an algorithm on the basis of the method of successive average ( MSA) is proposed to solve the UE model. Both the model and the solution algorithm are demonstrated in a numerical example. Sensitivity analysis of parameters involved is also dis-cussed in detail,which displays the effect of traveler’s risk preference,traveler’s expectation on network service level and network uncertainty on the UE flow distribution.

    • Two-level group decision making approach based on coordination between double platforms

      2011, 14(7):8-20.

      Abstract (196) HTML (0) PDF 782.15 K (1547) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The influences on realistic decision-making behaviors of reference points and risk attitudes are rare-ly considered in current studies. To solve the above problems,the value and the risk platforms for deriving subjective decision information are introduced in terms of prospect theory and T-JM matrix,after that a deci-sion-making structure for two-level double platform coordination and its running mechanism are proposed and analyzed according to distribution characteristics of two levels' knowledge on double platforms,and finally,a two-level group decision-making theoretic model,application model and method steps for deriving both levels’ decision information effectively and ranking alternatives scientifically and satisfactorily are established in view of optimizing two-level satisfactory Coordination degree. A simulation example shows the presented approach is scientific,reasonable,and applicable.

    • Two-stage cooperative efficiency evaluation with part of intermediate outputs as final products

      2011, 14(7):21-30.

      Abstract (229) HTML (0) PDF 426.37 K (1788) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Network DEA models have been widely used in dealing with performance measurement of complex organizations and systems with multiple processes and multiple sub-systems. In real situations where intermedi-ate products produced by first stage can not be consumed completely by second stage,traditional DEA models overvalues system efficiency while current network DEA models underestimate system efficiency. This paper put forwords two-stage efficiency models,where part of the intermediate products are viewed as final products and entered into distribution channels,and depicts real performance of two-stage production process. This pa-per provides product forms to characterize cooperation of the two stages and discusses both upper and lower ef-ficiency bounds of various stages. A linear programming model is converted from non-linear efficiency model by considering one of the efficiencies of the stages as a parameter. The model is illustrated by a numerical evaluation of the bank’s performance.

    • The optimal profit sharing arrangement in industry-university-institution co- operation based on double-sided incentive

      2011, 14(7):31-42.

      Abstract (359) HTML (0) PDF 465.91 K (3144) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under the assumption that there is technique uncertainty in R&D,and the success probability of R&D and market return is related to individual resource committed to them,we study how to use profit sharing arrangement to reduce moral hazard in cooperation of industry-university-institution and stimulate the university or institution to commit R&D resource according to contract. Based on the comparative analysis of the incentive efficiency between fixed sharing arrangement,proportional sharing arrangement,mixed sharing arrangement, and improved mixed sharing arrangement,the optimal profit sharing arrangement for different condition is found out. Finally,a numerical example and a case study are given to illuminate the main conclusion of this paper.

    • Procurement policy based on portfolio contracts and spot market with limited capacity

      2011, 14(7):43-54.

      Abstract (280) HTML (0) PDF 692.83 K (2123) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As spot price and customer demand are independent,this paper investigates a two-stage procurement risk management model based on portfolio contracts and spot market with limited capacity. An algorithm is proposed to identify active contracts and derive the optimal procurement strategy. Moreover,a numerical example is introduced to study the impacts of capacity in the spot market,spot price volatility and demand vola-tility on the optimal procurement strategy. Given the distribution functions of demand and spot market price, as the capacity of spot market increases,the retailer should decrease the optimal reservation amounts of active contracts as well as active contract with the lowest execution cost,and as spot price and demand become more and more volatile,the retailer should enhance the optimal reservation amounts of active contracts as well as ac-tive contract with the highest execution cost,but lessen the reservation amount of active contract with the low-est execution cost.

    • Strategic value of information technology: An empirical study

      2011, 14(7):55-70.

      Abstract (271) HTML (0) PDF 877.79 K (2367) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A critical question for Information Systems ( IS) academics and practitioners is whether and how Strategic Value of Information Technology ( SVIT) manifest in stable and dynamic environment. To address the question,strategic value of IT is investigated from an integrative view of Competitive Strategy Theory and Core Capability Theory,and a basic premise is that strategic value of IT can be explained by how effective the firm is in using IT to support its competitive strategies and core capabilities. Using resource-picking and capability-building arguments,a research model which interrelates IT resources,IT capabilities,IS support competitive strategies,IS support core capabilities environmental dynamics and firm performance. The model is empirically tested using data collected from 233 firms in China to investigate the underlying mechanism of SVIT creation under different environment dynamics. The results suggest that the appropriate mechanism in the relative stable environment is resource-picking while the capability-building mechanism is suitable for the dynamic environ-ment. The results also indicate that firm’s IT capabilities are greatly dependent on the nature of IT infrastructure,technologic and managerial IT resources,and relationship resource of IT department under two different environmental dynamics.

    • Study on financial markets dynamic EVT-VaR measuring based on fated-tail distribution and long memory volatility

      2011, 14(7):71-82.

      Abstract (335) HTML (0) PDF 662.49 K (2061) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:For stylized facts characteristics such as fat tail distribution and long memory of conditional volatility for financial return series,this paper used FIGARCH model to conditional volatility,and then used extreme value theory ( EVT) model extreme tail of standard returns to measure dynamic risk. We find that all condi-tional return distributions and their standardized returns are skews and fat-tailed; Conditional volatilities of financial returns are characters of long memory,EVT are fit extreme tails of financial standardized returns. We introduce EVT and FIGARCH model to calculate dynamic risk for different financial markets,and applied Back-testing to check measurement ability,our result show that this risk measurement method is of accuracy either in sample or out of sample.

    • Ultimate control shareholders,coherency of shareholders’benefits and corporate value

      2011, 14(7):83-94.

      Abstract (271) HTML (0) PDF 421.50 K (1971) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We explain in theory how different kinds of private benefits of control represent different coherency of shareholders’benefits,under ultimate control structure of China's listed companies,and study the different effect of these private benefits of control on the value of a company using data of China’s stock market from 1998 to 2006. We find that,firstly,there are excessive private benefits of control and reasonable private bene-fits of control in China's listed companies. Secondly,excessive private benefits of control characterized by en-trenchment or expropriation would reduce the value of a company and has negative impact on the value of a company,in contrast with this,reasonable private benefits of control characterized by compensation and pro-motion would increase the value of a company and has positive effect on the value of a company. Further more,the separating degree of company control right affects those process differently,with low separating de-gree having positive effect,but high separating degree having negative effect. These findings support the pri-mary inference and are useful to further studies in corporation governance.

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