• Volume 18,Issue 2,2015 Table of Contents
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    • Efficiency of bilateral online reputation system

      2015, 18(2):1-12+94.

      Abstract (254) HTML (0) PDF 415.11 K (2437) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper uses game theory models to study and compare the efficiency differences in sustaining truthful feedback between simultaneously-revealed and non-simultaneously-revealed lateral reputation systems.We find that the equilibrium feedback of the non-imultaneously-revealed bilateral putation system does not reflect bad trading outcome when the buyers strictly prefer to punish certain type of sellers. Strict constraints on both seller’s and buyer’s behavior are required shall non-simultaneously-revealed bilateral reputation system be able to reflect bad trading. On the other hand,truthful feedback can be sustained by simultaneously-revealed bilateral reputation system and is the only equilibrium outcome when the buyers strictly prefer to punish certain type of buyers.

    • Mode of TPL cross-docking supply hub based on system dynamics

      2015, 18(2):13-22.

      Abstract (340) HTML (0) PDF 746.07 K (1744) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Combining qualitative analysis and quantitative study on system dynamics,this paper first analyzes and defines the mode of the third party cross-docking supply hub in supply chain inventory management. Second,this paper sets up a system dynamics model in the supply chain based on the third party cross-docking supply hub mode. Finally,the simulation analysis of inventory management cases is made in order to prove that the third party cross-docking supply hub mode has a comparative advantage over decentralized VMI mode.What’s more,this paper offers optimization suggestions for the operation of this mode.

    • Decision method for two-sided matching based on incomplete ordinal number information

      2015, 18(2):23-35.

      Abstract (284) HTML (0) PDF 520.24 K (2803) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The two-sided matching problem has always been concerned by the scholars in the fields of economic management and so on. A novel decision method is proposed to solve the two-sided matching problem based on incomplete ordinal number information from the point of view of complete two-sided matching. In this paper,the two-sided matching problem is firstly described,and the concept of complete two-sided matching is introduced. Then,the existence of complete two-sided matching is investigated. Furthermore,the methods for two-sided matching in the condition that complete two-sided matching exists and doesn’t exist are presented respectively. On this basis,the algorithm for solving the two-sided matching problem based on incomplete ordinal numbers is developed. The result of complete two-sided matching can be obtained by using the algorithm.The example analysis illustrates the feasibility and validity of the proposed method.

    • Development of customer-based brand equity index and its application to industry analysis

      2015, 18(2):36-49.

      Abstract (294) HTML (0) PDF 524.65 K (3655) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper first identifies the driving factors of brand equity and then uses these factors to develop a multi-dimensional brand equity scale and a customer-based brand equity index. The brand utility perceived map is used to analyze the industry competition structure and brand competitive advantages. The results show that the brand equity consists of five dimensions in auto industry,e. g. brand authority,brand identity,brand approval,function performance and competitive charges. Brand authority,brand identity and brand approval are more important driving factors than brand equity. The analysis of the brand equity index shows that there are three competitive classes in China’s auto industry and most auto brands have no different brand positioning from the consumer perception.

    • Long-term dynamic trends in tail dependence of Chinese A,B and H Stock Markets: Empirical analysis based on multi-regime smoothing transition mixed Copula model

      2015, 18(2):50-65.

      Abstract (236) HTML (0) PDF 680.67 K (1703) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The tail dependence is closely related to the risks in financial markets. In consideration of the possibility of underestimating or overestimating the tail dependence by traditional methods,this paper develops a smoothing transition mixed Copula model combining with extreme value theory to explore the long-term trend of the tail dependence among A,B and H shares,and finds that there are different motion trends characteristics of the tail dependence in different stock markets. In addition,there is an obvious asymmetric and structural change between the left and right tail dependence,and the asymmetric degree,dependent intensity as well as the timing,location and speed of the structural change are all different from one other. Several major events such as Asia financial crisis in 1997,B shares openness to domestic investors in 2001,QFII in 2002,equity division reform in 2005,QDII reform in 2006 and subprime crisis in 2007 affect the tail dependence between the stock markets variously.

    • Nonlinear analysis on the pattern structures of connection between financial markets

      2015, 18(2):66-75.

      Abstract (229) HTML (0) PDF 354.48 K (2118) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper analyzes the connection between the money market and the capital market in a micro level sense,investigates the connection approaches and their pattern structures,and mines deeply the dynamics of interactions between the two markets through the integration of support vector machines ( SVM) into copula functions. The modified sample-weighted SVM is employed to estimate the marginal probability distribution functions of the money market price,SHIBOR,and the stock price index return of the capital market in terms of the nonlinearity and instability of financial variable time series,and the optimized copula function is then used to analyze the joint probability distributions of the two financial variables and their change scenarios under various circumstances,with the dependence structures between the two markets and the dynamics of the nonlinear connection obtained. The empirical analysis shows that the joint distribution probability of 1Y-SHIBOR and the stock price index return exhibit different structure characteristics under different directions and magnitudes when changing the two variables above,there exists asymmetries,and the stress test analysis gives similar results.

    • A comprehensive evaluation of NSFC funding programs: Based on Vague set and multi-criteria decision-making

      2015, 18(2):76-84.

      Abstract (233) HTML (0) PDF 359.01 K (1839) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents a multi-criteria decision-making method based on Vague sets to evaluate the eleven main competitive research funding programs of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).Firstly,panels of NSFC were asked to evaluate these funding programsby a questionnaire according to four criteria: assessment fairness,management normalization,scientific innovation,and social influence.Three linguistic terms,“HIGH”,“LOW”or“UNKNOWN”,are involved in the evaluation. Secondly,the linguistic evaluations associated with each funding program were translated into Vague evaluations,and the evaluation scores of each program according to each criterion were measured using anovel scoring function proposed in this paper. Finally,the normal distribution-based OWA operator was applied to aggregate the evaluation scores according to each criterion,and aggregated scores of each programwere attained. The conclusion in this paper can provide an important decision support for improving the support structure and management mode of NSFC.

    • Credit evaluation of enterprise quality based on local variable weight model

      2015, 18(2):85-94.

      Abstract (243) HTML (0) PDF 345.05 K (1155) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The local variable weight vector is studied. Firstly,the definition of the improvement to local variable weight vector is proposed; the state weight vector and local equilibrium function of this variable weight are also discussed. Secondly,it is proved that the conjugate vectors (functions) possess the corresponding properties,and then the degree of variable weight synthesis is defined. Finally,the local variable weight vector is applied to the credit evaluation model for enterprise quality,and the results show that the proposed theory is effective and reasonable.

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