• Volume 21,Issue 11,2018 Table of Contents
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    • Network effects, emerging industries evolution and niche cultivation: An agent-based modeling simulation from electric vehicle industry

      2018, 21(11):1-17.

      Abstract (507) HTML (0) PDF 1.18 M (1249) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The limited market demand is the key factor restricting the development of electric vehicle industry, and the market cultivation becomes an important and urgent problem to be solved in the evolution of electric vehicle industry. In this paper, the characteristics of network effects are firstly analyze d in the automobile industry and its existence is tested. A decision-making model including both heterogeneous manufacturers and consumers is constructed based on an agent-based framework to simulate the basic evolutionary process of auto industry under network effects and the distribution of market demand. The different effects of charging infrastructure construction for the electric vehicle market cultivation are then discussed. The results show that there exists both direct and indirect network effects separately concerning the user's size and complementary infrastructure in the auto industry. Conventional vehicles have been dominating the market during the evolution, leaving a very limited market share to EVs. Regarding the spatial distribution, the demand of electric vehicles shows a“decentralized-concentrated”trend in the simulation. The construction of charging infrastructure stimulates consumers' purchase willingness effectively by enhancing the network effects, which is demonstrated in the stage when the distribution of EV demand is turning from disperse to centralized. Compared with the overall construction, local construction can strengthen the network effects intensively by increasing the density of charging stations in specific areas to increase the willingness of potential consumers to buy electric cars, and therefore, accelerates the expansion of EVs' market demand.

    • Consumers' attitude change in network environment:An experimental study of the interaction of information frame of OWoM

      2018, 21(11):18-34.

      Abstract (489) HTML (0) PDF 708.65 K (1177) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The issue about “Online Word-of-Mouth”has been researched from different perspectives. However, the existing research conclusions show inconformity. The paper presents two problems that are ignored by previous research. The one is the initial attitude that formed before receive OWoM information have an effect on select information exposure; the other is product sales does not equal to consumers' attitude. Our study is trying to answer how different frames of OWo M influence on attitude change instead of sales. Considering the moderating effect of initial attitude and need for cognition, this paper address a matrix of information spreading refer to various kinds of consumers, which could be a reference for information diffusion of firm.

    • Dynamic game on mergers and government merger-control with incomplete information

      2018, 21(11):35-49.

      Abstract (329) HTML (0) PDF 545.27 K (1146) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the traditional and static studies, the uncertainty caused by mergers mainly means that the participating enterprises have the information about their own production efficiency, while the external enterprises cannot recognize whether mergers will affect the efficiency of the participating enterprises. As a dynamic extension based on the traditional studies, this paper aims to explore the merger motivations, as well as the actual profit of the merged enterprises within the framework of sequential decision-making, assuming that there are leaders and followers in the market. According to the different roles of the merged enterprises, this paper compares four scenarios of mergers, demonstrating that mergers are profitable with the redistribution of the enterprises' roles, even the efficiency is reduced. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of merger-control policies, this paper theoretically discusses the timing of policy intervention and the auditing criteria of government mergercontrol. It is shown that when the government adopts“ex-ante intervention”, the consumer welfare standard is more precise and rigorous; by contrast, when the government chooses “ex post enforcement”, the social welfare standard has more advantages.

    • Estimation of multiple inputs and multiple outputs frontiers in stochastic environment

      2018, 21(11):50-60.

      Abstract (602) HTML (0) PDF 450.84 K (1201) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Traditional DEA method assumes that all inputs-outputs of observed samples are deterministic data, which restricts the practical applications of DEA. The pseudo likelihood estimation method based stochastic non-smooth envelopment of data (PLE-StoNED) in this paper extends this assumption, and can estimate frontiers in stochastic environment. The current paper proves that a frontier based on the assumptions of production possibility sets can be represented by a function with restrictions of convexity and monotonicity. Compared with the previous StoNED methods, our method can estimate the efficiencies of DMUs with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. Based on Monte Carlo experiments, the multiple inputs and multiple outputs PLE-StoNED is verified to be effective, and it can correct the bias generated by traditional methods like DEA. Finally, the new method is applied to estimate the frontier and efficiencies of commercial banks in mainland China. Our method fills up the gap of deterministic DEA method and statistical nature, which can provide decision references for decision makers who want to evaluate the productivity and efficiency for DMUs with multiple inputs and multiple outputs in stochastic environments.

    • The recent developments in international management research with China data source: An analysis based on publications in UTD-24 and FT-45 journals with data visualization

      2018, 21(11):61-75.

      Abstract (626) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (1295) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This research examines recent developments and trends in international academic research on business and management that utilizes data from China. Information collected are from papers published from 2009 to 2015 in the 24 journals used by the University of Texas at Dallas Business School Research Rank (UTD-24) and the 45 journals used by Financial Times Research Rank (FT-45) . After identifying all papers using data source from China in those journals, the paper further examines the variations of China data based publications across disciplines and journals and the dynamics of those variations over time, the patterns of research collaborations among individual researchers and research areas with publications using China data source, and the evolution and associations of research topics as represented by the keywords used in the publications with China data source. Leveraging the latest developments in data science, advanced data mining and visualization techniques are adopted to aid our analysis and illustrate our findings. Our research shed light on the global impacts of data from China on cutting-edge academic research in business and management, as well as the trends in research developments with China data source.

    • IPO dual regulations and resource allocation: Evidence from natural experiments

      2018, 21(11):76-91.

      Abstract (283) HTML (0) PDF 495.73 K (1034) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This study examines the interactive effect of two fund-raising regulation policies on resource allocation in China's new stock issuance market. The findings show that the joint effect of regulations on fund usage and the amount of fund raised is likely to lead to fund insufficiency. This will cause financial constraints, and hence under-investment. Since 2009 when regulations on the amount of fund raised were loosened, firms' financial constraints have been eased. But excessive funds might trigger over-investment. Further analysis indicates that there is an inverse U-shaped relationship between the amount of excessive fund a firm holds and its long-term performance. These conclusions can provide references for policy making and system design of the coming IPO register system.

    • Impacts of margin trading and short selling on Chinese listed firms' corporate governance

      2018, 21(11):92-111.

      Abstract (403) HTML (0) PDF 622.48 K (1488) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper examines the impacts of the pilot program of margin trading and short selling on corporate governance using the data of listed firms in China. The results show that the firms significantly increase executive pay for performance sensitivity and CEO turnover for performance sensitivity after their stocks become pilot stocks. These results suggest that margin trading and short selling can serve as external governance devices. We further confirm that becoming pilot stocks improves corporate governance through reducing information asymmetry. We also find that the positive impacts of margin trading and short selling on corporate governance are stronger for firms that are in less competitive product markets and have larger financial distress. In addition, we investigate the impacts of margin trading and short selling separately and find that both margin trading mechanism and short selling mechanism improve corporate governance. These results imply that margin trading and short selling can enhance monitoring stemming from capital market, facilitate information transparency, and thus improve corporate governance.

    • Social operations management: An emerging research field

      2018, 21(11):112-126.

      Abstract (387) HTML (0) PDF 519.07 K (1179) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the social environment characterized by increasingly developed information technologies and intelligence, social interactions and social behavior have great impacts on the whole operations management system. With the innovation of social economic activities, the impacts of social interactions and social factors attract much attention. The social operations management is becoming a increasingly hot research field. Social operations management refers to the operations management that takes social interactions and social factors into consideration. By analyzing the causes and the impacts of socialization from the perspectives of social interaction, the diversity of social values, and the development of new business models, this paper elaborates the necessity and the urgency of social operations management. After that, the main means to realize socialization are analyzed in detail. Furthermore, this paper reviews the related literature on theoretical research from the following three streams: social learning, social comparison and social effect; the application analysis includes the social businesses and the sharing economy. Finally, some future research directions are proposed according to the latest research.

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