• Volume 17,Issue 11,2014 Table of Contents
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    • Modeling knowledge accumulation on the dynamic complex network

      2014, 17(11):1-7.

      Abstract (337) HTML (0) PDF 194.06 K (1658) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Structural changes on the complex network and the resulting knowledge and information flow varia_x005ftion are hot issues of current study.To analyze the accumulation process of the different knowledge on the heterogeneous complex network,the corresponding network model as well knowledge accumulation model is formulated in this paper.The change strategies of the heterogeneous knowledge network are divided into two categories. The first is equilibrium strategy,according to which the average account and the strength of connecting links between agents on the knowledge network remain fixed during the network evolution process.The second is the network growth strategy,which refers to that the connecting links between agents of the knowledge network are gradually increased.Correspondingly,the cumulative amount of all kinds of knowledge is categorized into two parts.The first part is the self-learning knowledge that is characterized by an S-shaped growth curve.The second is the external knowledge calculated according to the correlation matrix and the neighbor relationships. Simulation results show that a higher correlation degree of knowledge gets a faster flow speed in the network’s growth strategy and there is no evidence in the network’s balance strategy.Moreover,the variance of knowledge in the network’s growth strategy is smaller than that in the network's balance strategy

    • Analysis of sub-prime loan crisis contagion based on non-parametric time-varying copula

      2014, 17(11):1-8.

      Abstract (187) HTML (0) PDF 176.55 K (1444) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The analysis of financial contagion has been always an important subject in international finance.In this paper,the existence and development of financial contagion is verified by time-varying Archimedean Cop_x005fula and applying the time-varying tail dependence coefficient to measure the degree of financial contagion. Fi_x005fnally,an empirical analysis of S&P500 index and other six primary stock market indexes is presented by themethod above.

    • Advance payment financing strategies of supply chains based on price discount

      2014, 17(11):1-13.

      Abstract (432) HTML (0) PDF 198.85 K (2985) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Advance payment financing,provided by the manufacturer to his supplier,can be used to reduce the manufacturer’s and the supply chain’s profit losses resulted from the supplier’s capital constraints. We study the optimal operational and financial strategies of the advance payment financing mode and analyze the impact of the supplier’s initial capital and price discount rate on the supply chain’s performance.It is shown that given the price discount rate,the supplier would accept the advance payment financing contract if and only if his initial capital is smaller than a threshold value.If the price discount rate is higher than a critical value,the advance payment financing can restore the supplier’s production to the level without capital constraint; otherwise,the advance payment financing can restore the supplier’s production to the level without capital constraint and the supply chain’s performance will not be affected by the supplier’s capital constraints only if the supplier’s initial capital is larger than a threshold value.These results can be used for reference when firm managers make advance payment decisions.

    • A model of disruption management based on prospect theory in logistic distribution

      2014, 17(11):1-10.

      Abstract (342) HTML (0) PDF 161.49 K (1363) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is difficult to generate a new plan effectively for minimizing the negative impact when disruption occurs in logistic distribution. Based on disruption management,this research aims to improve the science of the decision making of disruption management in logistic distribution by combining the behavioral perception in prospect theory with the quantitative analysis in operations research.At the beginning,the method to measure the deviation based on prospect theory is studied by analyzing the effects of disruption on the customer,logis_x005ftics enterprise,and delivery worker. Then,the multi-objective model of disruption management based on the Lexicographic Multiple Goal Programming is constructed and an improved ant colony optimization is demonstrated.The computational result of the model proves that,due to the tradeoff between all parties involved in the logistic distribution,our method is more practical than global rescheduling and local rescheduling.

    • Martingale-transformation-based specification test for drift function of interest rate model

      2014, 17(11):1-14.

      Abstract (160) HTML (0) PDF 244.15 K (989) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on Khmaladze martingale transformation technology,two new tests for drift functions of inter_x005fest rate models are constructed by the marked empirical processes.The asymptotic property of the tests and their calculation methods are also provided.The test statistics do not need to know the information about the diffusion function of interest models,and they do not depend on an asymptotic distribution even for the composite null hypothesis.Monte Carlo simulations show that the tests have a reasonable size and power performance.The tests are also in effect when applied to analyzing the characteristics of short-term interest rates in China.

    • Trends of BBS topics based on dynamic topic model

      2014, 17(11):1-13.

      Abstract (421) HTML (0) PDF 711.01 K (3105) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Along with the increasingly prominent issues aroused via Internet,online opinions are more and more concerned by researchers.This paper attempts to study the evolution of online opinions from two aspects,hot degree and BBS content,respectively.The original posts in Tiaya Zatan board,which is a primary board on social topics in Tianya Club,are collected as a source of online public opinion. By comparisons of a series of topic models,the dynamic topic model ( DTM) is chosen.After mining the dynamic topics,the evolutions of public opinions toward hot events are analyzed under a micro perspective of changing words,so as to outline the process of those events.A method is proposed to compute the hot degree of the topic,and then the hot de_x005fgree of all topics on the Tianya Zatan board in 2012 are computed and visualized,from which three rules of the topics are summarized under a macro perspective.

    • Super-network model of urban agglomeration emergency coordination considering decision preferences

      2014, 17(11):1-10.

      Abstract (257) HTML (0) PDF 433.07 K (1188) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A multi-tiered urban agglomeration emergency super-network model,constituted by retrieval dep_x0002_ots,transit points and disaster-affected areas,is proposed in this paper against intercity disaster or resource limitation in a single city.The system-optimization goal of the model is established in terms of emergency time and cost.Stochastic choice in multiple emergency modes is studied based upon the stochastic user equilibrium assignment theory.The optimization goal and the stochastic choice problem are transformed into equivalent variation inequalities,respectively.By performing a numerical simulation and a computational solution,the feasibility and effectiveness of the model are demonstrated,in which key factors are analyzed for the decision making practice.

    • Optimizing the storage location assignment in a JIT-oriented parts distribution center

      2014, 17(11):1-10.

      Abstract (254) HTML (0) PDF 206.90 K (2010) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:JIT-oriented parts distribution processes have some particular characteristics,such as abundant SKUs,small batches and dispersed in-out warehouse time.It is very challenging to optimize the storage loca_x005ftion assignment in the distribution center. This paper models the storage location assignment problem with time dimension as a special triangle packing problem,and develops a heuristic for solving it.Numerical study with the real case shows that the proposed model and heuristic method are very useful in practice; they can reduce the operating cost and improve the spatial utilization significantly.

    • The performance effect of total quality management: A structural equation modeling study

      2014, 17(11):1-18.

      Abstract (347) HTML (0) PDF 211.83 K (2193) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Based on a cross-sectional survey and by classifying MCS into“control”and“exploration”,we ex_x005famine the relationships among total quality management ( TQM) ,management control systems (MCS) ,and organization performance using structural equation modeling.We find that the implementation of TQM can significantly improve organizationd performance.Furthermore,with MCS being the supporting system,the organization should consider the synergistic effect of its fundamental functions,i.e.,“control”and“exploration”.The appropriate fit between the two fundamental functions and TQM can bring better performance for organizations.

    • Dynamics of systematic risk and its difference from country risk ratings: Evidence from BRICS countries

      2014, 17(11):1-12.

      Abstract (270) HTML (0) PDF 446.60 K (1883) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is necessary and essential’when making risk decision on cross-national capital operation to trace and measure the country risk of host country.Country risk measurement can be divided into two types: country risk rating based on multi-attributes and systematic risk modeling based on capital asset pricing.In this paper, the dynamics of systematic risk of BRICS countries is modeled and then the correlations between systematic risk and ICRG country risk ratings based on multi-attributes are calculated and analyzed.Empirical results show that systematic risk volatility is high,but decreasing in BRICS countries; and although shocked by the 2008 financial crisis,the systematic risk volatilities quickly tend to be stable,which suggests that the risk tol_x005ferance has been increasing in BRICS countries.Compared with ICRG country risk ratings that reflect the whole risk status of one given country,systematic risk reflects more the financial risk with return information.This could offer more risk-return information to improve the rationality and accuracy of decisions on cross-national capital operation.

    • Environmental efficiency evaluation MOISBMSE model considering integer constrains

      2014, 17(11):1-10.

      Abstract (197) HTML (0) PDF 143.00 K (993) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Traditional environmental efficiency evaluations based on DEA methods generally neglect that the inputs,desirable outputs and undesirable outputs are possibly discrete variables.Therefore,they cannot pre_x005fcisely address the integer practical variables,which consequently affect the validity of the evaluations.This paper extends the super efficiency SBM model based on mixed-objective integer DEA and builds a new superefficiency SBM model which considers both integer constraints and undesirable output variables. Searching algorithm is applied to solve the new model and Bootstrap method is further used to amend the results in an application.By measuring the distance between each optimal integer point and the evaluated decision making u_x0002_nit,the shortest one,i. e.,Pareto improvement direction,can be found.This model provides a more applicable tool for environmental efficiency evaluation.

    • Debt network,investor behavior and risk of contagion: Evidence from Chinese banking sector and real estate industry

      2014, 17(11):1-12.

      Abstract (270) HTML (0) PDF 205.42 K (1433) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper focuses on providing interpretations for the cause of the contagion risk among Chinese banking and real estate industries. We test the cause of the contagion risk from two perspectives: the debt net_x005fwork and investor behavior.The results indicate that debt connection is the main inducement of contagion risk,but the behavior of investors can also increase the possibility of risk,especially in the situation of severe asymmetric information between investors and companies,even no fundamental changes exist. Based on the results,a series of policies and advices are suggested in this paper to strengthen the inter industry risk of contagion management and regulate the financial market.

    • Evaluation of government’s emergency management capacity maturity

      2014, 17(11):1-12.

      Abstract (389) HTML (0) PDF 137.21 K (2705) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the ongoing investment in the emergency management construction in recent years,the hard_x005fware conditions including the infrastructure,materials and equipment and so on’for the Chinese government at all levels against various sudden disasters have been greatly developed.The focal points of emergency capacity building have been converting to up-grading the capabilities of dynamic organizing and coordination in emergency handling processes,enhancing the capabilities of early warning and prevention,hoisting the degrees of scientific and normative management,and improving the performances of emergency response. Following this new requirement,the paper applied the capacity maturity model ( CMM) to the jobs of government’s emergency management.The concept of capacity maturity of government emergency management was proposed, and a specific framework of maturity evaluation of the emergency management capacity has been established.The key processes of emergency management were recognized,the key process areas ( KPA) for each maturity level were extracted and simplified,the objectives of each key process were distinguished and the evaluating indicators interrelated system was proposed.Then the appropriate evaluation method and evaluation program were built up.Finally the maturity of Shanxi provience’s local government emergency capability was evaluated.Through the experiment,not only the comparable grades of maturity of Shanxi province has been derived,but also the weak links in emergency management process were found and the correct way of efforts for following steps were drawn up.This evaluation model could provide supports for setting up the continuous improvement method for lifting the qualitative effectiveness of dynamic organization of emergency management.

    • Analysis of optimal boundary of government subsidies for energy conservation and emission reduction

      2014, 17(11):1-10.

      Abstract (633) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper explores the choices and changes of the dependence of strategies between the government and enterprises using signal game theory.According to the above and influential factors of energy conservation and emission reduction,we establish a dynamic equation.First,we determine the sufficient condition for a_x005fchieving the state of equilibrium under the circumstance of complete success according to the benefits of differ_x005fent parties.Then,taking the separating equilibrium as the initial state,we explore the constraints to keep that condition continuously stable with the help of stochastic differential equation.Based on the theoretical model constructed,we analyze the amount of subsidies,illegal costs and loss of enthusiasm dampened and do numerical simulation to verify the validity of the model with the help of Matlab software to provide theoretical references and guidances on improving the effect of emission reduction efficiently.

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