• Volume 19,Issue 10,2016 Table of Contents
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    • Modeling and simulation of ant colony’s labor division for interest allocation of social groups

      2016, 19(10):1-15.

      Abstract (1380) HTML (0) PDF 905.93 K (1907) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is key to establish a fair mechanism of interest allocation to solve the social contradictions and conflicts, which are mainly caused by the imbalances of interests between social groups. Analyzing the flexibility exhibited by ant colony’s labor division in task allocation, the paper proposes to achieve interests allocation flexibility by learning from task allocation flexibility. First, the concept of interests is defined from the perspective of allocation, and the formal description is given, where the relative deprivation is introduced to measure the fairness of interests allocation. Second, the basic ant colony’s labor division model is extended according to the characteristics of social groups’ interests, using the recovery factor to coordinate different social groups, then the ant colony’s labor division model for interest allocation is built, and its algorithm implementation process is presented. Third, simulation experiments are performed on a representative example of interests allocation, and the validity of the proposed model is verified from two aspects: The recovery and allocation flexibility. The simulation results show that the capability to realize interests plays a leading role in the interest allocation process; in the case of unfair allocation of interests, the recovery factor is effective for the recovery and shows allocation flexibility in dynamic environments. Finally, the evolutionary process of the interests-based group event is described, where the recovery is quantitatively analyzed and the evolution law of the interests-based group event in reality is expounded.

    • Modularization,industrial standard and innovation-driven development:A study based on strategic emerging industry

      2016, 19(10):16-33.

      Abstract (539) HTML (0) PDF 690.26 K (1207) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In a background of innovation-driven development, China requires efficient industrial organizations to develop the capability of independent innovation and to occupy the high-end global industrial chain. Modularized industrial organizations lead to dynamic combinations of production elements. Meanwhile, innovation emerges spontaneously, and is conducive to China’s innovation-driven development. Industrial organizational modularization is a dynamic process merging of product contracts and the elements contracts. Modularization has convergence costs at the early stages; efficient industrial standards can reduce the costs of convergence. AGMM dynamic panel data model is built to test the organizational modularization and industrial impact on strategic emerging industries’ TFP. The empirical study shows that modularization reduces current efficiency but improves efficiency in lag periods. The industrial standards for public goods have a significant positive effect on TFP; but the industrial standards for non-public goods have a negative impact on TFP. The positive impact of the modular degree on the technical efficiency is significant. There is a significant influence of 1G-3G mobile communication standards on the related industries’ TFP. Each industrial environmental factor has different impacts on TFP.

    • Dynamic pricing for perishable product considering the threat of entry and consumer behaviors

      2016, 19(10):34-47.

      Abstract (363) HTML (0) PDF 730.47 K (989) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper investigates dynamic pricing mechanisms of perishable products considering simultaneously consumer behaviors and the threat of entrant. According to dimensions of strategic behavior and loyal behavior, consumers in the market are divided into four types: strategic loyal consumers, strategic switchers, myopic loyal consumers and myopic switchers. A two period dynamic game is proposed among the incumbent firm, the potential entrant and strategic consumers. By an equilibrium analysis, the optimal pricing mechanisms of the incumbent and the entrant as well as the impacts of consumer behaviors on the equilibrium pricing strategies and revenues of the two firms are discussed. By an numerical study, the impact of the competitor’s entry on the pricing strategies and the revenue of the incumbent, and the interactive mechanism between strategic consumer behavior and store-switching behavior and the entry of the competitors are analyzed. The main results are: Firstly, the incumbent can adopt a smart dynamic pricing mechanism to hold or give up the opportunity to inter-temporary price-discrimination of strategic consumers to maximize his profit. In addition, strategic consumer behaviors may harm the performance of the incumbent but improve the performance of the entrant. Finally, the competitor’s entry does not necessarily result in negative impacts on the incumbent. In some conditions his entry may improve his performance by enlarging the market coverage effect. In a word, the incumbent should make efforts to culture his own loyal consumers through all measures such as a good CRM, and other promotion strategies, which not only help him to beat the threat of the entrant but to reduce the negative influence from the strategic consumer behaviors.

    • Decision-makings on remanufacturing considering carbon emissions based on REVD

      2016, 19(10):48-60+86.

      Abstract (340) HTML (0) PDF 881.04 K (997) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Remanufacturing decisions for dedicated part remanufacturers with limited demand distribution information (i.e., the first moment and second moment) under three carbon emission policies (carbon limitation, carbon tax and carbon trade policies) are studied in this paper. First, a basic model, which includes sales revenue, remanufacturing cost, disposal cost, inventory holding cost and shortage cost, but not carbon emission cost, is presented; Second, three different models considering carbon emission costs under three different carbon emission policies are derived; Third, these models are solved by converting them into REVD(relative expected value distribution) models, in which the optimal remanufacturing quantity which maximizes the minimum total profit is obtained by minimizing the relative regret value under the distribution set with the same first and second moment; Finally, the effects on the decisions of remanufacturing and the total profit of the carbon emission policy or the penalty degree are analyzed by an numerical example. These results can help dedicated part remanufacturers and policy makers to make reasonable decisions.

    • Fuzzy dynamic LRP for post-earthquake multimodal relief delivery

      2016, 19(10):61-72.

      Abstract (320) HTML (0) PDF 629.96 K (913) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The fuzzy dynamic location-routing problem ( LRP) for post-earthquake multimodal relief delivery was studied. A multi-period programming model for the fuzzy dynamic LRP was developed by considering the following characteristics: fuzzy demand of relief materials, time window constraints, dynamic rehabilitation of affected road networks, stochastic vehicle travel time, demand segmentation strategy employed for the node with great demand, multimodal relief delivery, and split deliveries. The goal was to minimize the total time in relief delivery. A hybrid heuristic algorithm was proposed to solve the model. Finally, the feasibility and validity of the proposed approaches were demonstrated by a numerical example.

    • Contextual dimensions of the complex organizations in China:Model and verification

      2016, 19(10):73-86.

      Abstract (325) HTML (0) PDF 679.36 K (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:On the basis of the literature analysis, the paper proposes a contextual dimensions model of complex organizations according to Chinese local situations and verifies that it has good reliability and validity by scaleanalytic techniques. The contextual dimensions model of the complex organizations include 5 dimensions (i.e., technique, environment, strategy, enterprise system and organization culture) and 20 items. The research confirms that the characteristics of Chinese complex organizations include: above average industry scale, sophisticated and advanced technology systems, highly uncertain environment, flexible multi-level strategy, learning oriented culture, and standardized teamwork system. Further, this paper contributes to the theoretical foundation for further study of complex organizations’ governance.

    • How does investor behavior affect stock market liquidity?Analysis of inves-tor sentiment,information cognition and short-sale constraints

      2016, 19(10):87-100.

      Abstract (875) HTML (0) PDF 607.03 K (1076) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Investors’ trading behavior is the premise and foundation of the stock market liquidity. With short-sale constraints, the biased information cognitive caused by investor sentiment can affect the market liquidity through behavior choices. Three important propositions about the influences on market liquidity are derived, then, combing the status quo of China’s stock market, the corresponding theoretical hypotheses are proposed. With empirical tests of these hypotheses, it is found that investor sentiment has a positive effect on the market liquidity in Chinese stock market. Consequently, a higher investor sentiment leads to stronger market liquidity. When new information comes out, the investors involved in the stock transactions are more likely to be characterized by deficient cognition. The conduct of margin trading business in the Chinese stock market further promotes the impact of investor sentiment on market liquidity, which is in contrast with the theoretical propositions and corresponding hypothesis. Finally, four policy recommendations are suggested on how to build a efficiently liquid stock market.

    • elf-service diffusion from the perspective of interpersonal relationship

      2016, 19(10):101-116+126.

      Abstract (278) HTML (0) PDF 1.01 M (892) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the application of self-services, companies can keep down costs and customers can enjoy convenient services. However, the market penetration ratio of many self-services is not high. Thus, figuring out the market diffusion law of self-services is significant to the development of self-services. A lot of researches have proved that the interpersonal relationship network has an influence on self-service diffusion. ,However, none of them analyzed the influence of individuals in communities. Therefore, on the base of the Shaikh’s mixture diffusion model, this paper analyzes the influence caused by the number of individuals in different social groups and the number of adopted individuals and builds an HOGI model and an HEGI model. This paper also takes email service and instant messenger service for examples and gives a comparative analysis of the two models by means of econometric analyses. The result shows that under community pressures, the HOGI model has a better fitting efficiency. However, taking the mutual functions between individuals into consideration, the HEGI model has a better fitting efficiency.

    • Contracting under competing supply chains with cross sales

      2016, 19(10):117-126.

      Abstract (306) HTML (0) PDF 610.51 K (924) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In a competing supply chain model consisting of two manufacturers and two retailers, each manufacturer produces a substitutable product and sells to two competing retailers, which is defined as a cross sale. There are two different contracts for the manufacturers to choose: A wholesale price contract or a revenue sharing contract. The resulting contract configuration is compared and the effect of horizontal competition on contract choice in a cross sale setting is analyzed. It is found that the contract choice depends on the competition between the manufacturers as well as competition between the retailers, with the former playing a key role. When the competition degree of the manufacturers is relatively small and the negotiation on revenue sharing rate is successful, the revenue sharing contract is more valuable. Otherwise, the manufacturer and the retail trade only under a wholesale price contract.

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