Abstract:A cco rding to the characterist ics of o rgan izat ion m anagem en t, th is paper tu rned the conf lict s in an o rgan izat ion in to th ree types of gam es. Then, a gam e sim u lat ion model has been bu ilt based on the asp irat ion t igh ten ing level evaluat ion. U nder the case in w h ich individual rat ionality decision ru le is sat isf ied, w e studied the cooperat ive and non2cooperat ive behavio r, and how individual rat ionality and co llect ive rat ionality in teract s in repeated gam es. The resu lt s show that the cooperat ive behavio r m ay appear in repeated gam es bu t depending on the gam e st ructu re type. Fu rthermo re, the th ree po ssib le imp rovem en t app roaches fo r the modelw ere suggested.