• Volume 18,Issue 5,2015 Table of Contents
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    • Management issues in Big Data: The resource-based view of Big Data YANG Shan-

      2015, 18(5):1-8.

      Abstract (419) HTML (0) PDF 332.68 K (915) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There are many key issues in the management of Big Data,which is an important strategic resource.We first review some definitions of Big Data from different perspectives. Then,we point out that Big Data is an important information resource. Then,the management characteristics of Big Data resource are investigated mainly from six aspects,including complexity,decision-support,rapid growth,value scarcity,the characteristic of repeatedly mining and function diversity. Finally,the key management issues of Big Data,including the acquisition issue,processing issue,application issue,property issue,industry issue and regulatory issue,are refined and briefly analyzed.

    • Online consumer’s attachment mode in referral bonus program: An experimental study

      2015, 18(5):9-19.

      Abstract (224) HTML (0) PDF 498.08 K (743) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of online consumer’s attachment mode in referral bonus program which could expand companies’consumer resource by consumers’social relationship using so-cial networks. Based on attachment theory,the paper makes an online consumer classification,and uses experimental research methods to explore the referral behaviors of proposers and responders and the fairness of the bonus division scheme which is impacted by consumers’attachment mode. The research results reveal that the attachment avoidance negatively impacts the bid of proposers and adoption of responders; the attachment anxiety positively impacts the bid of proposers and adoption of responders. Aiming at the success of referral bonus program,companies should design the referral bonus program according to consumers’attachment modes.

    • Designing an information organization structure for fuzzy tasks in online group discussion

      2015, 18(5):20-31+56.

      Abstract (164) HTML (0) PDF 667.37 K (768) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Although fuzzy tasks are ubiquitous in the organizational context,researches focusing on informational organization structures that supports fuzzy tasks in online group discussion have been lacking. An analysis from the perspective of task-technology fit indicates that traditional linear structure or tree structure cannot well support fuzzy tasks. To well support the fuzzy tasks,in this study we propose a new lineartree structure that provides a high level of support in the perspectives of communication,process structuring,and information processing. We also design an experiment to validate if the proposed information structure will lead to increased performance for fuzzy tasks. The results indicate that for fuzzy tasks,using a groupware with lineartree structure will lead to higher decision efficiency,higher decision quality and higher satisfaction with the decision process.

    • Comparative study on measurement precision of different time-varying Copula-EVT-Esmodels

      2015, 18(5):32-45.

      Abstract (189) HTML (0) PDF 561.38 K (942) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper,combined with extreme value theory ( EVT) ,four categories of time-varying Copula models were constructed,the dynamic extreme value contingency coefficients between stock indexes were fitted and risk measurement was conducted on each portfolio. By means of backtesting analysis method,a comparative study on the precision of the risk measurement of different time-varying Copula-EVT-ES models was made.The empirical results show that in the condition of extreme market volatility,the time-varying Copula-ES model combined with EVT can effectively measure the extreme value risk at the tails of portfolios,and the risk models can get more precise measurements for short positions than long positions. The time-varying t Copula-EVT-ES model which is conducive to depicting the dependency of the fat tail extreme values of variables has a better performance in portfolio risk measurement; in high risks,time-varying SJC Copula-EVT-ES model is also worthy of special attention,especially for dual portfolios.

    • Analysis and forecasting methodology for container port: A case study of Hong Kong port

      2015, 18(5):46-56.

      Abstract (173) HTML (0) PDF 607.54 K (1013) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the basis of the system approach and port economics,an analyzing framework is constructed for port complex systems. This novel framework not only provides an effective way to recognize port systems from different perspectives,but also makes a great contribution to new methodologies for analyzing port systems in new environments with uncertainty and complexity. Secondly,based on the proposed integrated systematic analysis methodology,an integrated forecasting model based on the TEI@ I methodology is proposed for port logistics prediction. In our empirical studies,container throughout series of Hong Kong port is predicted. Empirical results reveal that TEI@ I integrated model can significantly improve the prediction performance over single models presented in this study. It implies that the proposed integrated forecasting model based on the TEI@ I methodology can be used as a feasible solution to port logistics volume prediction and analysis.

    • Supply chain coordination with risk aversion via buy-back contracts

      2015, 18(5):57-65.

      Abstract (227) HTML (0) PDF 324.03 K (799) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This article investigates supply chain coordination with promotional effort and risk aversion via buyback contracts under the CVaR decision criterion. It explores the impact of the retailer’s promotional effort and risk aversion on its optimal order quantity,and shows that an increased promotional effort or a decreased risk aversion leads to a higher order quantity. Two types of buy-back contracts improved are designed to coordinate the supply chain under two different scenarios. In one case,the buy-back contracts combined with costsharing mechanism can coordinate the supply chain with a not-too-risk-averse retailer. In the other case,however, to achieve channel coordination when the retailer is excessively risk averse,it must impose some restric-tions on the repurchase quantity and price: To buy back such a quantity that is not more than the difference between the quantity sold and the optimum order quantity,and to let the buy-back price be not less than the wholesale price. At last,it discusses the application of the two types of contracts for the sake of the supplier,and analyzes the impact of the retailer’s risk aversion on the buy-back price.

    • Influence process of social capital on innovative performance in R&D teams: Integration of the team’s psychological safety and learning behaviors

      2015, 18(5):68-78.

      Abstract (226) HTML (0) PDF 386.15 K (783) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the one hand,as the fundamental units of innovation activities in organizations,R& D teams play a key role in enhancing innovative capabilities and performance; on the other hand,there is a big challenge managers are facing in managing R&D teams effectively in order to facilitate team innovation. By integrating the team’s psychological safety and learning behaviors,this study empirically examines how R&D team’ s social capital influences the innovative performance by using a sample of 151 R&D teams with 585 team members. The results indicate that ( 1) the three dimensions of R&D team’s social capital ( i. e. ,structural,cognitive and relational capital) are positively related to the innovative performance,( 2) the team’s learning behavior partially mediates the relationship between the team’s psychological safety and the innovative performance,(3) the team’s psychological safety partially mediates the relationship between the team’s social capital and the team’s learning behavior,( 4) the relationships between the team’s structural,cognitive capital and the innovative performance are partially mediated by the team’s psychological safety and learning behavior respectively,while the relationship between the team’s relational capital and the innovative performance is fully mediated by the team’s psychological safety and learning behavior respectively.

    • Realized GAS-GARCH model and its application in Value-at-Risk forecast

      2015, 18(5):79-86.

      Abstract (303) HTML (0) PDF 379.63 K (811) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper proposed a new volatility model-Realized GAS-GARCH,and derived its Quasi-MLE estimator for the model parameters. In the light of Generalized Autoregressive Score (GAS) model[3],this paper extended Realized GARCH model[6]to fat-tail distribution with an appropriated distribution dependent impulse response function. Compared with the simple distribution modification,the current model is more robust to extreme returns. Empirical results from HuShen 300 high frequency data show that the Realized GARCH model with GAS impulse response function outperforms traditional Realized GARCH structure with fat-tail distributions.

    • Bond’s liquidity and default risk correlation premium and empirical test

      2015, 18(5):87-94.

      Abstract (366) HTML (0) PDF 342.30 K (844) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Empirical researches have showed that the liquidity and default risk are correlated in financial markets.However,traditional corporate bond pricing seldom considers this risk correlation even when the market is affected by default significantly. In this paper,we introduce both liquidity and default risk into a unified framework. Based on this expression,we extend the reduced form model by considering the correlation between liquidity and default risk. Theoretical derivation,numerical results and the empirical results based on corporate bond data in Chinese market show that there is a positive correlation between liquidity and default risk,which has a quite important effect and interaction on the spread of corporate bonds.

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