• Volume 17,Issue 10,2014 Table of Contents
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    • Platformization and two-sided pricing strategies for retailers

      2014, 17(10):1-12.

      Abstract (332) HTML (0) PDF 366.86 K (3338) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Turning to the theoretical methods of two-sided markets,this article studies the platformization of traditional retailers as well as the two-sided pricing modes for platforms. The main results indicate that the transition from a traditional retailer with price difference mode to one with slotting allowance does not result in a higher profit but that the transition to the platform mode with membership fees does result in a lower profit.Further,as the unit distribution cost increases,the platform with commission mode may be a desirable transitional alternative for a traditional retailer; as the unit distribution cost amounts to a high level,the platform with two-part tariffs mode will be more desirable and it shall raise the commission ratio for suppliers but support them with a subsidy.Customers should be entertained with free of charge in this occasion.Lastly,the highly skewed pricing strategies for the platform with membership fees mode depend on the retail prices and the distribution costs.The optimal strategies for the platformized retailer indicate that both consumers and suppliers should be tared if the retail prices are set at a medium level by suppliers and that the suppliers should be changed while subsidizing customers if the retail prices set by suppliers are high enough. Besides,this article carries out applied investigations on the pricing modes for B2C retailers in China.

    • Designing the trade credit contract with competitive retailers

      2014, 17(10):1-12.

      Abstract (207) HTML (0) PDF 220.08 K (1005) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We study a typical supply chain in which the supplier would like to offer trade credit to the budgetconstrained retailers.There exist two types of retailers (Type H and Type L) in the market.We define three different competition market,the high competition,middle competition and low competition market,according to retailers’preserve profits.Then,we set up an adverse selection model to inspect the designing of trade credits to the retailers in each competition market.Furthermore,we examine how the competition in the market affects the trade credit’s parameters and the supply chain’s performances,and the results show that the trade credit contract is able to coordinate the supply chain in the middle competition market.

    • Comparison research on mighty and feeble risk transmission effect of clean business: Based on SD simulation of electronic industries date

      2014, 17(10):1-14.

      Abstract (174) HTML (0) PDF 480.27 K (879) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Since cleaner business initiative of most enterprises are not enough,this paper analyzed specifically the uncertainties’trigger origins,uncertainties’systematic transimission paths and different operation sectors’risk trigger level of clean operation based on the investigation towards electronic enterprises in Nanjing areas.Firstly,this paper gave a static assessment of the risk trigger levels of different business module and sectors,then did a dynamic analysis the systematic uncertainties resulted from different risk trigger origins according to two paths of“risk feeble transimission”and“risk powerful conduction”by adopting system dynamics simulation( SD) . Sequentially,the static and dynamic research results were compared to explain the most enterprises’motivation of avoiding the uncertainties of clean business,and some useful incentive policies of promoting enterprises to carry out clean operation were put forward according to our research.

    • The effect of team leader learning on organizational learning: A view based on contextual ambidexterity

      2014, 17(10):1-12.

      Abstract (248) HTML (0) PDF 324.10 K (1486) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It has been found that the supportive effect of leaders in the process of organizational learning has been emphasized,and the direct influence of his or her personal learning on the effectiveness of organizational learning has been neglected in literatures.Therefore,in order to reveal this influential mechanism,we suppose that a leader selects the learning behaviors,either exploration or exploitation,according to the characteristics of organizational learning context,and adjusts the direction of internal knowledge flows,hierarchical or horizontal,to enhance the effectiveness of organizational learning at organizational level by achieving ambidexterity between these two learning behaviors at the individual level of the leader.Results from agent-based sim_x005fulation show that when in weak learning context,the leader should facilitate vertical knowledge flows with subordinates through exploration learning and horizontal knowledge flows with other leaders through exploitation learning; when in strong learning context,the leader should facilitate both vertical knowledge flows with subordinates and horizontal knowledge flows with other leaders through exploration learning.

    • Impacts of negative emotions on interpersonal trust: Clues effects based on trust game

      2014, 17(10):1-10.

      Abstract (401) HTML (0) PDF 193.33 K (4255) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The influence of emotional states on trust has drawn much attention. This research attempted to ex_x005fplain how negative emotions and clues about the trustee influence the trusting behaviors,and compared the differences between the two negative emotions ( anger and sadness) by an experiment.In our experiment,the subjects were induced to different negative emotions or neutral feelings with emotional video clips and then turned to the trust game with some clues about the trustees.The results revealed that the subject’s amounts of trust investment were influenced by the trustworthy clues and the emotions the subject experienced.Specifically,in case that the available cues promoted trust,people having negative emotions decreased their trust than those experiencing neutral emotions,but the distrust cues rendered no difference.Furthermore,the result shows that,consistent with the theoretical prediction which argues that angry subjects will render more reliance upon the available clues and schemas than sad ones,these two different kinds of negative emotions influence trust in different ways: compared with the sad ones,angry people significantly increased their amounts of trust investment in the case that the trustee clues promoted trust,and decreased their amounts of trust investment when clues promoted distrust.These findings are discussed in terms of emotional effects on cognitive strategies; this study can be a valuable complement to the Accommodation-Assimilation Model and have implications for trust development within organizations.

    • Mechanism of emotion regulation on TMT decision-making process: Based on quasi-ex_x005fperimental field study

      2014, 17(10):1-10.

      Abstract (227) HTML (0) PDF 245.28 K (2899) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In recent years,researchers are paying much more attention to the impact of emotion on human cognitive process,especially the effects of emotion on the decision-making process.The study aims to sort out the relevant theories of emotion and decision-making,then,based on psychological cognition and Top Management Team ( TMT) theories,build a research model to discover the influence mechanism of emotion regulation on TMT decision-making process.The quasi-experiment method was employed to simulate the reality and test the research model.This article provides referential research ideas and experimental methods for future studies.

    • Temporal locus detection and multifractal analysis of financial crisis based on wavelet

      2014, 17(10):1-12.

      Abstract (228) HTML (0) PDF 374.33 K (2006) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The market dynamics exhibits extremely turbulent behaviors around the financial crisis point.The correct locating of financial crisis point is the key step of distinguishing the multifractal properties of stock market both before and after financial crisis.Comparing with other methods,the wavelet transform modulus maxima ( WTMM) method has its advantages in detecting the outliers and indentifying the multifractal properties in financial markets.The time points of financial crisis are identified though the maxima lines of DJI and TPX indices,which are estimated by WTMMThe multifractal analysis of DJI is further performed around the time points where the outliers are detected.From our analysis,the WTMM is found to be capable of not only on correctly locating the time point of financial crisis,but also characterizing the evolution of the multifractal features both before and after financial crisis.Our empirical results also verify the Fractal Market Hypothesis (FMH) on the causes of market crash and provide a new idea for financial risk management.

    • Using Lévy jumps to measure informed trading and the empirical study

      2014, 17(10):1-13.

      Abstract (195) HTML (0) PDF 373.23 K (1756) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There exists informed trading which is motivated by information in the financial markets It has complex behavior and is difficult to discriminate.The paper uses Lévy jumps of the stock price series as a tool to measure the abnormity of prices so as to detect this special case in the market.Based on the method of estimating the degree of activity of jumps and probability of informed trading ( PIN) model,the paper examines the relativity between stock price jumps’degree and PIN in stock trading and finds that there exists a significant correlation between the two,and then further supports the hypothesis that jump activity can be used to measure the informed trading. Except that,the paper presents the computational method of the coefficient of jumps’degree abnormity which can be contrasted.It can be regarded as another tool for the supervising of informed trading.

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