• Volume 22,Issue 6,2019 Table of Contents
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    • Restructuring discourse of management knowledge with Chinese context

      2019, 22(6):1-14.

      Abstract (435) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (1771) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Discourse is the carrier of science and theory. Discourse system not only contains discourse content, also it gives vitality and right characterization to discourse at the institutional and platform level. No autonomous and influential discourse system, no places or opportunities for narrating or expressing scientific thoughts, theoretical perspectives or knowledge claims, just as it is impossible to breathe in vacuum.Today, in the process of management academic sinicization, the construction of an autonomous academic discourse system which is commensurate with China'great power status should be accelerated, that is the connotation of speaking good Chinese management academic innovation. Otherwise, it could make us still be repeating or fall into the trap of follower on the platform of international academic discourse.The construction of China's management academic discourse system should be based on Chinese highlevel management researches, also the self-cultivation of our scholars should be improved to achieve international front or breakthrough achievements, which is the qualification and confidence to construct our autonomous academic discourse system. During construction process, the right technique routines and operation methods should be chosen, the original research achievements which also be reflective of time should be regarded as characteristic discourse content, the platform of discourse system should be optimized, and the contribution of Chinese discourse system should be integrated into the world civilization of management academic discourse system.

    • A comment on “Restructuring discourse of management knowledge with Chinese context”

      2019, 22(6):15-17.

      Abstract (287) HTML (0) PDF 842.11 K (1783) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is of great importance to advance the management research in China with the restructuring of the academic discourse with Chinese context. To do so, one of the most challenging issues is to coordinate the national character and the universality. In the meanwhile, advancing or restructuring discourse of management knowledge is by no means of merely creating “fancy phrases”, we need to deeply understand the nature of management and the cultural difference, especially between the East and West, to derive fundamental building blocks for establishing a more inclusive knowledge system of management. It is necessary to put more efforts on the qualitative studies rooted in Chinese business practice, on the cultivation of scholarly critical thinking, and on the enhancement of liberal arts education to develop academic elites in management in China.

    • Academic discourse system establishment in management ought to follow the rules of academic development:Response to “Restructuring discourse of management knowledge with Chinese context” by Professor Sheng Zhaohan

      2019, 22(6):18-20.

      Abstract (275) HTML (0) PDF 839.38 K (1552) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Establishment of academic discourse system involves not only the development and innovation of subjects and academic researches, but also the communication and diffusion of research outputs, the establishment of academic supporting system, the improvement of academic rules and mechanism. The core of it lies with the innovation of management theory in which we should objectively evaluate its challenges and difficulties. The establishment of academic discourse system in management in China ought to follow the rules of academic development.

    • Negative affect and employee creativity:The moderating role of organizational identification and professional identification

      2019, 22(6):21-35.

      Abstract (1188) HTML (0) PDF 1.11 M (3951) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The relationship between negative affect and creativity is ambiguous in previous literature. From the perspective of the contingency, the study examined the relationship between negative affects and creativity by considering organizational identification and professional identification. The study investigated 472 employees of high-tech enterprises. The results showed that: 1) Negative affect were negatively related to employee creativity; 2) Both organizational identification and professional identification enhanced the negative effect of negative affect on employee creativity. In the negative affect, the employee with highly organization identification or professional identification was less inclined to innovate. 3) Interaction between organizational identification and professional identification played moderate role in the relationship between negative affect and creativity.Under the “double high” ( high organizational identity of higher professional identity) conditions, negative affect has a significant negative impact on employee creativity; under the two “one high and one low”conditions, the relationship between negative affect and creativity is not significant; while under the “double low”conditions, the negative affect positively impacts the employee creativity and its impact is significant. The results indicated it was reasonable to study negative affect-creativity relationship from the perspective of organizational identification and professional identification. They can improve the performance of the model, and can help to clarify the relationship between negative affect and creativity. The study provided theoretical support for enterprise innovation management practice.

    • Family aspirations attainment discrepancy and entrepreneurial exit:An empirical study in China

      2019, 22(6):36-56.

      Abstract (249) HTML (0) PDF 1.31 M (1609) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Entrepreneurial exit as a critical component of entrepreneurial process does not gain enough attention from scholars. Most prior studies only examined the factors of entrepreneurial exit from the perspective of entrepreneurs, firms, industries, or macro-environmental factors, which ignored the influence of the founding family. This paper considers the founding family as a basic unit for aspiration analysis, examines the relationship between family aspirations and entrepreneurial exit, and tests the mediating role of an entrepreneur's rent-seeking behavior. The following conclusions are obtained. First, entrepreneurs and their families of startup businesses have multiple aspirations which include family wealth, family reputation, family harmony, and continuity of family line. Second, family aspirations attainment discrepancy has significant positive effects on entrepreneurial exit. A negative attainment discrepancy of family aspirations of financial wealth, reputation, and harmony results in a higher likelihood of entrepreneurial exit. On the contrary, there is a negative effect of negative attainment discrepancy of aspiration of continuity of family line on entrepreneurial exit. In addition, an entrepreneur's rent-seeking behavior mediates the relationship between family aspirations attainment discrepancy and entrepreneurial exit. When entrepreneurs do not achieve family aspirations, they are more likely to conduct rent-seeking activities. Under this circumstance, those rent-seeking activities which involve high cost and risk increase the entrepreneur's motivations to exit.

    • Competition effect or information spillover effect of IPO on peer listed firms:A differential game model and empirical study based on dynamic product market competition

      2019, 22(6):57-72.

      Abstract (395) HTML (0) PDF 970.76 K (6694) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:From the theoretical and empirical aspects, this paper studies the influences of IPO on the equilibrium value and the differentiated product market competition of peer listed companies. Improving existing studies by introducing the information spillover effect, a differential game model is developed based on dynamic product market competition. Our model shows that the equilibrium value decreases if a firm's relative competitiveness is less than the critical value after IPO, while its equilibrium value increases if its relative competitiveness is greater than the critical value before IPO. Based on the data of the small and medium plates, GEM, and all listed A shares, the differentiated product market competition after IPO is studied by using nonlinear least squares to estimate dynamic structured model parameters. The empirical results show that firms after IPO tend to enjoy higher consumer loyalties, that the product market competition tends to be heterogeneous, and that more market shares are converted into profits, which suggests that the competition effect of IPO is dominant. Moreover, IPO poses a threat to listed companies, and forces them to adopt differentiated product competition strategies to improve their competitiveness and profitability.

    • Dynamics of contract design with moral hazards under Knightian uncertainty

      2019, 22(6):86-96.

      Abstract (478) HTML (0) PDF 1.09 M (3175) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper studies a principal-agent problem in continuous time with ambiguity, an uncertainty except probabilistic uncertainty with the known probability distribution. The effects of an agent's moral hazard on the execution and lasting of a contract are studied. Firstly, the dynamic equations of the agent's continuation value as well as the principal's expected profit are established. Then, according to the theory of stochastic optimal control and Peng's sublinear expectation theory, the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman ( HJB) equation of the principal's value function, as well as the expression of the principal's optimal payment and the agent's optimal effort level, is constructed. Finally, numerical simulations are provided to explain the effects of Knightian uncertainty on the optimal dynamic contract and the two parties' optimal strategies.

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