• Volume 19,Issue 2,2016 Table of Contents
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    • Evolution of interactive behavior in collaborative e-commerce

      2016, 19(2):1-12+126.

      Abstract (302) HTML (0) PDF 632.97 K (1125) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To understand the evolution of interaction between collaborative e-commerce vendor and consumers,we propose an agent-based computation model upon scale-free network based on vendor’profit model,the profit model is based on empirical result from commerce community,and program the system with NetLogo to simulate interaction between vendor and consumers. The experimental results show that better fineness are existing between experimental data and classic diffusion curves,it indicates that the experimental model can be used to simulate evolution of users’transfer behavior. If innovators or early adopters are dominant in network,online shopping can reach higher peak,and manager can get higher expectation profit while making lower management efforts,but late adopters are dominant in network,even significant efforts are made,lower online shopping lever can reach. Vendor can gain more profit by encouraging consumers to adopt several social tools,which can increase nodes of the network and change the network topology.

    • Qualitative simulation on staff counterproductive work behaviors based on stochastic catastrophe theory

      2016, 19(2):13-30.

      Abstract (384) HTML (0) PDF 1.21 M (1369) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The problem of counterproductive work behavior ( CWB) as the key factors that influence the enterprise’s performance and the organizational stability has become one of the realist questions that concern modern enterprises the most. By analyzing the mutation characteristics of staff CWB and reviewing former related studies,this article constructs a stochastic Cusp catastrophe model of staff CWB from a new perspective of stochastic catastrophe theory by considering the psychological random disturbance,and then studies the nonlinear evolutionary process of CWB. After validating the catastrophe model and estimating parameters by Cuspfit,the article translates the static and strict stochastic catastrophe model to the dynamic Semi-quantitative cusp model by introducing the qualitative simulation,and then applies to the fuzzy and uncertain prediction research of staff CWB. In the end,we use Matlab to program the simulation system and carry out the dynamic analysis for the CWB problem of a Chinese original equipment manufacturer. We also put forward the avoidance mechanism and control strategy form the aspects of the business management model,employee selection,mood management,hazard degree of control and remedial measure with the virtual experiment. The results of the experiment contribute some suggestions to the management issues of CWB.

    • Research on the power producer’s carbon abatement investment in view of multiple uncertainties

      2016, 19(2):31-41.

      Abstract (359) HTML (0) PDF 566.19 K (1249) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:After taking into account such uncertain factors as technological advance,electricity price,fuel price,carbon price,investment subsidy policies and emission reduction rate,we have constructed a real-option model for power producers’carbon abatement. Based on this model,conditions of thresholds,timing and subsidy rules for abatement investment are presented. The results indicate that: (1) the risk of carbon price fluctuation inhibits investment in mitigation projects; (2) technological progress and investment subsidies will encourage investment in abatement projects,but current carbon price and technologies cannot support grandscaled CCS investment; and (3) collaborative abatement projects may improve emission reduction rate,and thus stimulate power producers’investments.

    • Supply chain’s investment strategy of emission reducing and incentive mechanism design under asymmetric information

      2016, 19(2):42-52.

      Abstract (422) HTML (0) PDF 565.35 K (1269) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Greenhouse gas emissions have serious impacts on the natural environment. Considering emission trading and investment of emission reduction technology,models were presented for a two-stage supply chain to analyze the optimal investment decisions and incentive mechanism design under asymmetric consumer preference information. The results indicate that information sharing can be realized by an incentive mechanism,but such a mechanism can’t ensure the optimal performance of the whole system. The manufacture’s profit will be less due to the lack of accurate information about consumer preference,while the retailer with private information may gain an above-reservation profit. There is appositive correlation between the optimal percentage of emission reduction and a consumer’s low-carbon preference. Meanwhile,the government can promote investment in emission-reduction technologies and achieve its emission reduction target by controlling emission trading prices and providing technology investment subsidies.

    • Differential game model on joint carbon emission reduction and low-carbon promotion in supply chains

      2016, 19(2):53-65.

      Abstract (596) HTML (0) PDF 587.74 K (1188) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the contextoflow-carbon economics,better market performance is usually achieved through the retailer’s promotion on the manufacturer’s emission reductions,which is a common cooperation manner in practical supply chain management. Assuming that demands were affected by the emission reduction of the product and the retailer’s promotion,three Differential Game Models were established,which was also based on the fact that the emission reduction of the product is affected by the efforts of the manufacturer to reduce emissions and it possesses dynamic features in multiple cycles. It was found that under the cost-sharing contract profits can achieve Pareto improvement for the manufacturer,retailer and the supply chain system under certain conditions; when the manufacturer’s marginal revenue is large enough,the improvement in profit for the manufacturer is more significant,and they would like to use the cost-sharing contract to inspire the retailer.Some valuable information could be provided for supply chain enterprises to develop collaborative strategies and to promote low-carbon supply chain management practice. Finally,the model was analyzed through an example.

    • Quantifying the price of anarchy in reverse supply chains

      2016, 19(2):66-73.

      Abstract (303) HTML (0) PDF 322.50 K (1177) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The price of anarchy ( PoA) is introduced to quantify the efficiency of reverse supply chains that use price-only contracts. Considering the uncertainty existing in the supply of used products,the upper bounds of efficiency losses in a decentralized reverse supply chain are derived for different configurations: push or pull with two or more stages. The results show that a reverse supply chain is not just the reverse of a forward supply chain,because the uncertainty in a reverse supply chain comes mainly from the supply side,and it is necessary to take into account the out-of-stock risk due to the insufficient supply of used products. The PoA in a decentralized supply chain proves to be constant for both push and pull configurations. That is,who bears the risk has no effect on the loss of efficiency. Besides,the efficiency generally drops with the number of intermediaries in a reverse supply chain. For a reverse supply chain with fixed stages,however,the value of PoA turns out to be constant.

    • Joint strategy of advance-selling and buy-back for seasonal perishable products

      2016, 19(2):74-84.

      Abstract (477) HTML (0) PDF 516.95 K (1153) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As a result of the short sales period andshort life-cycle, the large profit of seasonal perishable products is usually accompanied by great demand uncertainty. Once missing the sales season,their low residual value will bring huge economic losses and resource waste. The advance selling strategy with a discount will encourage consumers to buy in advance. Dealers can also enhance the accuracy of market demand forecast by the amount of pre-order. While enjoying preferential prices,consumers also bear expected value losses as a result of purchasing before seeing the physical product. If the seller adopts the buy-back strategy,the consumers can benefit. The retailer’s profits could be improved by increasing the advance selling price and reducing the order quantity with reasonable buy-back costs. Considering the strategic consumers,this paper compared the joint strategy of advance selling and buy-back with the solo advance selling strategy. It established profit models and obtained the optimal advance selling prices and order quantities. It also found that when the unit order cost is high or the buy-back price is low,the joint strategy can bring the retailer more profits. Under the joint strategy,the optimal advance selling price is higher and the optimal order quantity is less. These conclusions can help retailers in making marketing strategies.

    • Bayesian modeling and optimization of multi-response robust parameter design

      2016, 19(2):85-94.

      Abstract (490) HTML (0) PDF 373.46 K (1188) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new optimization model,integrating quality loss function and posterior probability approach in the framework of Bayesian statistical modeling,is proposed to solve the problem of multi-response robust parameter design. The proposed method not only assesses the expected probability of each response which falls within its respective specification limit ( i. e. ,the reliability of optimization results) using posterior probability approach,but also measures the robustness of multivariate process with quality loss function. In addition,this paper discusses,by illustrative examples, the relationship between joint posterior probability and marginal posterior probability, the influence of different expected probability on the optimization results of the proposed approach,and how to obtain the optimum balance between quality loss and posterior probability. The results show that the proposed method can simultaneously take into consideration the robustness of multivariate process and the reliability of optimization results,and provide a relatively satisfactory optimization result from several respects ( e. g. ,robustness of multivariate process,the reliability of optimization results) to achieve robust parameter design with multiple responses.

    • Asset allocation based on mean-AS model

      2016, 19(2):95-108.

      Abstract (254) HTML (0) PDF 692.65 K (1391) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The AS index is a new risk measure put forward recently by Aumann and Serrano who are inspiredby the theory of choice under uncertainty. It has many advantages over other risk measures andattracts many scholars. In this paper,we consider an asset allocation problem with the Mean-AS model under normal distribution and general distribution assumption,respectively. In the former case,we obtain an analytical expression of portfolio frontier and thoroughly discuss the characteristics of portfolio frontier. In the latter case,we embody the AS moment estimator into the Mean-AS portfolio optimization model and implement risk estimation and portfolio optimization simultaneously. Under very mild conditions,we prove that the Mean-AS model is a convex optimization problem and an iterative algorithm can be designed to obtain its numerical solution. Monte Carlo simulation results show that the Mean-AS model and our algorithm are accurate and effective. Finally, an empirical case of stock portfolio in Chinese A-stock market is illustrated.

    • Underwriter-accountants: Collusion or cooperation

      2016, 19(2):109-126.

      Abstract (284) HTML (0) PDF 585.72 K (1058) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The intimate partner relationship between the underwriter and the auditor has always been controversial.We define the auditor who serve as a fixed partner of an underwriter as the underwriter-accountant,and use Chinese IPO firms from 18 May 2001 to the end of 2011 as our sample toinvestigate whether the underwriter-accountant is the result of cooperation or collusion. We find that the underwriter-accountants can significantly decrease the degree of earnings management of IPO firms,and that the restriction effect,reaching the maximum in about 6 times,would be strengthened with the increase in the number of cooperation. These results suggest that the underwriter-accountant represents an effective cooperation relationship based on the repeated game between the underwriter and the auditor. In this way,the transaction costs of joint production among financial intermediaries can be reduced,the earnings management of IPO firms can be restricted,and the healthy development of capital markets can be enhanced.

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